Items exist regardless of whether they are shown in a grid or not. Grids and forms are just views of your data/notes
That, I must say... I really like.

It makes the whole data management and organization so much more flexible (although maybe a bit abstract for more visually oriented people — and so is the filtering… But I guess that will be easier to understand once the documentation is complete).
Thanks for your explanations regarding some of the "key" concepts : Grids, forms, fields...
No you are not mistaken. SN is already a massive project and the general philosophy is to complement Office, not go head on. For a customer however (CRM app), I added an interface with Outlook to import e-mail into SN along with a semi-automated e-mail reply mecanism. Statistics were updated (# of calls, emails, etc) so managers could see monthly reports of activity.
So how do you see people using SQLNotes in cunjunction with Outlook (or even
the bat !) email feature? Drag and Drop possibilities (to the calendars or todo lists)? Or more officially implement the solution you offered to the customer your refered to?... Just wondering.
[...]things are changing quickly in that area due to on-line calendar (aka Google, Airset, Zoho, etc). The SN needs to have live links to Outlook for the people at work and with web calendars for calendar sharing (you, your wife, friends, kids, etc)
So to do it right requires a detailed analysis of the pros and cons.
It's great that you're taking these uses/formats into considerations.

IMO Outlook was for way too long behind in terms of web calendar sharing.
The Gantt is actually much easier since it is more standalone (with only some dependancies on the calendar). In fact in the current version 0.9.19, there is a thin line to the right of the grid (blue in Office 2007 theme). Drag it to display the Gantt area (no bars for now and only one header level).-PPLandry
Ooooohhh. I see... Encouraging! (and I of course saw the screenshot the first time you posted it)
This is fixed in the next version. Plus I was using a split button. Neat feature but not well know, so I changed for a more conventional menu item.
Nice!! Because creating new grids is such an important thing to be able to do easily.

Thanks Pierre