Now I said I was going to do something good with this, and I kept my promise...I have uncovered proof that the Anti-Christ is trying to take over the U.S. by running for President in the next election....and yes, he is a Rebublican. If you like the page, Digg it!-app103 (November 17, 2007, 12:41 AM)
Now I said I was going to do something good with this, and I kept my promise...I have uncovered proof that the Anti-Christ is trying to take over the U.S. by running for President in the next election....and yes, he is a Rebublican. If you like the page, Digg it!-app103 (November 17, 2007, 12:41 AM)I didn't know Jesus was a Presidential hopeful: Jesus Bilal Islam Allah Muhammed (1656)Wait a sec, Jesus and Allah? As well as Muhammed and Islam? What a gaudy name. -Deozaan (November 27, 2007, 03:59 PM)