(Sorry about the large number of images, but I figured I should show all the parts of the program)
Hi everyone,
Here is my N.A.N.Y. 08 submission, a large combination of many programs made by myself in order to simplify many daily tasks.
SnapSuite is a fully featured program with manu unique features.
It has a program launcher recognizing many popular programs like Opera and Thunderbird (known as AppLaunch)
It has a semi-automatic typing tool to automate long words and phrases (AutoType)
It has an Instant Message/Chat Room cleaner for times when the boss/the parents come in and the content on the window is not..."suitable" (AutoType)
It has a media control "center" that lets you control playback and volume levels (MediaControl)
It has a full callendar, notepad (known as "MultiNote") and file downloader (MultiBar)
It has a basic web browser based on the Internet Explorer engine (SmartBrowse)
SnapSuite's main feature, however, is none of these. It has a complete, automatic, and extremely simple to use computer maintenance solution. This part of the program, known as SystemCare, allows you to do 4 stages of file system cleaning, registry cleaning, system optimization, file system defragmentation, registry defragmentation, malware scans, Windows/Office updates, Apple Software updates, and updates to other programs (most of this is powered by 3rd party, freeware programs - these are tested extensively and used on all computers in my home for maximum peace-of-mind and usability). If you don't have something that SystemCare needs to help you keep your system in tip-top shape, it will automatically download AND install it for you! SystemCare also includes 2 schedulable programs for quick, automatic system maintenance while you are sleeping or otherwise away from the computer.
SnapSuite has a simple and very fast updating system, and a full "About" section listing many people (mostly here at DC) that have helped me make SnapSuite possible.
As an added bonus I also include random features now and again in updates, the newest one is the ability to show the main GUI window by single-clicking the tray icon

I do hope everyone that does download my program benefits from it, and if you do or don't feedback is
always welcome
