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Topics - IQLover [ switch to compact view ]

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Hi, I am writing this here because I depserately hope that someone can help me with my EXTREMELY Super Annoying Mouse & Keyboard problem.

I was searching online for months for a solution but couldn't find anything, posted in some forums too, no-one was able to help so far.

I Only found one post that is indentical to my problem (in 99%) and since my English isn't the best, allow me to post here the Link to that
forum post: http://www.tomshardw...oying-freezing-mouse

Pleas read it & help me if you can; I have no mmoney for a new PC & working like this isn't fun at all :(

Only during I wrote theses few sentences my Mouse died 4-times, I am going crazy with this.

I've tried another mouse & keyboard (that I was using for years); tried different USB-Hub, then without Hub connecting them directly
to the front/rear USB ports on my PC, deleted ALL non present HW from the HW-Manager, updated all drivers - NOTHING helps

I have Win 7 Enterprise 32-bit

Thank you in advance!

What I forgot to mention: when the Mouse dies, sometimes the red led on the bottom of the mouse goes out, sometimes it doesn't.
Also the 'device disconnected' icon pops up (inkl. the typical Windows sound), sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes the mouse/keyboard comes
'back to life' immediatelly, but mostly I have to pull it from the USB-Slot and then put it back (sometiimes 2-3-4- times), then it comes back.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Income 4 Dummies
« on: July 22, 2007, 09:41 AM »
Well this is not exactly about a software but what I found the other day on the Net simlply blew me away!  :o

I'm posting it here because it is a FREE eBook I found out there. If it doesn't match DC criteria, please feel free to delete my post (Admin)!

This guy - Jon Davies - wrote A Simple "Idiot Proof" System on how to make money on the Internet, without ever

- having a website
- joining any "Programs"
- having a product
- becoming an affiliate

Since I've read the FREE eBook (YESSS! -he is giving it away 4 FREE!!!)
I'd like to recommend it to the rest of the WORLD!


I hope this kind of post does not interfere with the rules here, since it would be a pitty
if others wouldn't have the chance to get this brilliant FREE eBook.

EDIT by Josh:

Changed all links to a fully visible link which takes you to without the referral link.

In the future, if you post a referral link, dont post it behind a shorturl or url redirection service and please let others know that you are getting credit from this link so you aren't hiding anything and others dont become suspicious.

Best Music Service / Just started -
« on: May 15, 2007, 09:14 AM »
Hi folks,

I just found a great new Online-Music-listening-website. What a weird name, but you have to excuse me, english isn't my native language  8)

Anyways, this site seems 2 b cool...

" is a completely free community oriented website whose goal is to make sharing music simple. You can start listening to music
right away by searching for an artist or a song and clicking on one of the result.
If you register to, you can save the playlist you create, share them, and even allow anyone to listen in realtime to what you are
currently listening. You can also add your own music to make your creations publicly available using the easy-to-use SpoolPack.

You can share the music you're listening to right now with freinds. For example <a href="">listen here</a> to what I'm listening to in this very moment  :Thmbsup:

Greets IQL

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