In order to help encourage some coders who hang out at DC to write some new freeware productivity software, we had a little coding challenge in November as part of our "Getting Organized Experiment."
The results are now online for anyone to download and use for free: challenge was:
- Write a computer program (or web service) which helps people be more productive with their time.
- Highest honors go to creativity and uniqueness.
- This must be program that was not released before Nov. 1st, 2007
We received almost a dozen fun entries, including some really interesting and useful ones. Check them out and please send a thanks to the authors if you like what they've done.
And please remember as always, if you would like to see more things like this, it's important that you show the authors you appreciate their work. Send them a thank you, send them some donation credits (just click the gold coin next to their name), etc. Sometimes just a pat on the back is all that's needed to make one feel good about their work.