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Messages - IQLover [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: NANY 2021: yaydl
« on: January 11, 2021, 07:26 AM »
It say something like it is NOT designed for 32bit system

N.A.N.Y. 2021 / Re: NANY 2021: yaydl
« on: January 11, 2021, 07:18 AM »
Won't run @ 32bit Win7  >:(

Living Room / Re: Funny Animal Videos
« on: March 25, 2020, 04:18 AM »
Dubstep cat:


Check the EventLog for anything else happening at the associated time.

There is never ever anything. Extra checked it yesterday 4times immediatelly after my mouse died,- NOthing.

Also, do a backup and try GhostBuster to remove all redundant drivers from the system, if that doesn't make a difference, then I'd probably remove the motherboard drivers and see if it works OK on the default Windows versions.

I did GB, yes, it found some redundant stuff so I deleted that. After reboot it was a bit better, meaning my mouse didn't die twice a minute, but it still died,
aprox. 3-5 times/ hour. I will deinstall the MB drivers & install the original ones from the original CD that came with the MB this weekend. If that helps I will report.

Failing that, you may have a hardware problem with the USB sockets no longer providing enough contact pressure to ensure reliable connection.  No really easy fix for this but one thing I've done is slightly squeeze the plug in my fingers.

Another idea, I have a netbook with a USB port problem where anything plugged in will appear/disappear whenever the plug/cable is moved slightly, pulling out the USB plug slightly, (1 or 2 mm), fixes it.

This has definitelly NOTHING to do with contact or movement, since it also happenes, when I am not even near my pc, as for instance it happened just today.
I was eating on my kitchen table and watching a YT-Video on my PC (Distance more than 3 meters) and during that it happened 2 times.

What I have noticed though: it happenes quite often, when I mark/copy something using the mouse...

This is the most f*cked up PC problem I ever came across.

But thank you very much for your effort to help me, I appreciate that!

Greets :Thmbsup:


My suggestion is to delete the driver for the mouse that is currently connected and reboot.  Let plug and play reinstall it.

I did that for a minimum of 20 tiems! As I wrote I tried EVERYTHING (I am NOT a PC Noob);only my English isn't good enough.
I do repair people's PCs in my spare time, but this bloody problem I never came across & NOBODY seems to ahve a cure, so I
tried to post it here, hoping that someone might have a solution.

But thanks buddy anyways. And yesss, Miles IS the KING!!!!!!!  :Thmbsup:

so I just replaced both (keyboard and mouse) and it has worked fine ever since.

Thanks SJ, but I tried that already,as I stated. I tried 2 diff. Mice & one KB, same shit :(

This Problem started SUDDENLY around the 10.-15. of Octobe last year, after the monthly MS Updates....
so I taught it has something to do with the MS-Updates, so I made a system recovery to the state before the updates
but that didn't help neither...

This sucks BIG time :(

Were the 2 different mice the same make?  Logitech perhaps?  One trick that works sometimes is to open Device Manager, right click on the device giving the problem, then click Delete.  Reboot.  Windows will say it has found new hardware and reinstall the same driver.  For some reason this seems to work about 50% of the time or better.

Nope, they were diff. manufacturer, And yes(!) I did delete them from the dev. manager, as I already wrote in my original post.
Right now, it didn' happen for more than 2 hours, before that 2x in a minute. Believe me I tried everything & googled for months
but couldn't find a solution so far :(

JUST 2 SECONDS after I wrote the above, it happened again, F.*.C.K -  I am sooooooooo pissed

so I just replaced both (keyboard and mouse) and it has worked fine ever since.

Thanks SJ, but I tried that already,as I stated. I tried 2 diff. Mice & one KB, same shit :(

This Problem started SUDDENLY around the 10.-15. of Octobe last year, after the monthly MS Updates....
so I taught it has something to do with the MS-Updates, so I made a system recovery to the state before the updates
but that didn't help neither...

This sucks BIG time :(

Hi, I am writing this here because I depserately hope that someone can help me with my EXTREMELY Super Annoying Mouse & Keyboard problem.

I was searching online for months for a solution but couldn't find anything, posted in some forums too, no-one was able to help so far.

I Only found one post that is indentical to my problem (in 99%) and since my English isn't the best, allow me to post here the Link to that
forum post: http://www.tomshardw...oying-freezing-mouse

Pleas read it & help me if you can; I have no mmoney for a new PC & working like this isn't fun at all :(

Only during I wrote theses few sentences my Mouse died 4-times, I am going crazy with this.

I've tried another mouse & keyboard (that I was using for years); tried different USB-Hub, then without Hub connecting them directly
to the front/rear USB ports on my PC, deleted ALL non present HW from the HW-Manager, updated all drivers - NOTHING helps

I have Win 7 Enterprise 32-bit

Thank you in advance!

What I forgot to mention: when the Mouse dies, sometimes the red led on the bottom of the mouse goes out, sometimes it doesn't.
Also the 'device disconnected' icon pops up (inkl. the typical Windows sound), sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes the mouse/keyboard comes
'back to life' immediatelly, but mostly I have to pull it from the USB-Slot and then put it back (sometiimes 2-3-4- times), then it comes back.

Skwire Empire / Re: Steam URL Converter
« on: March 03, 2015, 12:24 PM »
Works here for me using W7/64 Ultimate.  The account I use has administrator rights and UAC is set to "Never notify" (if that matters).

I might try that too.

Skwire Empire / Re: Steam URL Converter
« on: March 03, 2015, 12:02 PM »
Short Description Steam allows you to create shortcuts on your desktop to launch games.  However, these shortcuts are not standard Windows .LNK files.  They are .URL files and, sometimes, they don't show the proper icon for the intended game even if the .URL file contains the correct information.  This app tries to solve the issue by converting the .URL shortcut into a .LNK shortcut.  Simply drag the .URL file onto the SteamURLConverter.exe file and it will immediately create a .LNK file in the same folder as the .URL file.
Supported OSes All Windows

I have just tried it (Win7) but does work partially ONLY; it creates the Shortcut, but if I double click it,
nothing happenes (System Explorer showes me that Steam gets started) bat that is it, th egame won't start!  :(

Sorry 2 say but I do NOT like it for 3 reasons:

1) It needs Admin rights to execute (Win 7 Ultimate)
2) Does NOT find/ searches files on my removable USB Stick (exFAT).

Exactly the same behaviour as Everything that I am using (mostly) to search files.

3) Puts a file named 'MasterSeeker.UACBypass.1c30b0f01bab979f9a024ebfad9ee14f' into the C:\Windows\System32\Tasks directory!

Positive: it is lightning fast!

Could you make it work with exFAT???

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: November 01, 2011, 06:11 PM »
any idea???

Try this build, please:

Website | Installer | Portable
v1.0.6 build 41 - 2011-11-01
    ! Album art from tags didn't always update properly.  (Thanks, IQLover)

Yep  8) this is it  :Thmbsup: Works perfectly; Thank you.

2 more questions: Is it possible to rip CDs with Trout? Can you recommend any good SW to make FLAC-files from my CDs?


N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: November 01, 2011, 05:40 PM »
Thanx 4 the answerbut than it is useless 4 me because all my Cover art pics I have stored in my .MP3-Files. I do not use separate jpg-files in my Music folders...

Give this build a try:

Website | Installer | Portable
v1.0.6 build 40 - 2011-11-01
    + Added basic support for cover art in tags.  Notes:
        # Only the first image in the file will display.
        # Only JPG and PNG formats are supported.
        # Will not work on Win9x/ME.  =[

Thanx, this one works, BUT Only 'partially'; means:

I loaded 2-5 Songs (from diff. albums & artists!) into the playlist and it shows the pic of the song #1.
If I click the next button to play the next song, the Picture of the previous song is still visible instead
of the new one. I restarted the player and played that song (where previously the pic wasn't shown)
but now I can see it - any idea???

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: November 01, 2011, 01:01 AM »
1. Album Art image must be named "folder.jpg" and must be present in the same folder as the audio tracks.
2. Toaster is a small popup window that displays information about the current track at the start (and resume) of playback.

Thanx 4 the answerbut than it is useless 4 me because all my Cover art pics I have stored in my .MP3-Files. I do not use separate jpg-files in my Music folders...  :huh:

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: November 01, 2011, 12:30 AM »
Hi skwire,

I find Trout being a GREAT(small) Tool - tried it out just now -the portable version- and I have 2 questions:

1) doesn't matter what song I play - it never shows the Album Art (No Cover) - Why?
2) What is the 'Toaster'??? Is that to rip CDs with?


General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox and epub
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:29 PM »
Just found this a minute ago: & it works quite good  :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox and epub
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:16 PM »
Just installed GrabMyBooks to my FF 4-0.1 NOW I am looking for some freeware to convert ePub 2 PDF. Any Suggestions? Btw. the use of GrabMyBooks is quite intuitive as far as I can tell ... But needs a bit o playing around IMHO.

I want to recommend you about new software called LangOver.

I like it very  :Thmbsup: much BUT could you please possibly make a Portable App? :-[ If so, pls. let me know. Thanx!

Hi Mouser, trying 2 download "DeatchVideo" from Skrommel's, but all I get is File not found on this server :-(

Can U please fix it?

Thanx Art


1)-Did you pay for the software?
2)-Are ads incorporated into the software?
3)-Are offers for additional software commonly encountered?
4)-Do they use install on demand?
5)-Anybody know the WOT (or similar) rating of this site?

Thanks for any responses. :) I'm just trying to avoid an unpleasant experience like the one I had with NCH's VideoPad.

1) that is none of your concerns :-) But they even have a refund policy
2) NO
3) NO
4) I do not know what 'IOD' means; the Software installes several components (without asking you) BUT! you can uninstall them immediatelly after installation is complete without problems (in case you do not want/ need them, as it is in my case :Thmbsup:
Those are: Updater, YouTube uploader and Screen recorder - I do not need any of them so I simply uninstalled them


Hope this helped

PS: 4 me is also important that this is NOT an US-Company!

I can honestly say that I have tried at least 10-15 Video editing Software; the result is that most of them was too difficult 4 me 2 use or wasn't doing the job as I wanted. Now I am using AVS Video Editor for Months & I am very satisfied with it (I learned how to use it in about 8-10 minutes!) :Thmbsup:

There's 2 things though I do NOT like, but it still is the best solution to me so far...

1) Sound editing is NOT what it should be
2) The CPU-usage is too high during encoding

Apart of these 2 things I can really recomend it  :up:

Well I had a look @ - that is useless for me since it seems 2 B for US-users only  >:(

Does anyone please know of a service where I can upload my Music, organize it in Playlist & than embed
these playlists in any webpage (I Used & Media Master before) but they made too many changes (Deezer)
and Media Master shut down, so the become useless 4 me too.

I have a radio-blog kind of  a site where I want to embed my music,


Living Room / In Memoriam...
« on: August 21, 2009, 03:09 AM »

My Best Friend has gone forever...



So the inevitable has hapened Monday night at 1:30 am :(

See Details on Youtube...

Thank you, algasys!

My cat must have donated while i was in the other room.  :)

Well, than give him a BIG hug ! Just a side note, maybe interesting for everyone: have you noticed the Channel views (43.782) so far you are the F I R S T person who donated  :Thmbsup:
What I am trying to say is: in what kind of World do we live in  :down: ?

Thanx again, Mouser & Saffron

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