i've got one or two small ideas for an improvement to the javascript tools that are used here in our forum (and every smf forum), for the little tool buttons available when you create/edit posts.
i'll describe one briefly and i can provide much more info later if desired.
basically there is a snippet of javascript executes when you click the bullet list button when editing a post.
right now it just adds a sample [li][/li] around your entire selected text.
i want it to add an [li][/li] around every line.
i can paste the existing code if someone wants to try it.
or if you write a function to add a string to begining and end of every CR separated line in a string, i'll take it from there and integrate it into existing javascript code. shouldnt be more than a few lines of javascript i think.
there are other things that might be nice also, like a popup dialog when clicking the url link tool button and maybe some other stuff?