That was a good list.
I know that sometimes I write just total crap. That's usually because I'm trying to get something done quickly and ignore the best way to do things. Most often those aren't for release though. I take more time when working towards a release, but I still do take shortcuts from time to time.
The way the images are done in the
Anti-Christ Hunter isn't the best way at all. I've statically added all the images instead of having a dynamic method to do it. Not the best way, but a quick and easy way. It would have been better to do it dynamically so that images can be easily added.
Often there's no "right" way to do things, just different ways. It all depends on what you need to do.
I recently corrected someone on a programming issue where they were dealing with a URL, but treated it as a string. The logic behind that is IMMENSE and very difficult. The best way to do it is to cast the URL as a URI type and then deal with it. You have MUCH LESS code then, less prone to bugs, it's more reliable, and a LOT less work. Treating it as a string is in every way inferior. So sometimes there are situations where there is a clearly superior way to do things.