You want doors in your house that swoosh open as you approach, just like Star Trek. Of course you do: Tanaka site is in japanese, but I found an
older article from 2005 describing the thing in English:
The Tanaka Auto Door opens automatically when you stand in front of it. Even better, it only opens just enough to let the individual person come in.
The Auto Door consists of individual slats that slide open and closed from the side of the door. Each slat is half the width of the door; each slat has a sensor. If you stand in front of the door, the sensors determine how much of the door needs to open to allow you to enter.
Okay, so no swooshy sound effect, but I bet it makes a cool clattery sound as it operates. The first thing I'd buy after having one of these installed would be a case of tennis balls, just to... you know... anyway:
ou may be wondering what is so great about a door that opens only just enough to let a person come in or out; it minimizes the amount of heating or air conditioning let out of a building, as well as minimizing the entry of pollen or other pollutants from the outside.
Ding! Justification. I now *need* one of these to keep from wrecking the planet and dying from pollen overdose. Where's the checkbook?
Video of the thing in action