Ok, so here's a modified version of jgpaiva's WinManagement AHK script (my first try at a "real" AHK script).

It doesn't need farr to work and is now a kind of FreeSnap clone... without the undo feature (sorry...) and the incremental resizing (I think that this can already be dealt with properly with Grid move anyways...)... BUT, of course, with some other features (already existing in WinManagement) : 1-Maximize vertically or horizontally, 2-Toggle On Top/Not On Top, and 3-Maximize/Restore window
Here 'a description of the hotkeys/features (these are mere suggestions : to modify the hotkeys, just modify the script) :
Snap window's borders to edge of the screen :
WinKey + Up : snap top window border to screen edge
WinKey + Down : snap bottom window border to screen edge
WinKey + Left : snap left window border to screen edge
WinKey + Right : snap right window border to screen edge
Move window to screen corners :
WinKey + Home : move window to upper left corner
WinKey + End : move window to bottom left corner
WinKey + PgUP : move window to upper right corner
WinKey + PgDn : move window to bottom right corner
Maximize vertically or horizontally :
Ctrl + WinKey + Left or Right : Maximize horizontally
Ctrl + WinKey + Up or Down : Maximize vertically
Other common window management :
Ctrl + WinKey + PgUP : Maximize/Restore window
Ctrl + WinKey + PgDn : Minimize window
Ctrl + WinKey + Home : Toggle On Top/Not On Top
Here' the compiled version + the AHK script. To run the uncompiled script, you need to have AHK installed (download it for free).
Edit : 2008 01 07 : new version to better deal with the taskbar.
Edit : 2012 03 20 : completely revamped script by Lanux. See end of thread.