Am I the only one that expects the Print Screen Button to - er - print the screen?
When developing manuals user guides, etc, or even to maintain a log of errors, status etc in testing programs, web sites etc, it is often useful to take a series of screen prints in quick succession, and the rigmarole involved in pasting from the clipboard into a document in another application is to the say the least, a pain. Also, if you have another application open to paste into, it can appear on screen prints, getting in the way of the information you are trying to capture.
What I envisage is a utility which can be toggled on/off by a combination of say, Ctrl+Alt+PrintScreen, which redirects any subsequent output from PrintScreen (and Alt+PrintScreen) to:
(1) the default system printer
(2) a user-defined single document, holding multiple images
(3) a user-defined directory - each image saved as a separate sequentially -numbered file.
Further enhancements:
(1) option to select alternative from the printer list?
(2,3) option to add caption to each image as it is saved
(3) option to rename each file from default
(2,3) option to select image size/scale
(2) option to select save file type ( .bmp, .gif, .jpg etc.)
Hmmm, looking at my "spec" that looks like a bit more than a one-hour coding, but perhaps someone would like to have ago...