I use "free" software, however, I do make donations to "free" software that I find to be useful enough to use often.
I have tried many "free" programs and later discarded them.
I have been tempted to "pirate" some programs, especially those that I have upgraded. I own every version of CorelDraw from 1 to 12 and haven't yet convinced myself to spring for X3 because they charge so much for just a few improvements, but, have so far resisted the temptation to "pirate".
I will, however, admit to "pirating" some programs before buying, just to see if they are as good as claimed. Most of these I have rejected, uninstalled and never purchased. Those that I decide are worth the money, I keep and purchase. Of course, if a good discount can be found on software that I like, I am greatly pleased.
I would estimate that I keep, continue to use and pay for or donate to about 5% of the programs that I try.
So, do I qualify as not paying for software?