Personally I'd love to have ebook reader. I have tons of books and other reading material.
The problem is.....80% of the books and such I have are PDF's and the PDF format is just not
very good for the current ebook readers. It doesn't support reflowing pages and such so it will
need to scale down. The screens on the current crop of readers the screen are just too small
in that case. There's only 1 larger one out right now (the iRex Iliad I believe) but it also has a
touchscreen and some other features I don't want which makes it way too expensive.
The next generation is supposed to get much larger screens (see the Hanlin V9 that's announced,
it looks REALLY interesting). When I can easily read my pdf books I'll get one instantly. I'm getting
way too tired of reading the books on a laptop or on the pc and there are too many of them to
buy as a paperback, I'd run out of space at home
Early 2008 should be really interesting for readers.