I keep waiting for the LCD picture frames to come down in price and go up in functionality, to the point where i'll want one in every room.
I'm still going to wait until we have a nice open source API that will let us display arbitrary stuff on these things and touch screen support. Then we can use them as music visualizers, remote controls, remote movie watching, etc.
But we're starting to get closer now that they are supporting wi-fi and the ability to show additional information and grab pictures from sites like flickr, etc. If you are a flickr fiend or otherwise love sharing pictures with friends, it may finally be time to invest in one of these guys.
The eStarling 2.0 Wi-Fi Photo Frame takes this concept to the next level by connecting to your local Wi-Fi network and allowing you to send photos to it via e-mail or RSS photo feed.
With full web-based access you can control exactly the photos you want on your eStarling frame at any time from anywhere in the word. E-mail photos as .jpg attachments and they appear on your frame. Choose a Flickr photo feed with the keyword "cool japanese robots" and soon your frame will be scrolling through nifty shots of highly desirable bots you will never get your hands on. New Photobucket integration allows you to add photos into rotation on your eStarling frame directly from the Photobucket website. You can of course send photos while on the go from your mobile phone, while your pets watch your exciting antics remotely on the eStarling. Hand the eStarling Photo Frame over to a non-technical relative (Who has Wi-Fi in their house of course. What... they don't? You're a geek. Set it up!) and rule with an iron-fist over exactly what photos your Grannie views.