Ha! this immediately reminded me of summer camp when I was a kid.
This was in Louisiana where there are a lot of 'bugs'.
If you broke the camp rules you had to lay on your back and wiggle your arms and legs in the air and keep repeating-
'I'm a dying cockroach, I'm a dying cockroach, I'm a dying cockroach'.....lol
I don't have Vista, my computer can't handle it.
I hope it's better by the time I can afford a new machine.
That pretty wild about the pricing.
When XP came down on the price, everyone did I think.
But it was only $10 or $20 less as I recall.
Microsoft and the computer industry has forgotten that the middle class made them millionaires.
Now they have made Vista and it's expensive hardware unreasonable for the average computer user. The lower to middle income people.
I don't believe I'll be getting it soon, even with the money in hand.
It would be nearly a months pay to get what I would want for Vista to work it's best, which XP still out performs for my needs.
I can do what I want with what I got.
rant button off