How many times have you installed something and deeply regretted it, you deleted the important spreadsheet and only realised your mistake a few days later when your boss asked you for it and of course you just cleared your recycled bin and the os has also overwritten the area where it was last stored.
How you wished you could "Goback".
Well, I've been doing that for years with Goback which maintains a large history file of all activity on your PC and once the file is full, it drops off the oldest history and depending on how large this file is (goback.bin) your history can run into many days, ie you can goback several days.
I was kind of surprised that there's only one other mention of Goback in this forum at
https://www.donation...index.php?topic=84.0Some mentioned was made in that post about strain to the system.
But frankly, even when I was using it years ago, the strain if any wasn't visible and certainly not in today's speedy system.
But I can say that it certainly has save my "life" countless times, whether due to a virus, a malware when I installed something a new download or messed up some settings etc or even a dreaded BSOD.
And if you are a download junkie who likes to try new software, Goback can really keep your system clean, just like VMware, but in a different way by allowing you to Goback if you have problems.
I can say that looking at some of the posts here of people who have experienced crashes etc due to addition of a new hardware driver, software etc, Goback would have saved them endless gnashing of teeth or even a complete reinstall.
Now a proviso and a request for any ideas.
I also use defragmenters, in this case Diskeeper 9.
The only problem is that Defragmenters create lots of file activity when they are defragmenting and this kind of fills up the goback.bin and if it proceeds for too long, Goback stops recording and gives you a warning that it has "Suspended because of massive file activity"to give Goback time to catch up.
It then resumes maybe like 5 - 8 hours later (don't know why it needs so long to catch up) which can be an eternity if you happen to have installed something that messes up your system during this intervening period. The problem is that you may not even know that Goback has been suspended until you need it.
So my strategy to overcome this is to initially fully defragment the disk and then use the "Set it and forget it scheduler" in diskeeper for it to do bits and pieces of defragmenting every now and then.
So this kind of keeps Diskeeper and Goback working together happily.
Unfortunately, periodically when I'm doing a lot more work deleting and doing file maintenance, Diskeeper tend to work harder at too long a stretch creating too much activity at one go - resulting in "Goback Suspended because of massive file activity"
Ideally Diskeeper should have a setting that limits it to 10 minutes, wait say 30 minutes before it restarts.
Does anybody out there know of a defragmenter like Perfect Disk which can do this work 10 minutes, wait 30 minutes before it restarts.
I kind of read somewhere that PerfectDisk has a full commandline interface too - so I guess it can be combined with some scheduling software to achieve this Work Stop Wait functionality.
Any additional ideas will be appreciated.