I'm wondering has anyone else had similar problems
in particular with Directory Opus [8] & ExifPro or other viewers ?
If it's not your default viewer - dont try it just to see, this is the second computer I've had this problem on! *
I made ExifPro default viewer for images - it didnt work very well:
now, even though I've changed back associations all I get (still) when trying to open a jpeg image in DOpus is
an open-dialogue-box for the ExifPro installation folder
A bit more detail:
Okay, with DOpus the Opus viewer is set as default - I turned this off in
1) Preferences/DoubleClick/Files...
2) Then in Settings/Filetypes I made ExifPro my default viewer for jpegs, pngs & tiffs
It worked once or twice, I changed some settings in ExifPro to suit use more
(afraid I'm not sure *exactly* which I changed at this stage - dont know if relevant either..)
Then when I tried to open jpegs I got an open dialogue box for the ExifPro installation folder.
pngs & TIFFs continued to work - the problem seems to be mainly with jpegs
At this stage in Win Explorer things *seemed* to be okay but not sure how closely I checked...
I tried to change things back but it unfortunately it didnt work -
still got the ExifPro open-dialog box instead of file opening in DOpus viewer.
Then tried making "Windows Pic & Fax Viewer" default viewer for all images
but what happened was files would open okay but I cant move on to the next image...
Now situation is DOpus viewer is deselected (as in see (1) above),
I've made ExifPro default viewer again - it works well in Win Explorer but doesnt open jpegs in DOpus.. same ol dialog box
Just to double check,
(quickly changing associations yet again..)
with default Windows viewer associated with images,
in DOpus: jpegs dont open - get open-dialog box instead
other images will open but wont move on to next image when prompted
in Win Explorer:everything opens, but wont move on to next image when prompted
* I did have this problem on my last days with my previous computer -
it was full up harddrive, low memory, just thought it was yet another "I'm struggling - you're overworking me" symptom...