Dev-C++ users will appreciate this one...
Don't forget to strip after compiling.
I once gave someone a file to a small program I wrote. When he asked me why the file size was so large, my reply was that I forgot to strip after compiling. He thought the statement was funny enough to add to our chatroom's quote collection.
There was a script that would spit back a random quote from the list when triggered. One day, that quote of mine popped up and
Martin thought it was hilarious.
This is the brief convo that took place immediately following his laughter...
<app> you mean you don't strip after compiling?
</\/\artin> I do the full monty just for 0 warnings!
</\/\artin> if I stripped for no C/C++ errors, then I'd put my coat on for no VB errors
Needless to say, we ended up with another quote in the collection that day.