When I tested textmaker a while ago (2006) it was able to convert very well -- albeit not perfectly -- my immensely complex documents full of tables, frames, drawings, etc. Sometimes, some aspects of the layout were not preserved perfectly : frames were not positioned
exactly at the same place (it could be that the new version converts better though), or something like that. At that time, I actually found that Open Office was usually much better at preserving the layout... Oh well.
Must add that I
didn't try the reverse process you describe: saving a doc in textmaker and opening it in MS Word. (Stupid, I know.)
Some of the reasons I can quickly remember concerning why I didn't buy Textmaker -- apart form the layout problems I was not ready to deal with : 1- I couldn't find how to "hide" comments the way MS Word can (and have them appear in a separate pane so that it does not mess the with pagination), 2- scrolling was not as smooth and full featured (I scroll a lot, I need multiple speeds), 3- contrarily to Zaine, I didn't find that it started as fast as MS Word, 4- I'm addicted to MS Words outlining capabilities, 5- French proofing was definitely not as sophisticated. That's all I can remember for now, but there were probably better reasons, of course
It's still an outstanding product.