Tried Qsnipps a while back. At that time, I was underwhelmed
. The
help was an FAQ (a series of Fantasy Asked Questions) online, and even that was incorrect
I know how difficult it can be to create documentation, much less keep it up to date, but there are numerous tools available at [semi-]reasonable costs to accomplish that task. There are also folk for hire who put a program through its paces and document it accordingly, many of whom charge much less than their work is worth.
The cross-platform aspect was nice
, albeit a bit buggy, or so it seemed to me at the time. However, to be fair, I didn't spend a great deal of time dealing with that aspect. Their
five (5) limit was a bit too restrictive - five (5) categories containing five (5) snippets each in the free/demo version - to really examine the inbuilt search capability
Information on adding/editing a syntax highlighter was sparse to the point of nudity - little or no coverage at all
- although that may be a failing on my part, since I've never created nor customized highlighting code. I'm unfamiliar with whatever conventions might exist.
One (1) of the features touted was the ability to create a
shell/DOS command:
~~~~~ start paste ~~~~~
Run Shell/DOS commands
Do you use the Console/DOS prompt often? Save your commands as ShellApps and run them directly from QSnipps.
~~~~~ end paste ~~~~~
However, I could not find a way to perform that particular feat of legerdemain
The drag and drop aspect worked nicely
I'll look at it again when it comes up on BDJ but, as mentioned, my first experience was underwhelming.
So far, Gary Beene's product has been the most useful, but there is considerable difference 'twixt the portable and stationary products.