Stefan mentioned SED and AWK, which are both command-line text manipulation tools. SED is the simplest, and is best used for regular expression search and replace. AWK is its own little programming language, and is a more powerful than SED, but much -dajo
Uh, I ended up feeling that SED was a bit like trying to use an early programmable calculator, and that AWK was actually easier simply because it's more like a recognisable language. Eric Pement has a good Web site for both and also for the kind of command line tools Stefan mentioned (go to his SED page and keep paging down);
Eric Pement's Web site; SED, Awk, Perl, search-and-replace utilities including useful supplementary information, help and workarounds for Minitrue / MT / MTR / Ministry of Truth under Windows 2000 / Win2K.
http://www.student.n...du/pemente/index.htmOne set of Unix utils ported to Windows and including CAT is at
http://unxutils.sourceforge.netMouser, here's the online help for the Berkley utils version of cat, more informative than the GNU equivalent;
=== begin quote ===
usage: berkcat file(s)
Concatenates the file(s) to the standard output.
If one of the files is `-', the standard input is used.
No options.
C:>cat - file1 >newfile
this is the new first line
and this is the second.
C:>mv newfile file1
This is a way to add 2 lines to the beginning of file1 without using
an editor.
To append file1 at the end of file2, type
cat file1 >> file2
=== end quote ===