What's the deal with the Bat and copying the text from the email messages? All of the line-breaks get totally screwed up. I'll copy a paragraph from one message to another (using ctrl-c, ctrl-v) and instead of pasting with the proper word-wrapping, it pastes it with all these crazy linebreaks...usually one long line, and then a line with maybe one word in it, and it ends up lookin glike this:
TAG UR IT!! This is so scary. Send this to 15 people in the next 143 mins.
you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screenin
letters. This is scary cuz it works! if you break the chain you will
problems with relationships for the next 5 years JUST COPY AND PASTE
I don't get it. that's my biggest problem with the Bat...the way it handles the formatting of paragraphs and word-wrapping issues. There always seems to be something weird about it.