Running SSC v2.36.03 the program crashes in a special case:
1. Go to your browser or any other program and copy an image to your clipboard
2. Launch SSC and choose "Paste clipboad image/object as new object"
3. When you see the pasted image, still selected, choose "Crop to selection"
4. Choose "Flatten all objects to background"
This gives me an "Access violation at address 004AE63D in module 'ScreenshotCaptor.exe'. Read of address 00000140".
I found that this doesn't happen when you skip "Crop to selection"
Furthermore I noticed another bug when testing this: it wasn't easy to perform step #2
"Paste clipboad image/object as new object" works sometimes, sometimes (mostly) not. I got the feeling that going to the menu and choosing "Paste clipboad image/object as new object" mostly works but when you hit the correspoding keyboard shortcut (ctrl-v) the image shows for the part of a second and then disappears. But I couldn't confirm this; in the latest tests, this paste-function never worked in both variations.