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Author Topic: WinStep feature requests  (Read 5432 times)


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WinStep feature requests
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:17 PM »
I like the idea of WinStep, but there are a few requests I'd like to make:

1/ Allow for quickly showing one group (or window) after another. For example, right now, assuming I've added a window to Group1 and another window to Group2, I cannot quickly toggle between the two groups using ALT+1 and ALT+2. Once I've switched to the window in Group1 with ALT+1, there is a blackout period of 1 to 1.5 seconds before I can show the window in Group2 with ALT+2.

2/ Provide some means to identify which windows belong to which groups, and add the ability to remove a window from a group.

3/ Enable double keypress as hotkey to add a window to a group. For example, I'd like to be able to press ALT+1+1 to add a window. That is, press ALT+1, then release 1 while keeping ALT pressed, then quickly press 1 again, then release both ALT and 1. Of course, this feature would only be feasible in the absence of feature #1, since it would conflict with the ability to cycle through windows of the same group. Given a choice, I would pick feature #1 over this.

Is any of the above realistic?
