Referring to Question.
I'm quite new to stream capturing and I usually have no problems with it but this link in particular is driving me insane.
From this site: (Jeff Foxworthy's Big Entrance)
I've tried Net Transport, GetASFstream, ASF recorder and Stream Down but it just won't download.
Thanks for any help!
This seems to be a problem with the newest versions of Project URL Snooper.
I don't remember when it started, or with what version, but something seems to have changed.
It is a problem with case sensitive URL's.
If you look at the links in the link window you will see that everything is in lower case.
If you right click and Copy Selected URL(s) to Clipboard you also only copy all lower case.
mms://!/ you look at the same highlighted URL in the packet data window, you may see both lower and upper case.
If you right click and Copy to Clipboard as Ascii Text you may also copy both lower and upper case.
mms://!/ difference is that only the second URL copied from the packet data window will work because
it retains the correct case sensitive URL.
I will notify the author of Project URL Snooper and see if this can be fixed in the next version.
Note: URL's above contain a time stamp argument (auth=) and these will expire in 60-90 minutes.
You will need to get new non-expired URL's.