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Topics - mojomuse [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Post New Requests Here / SysTray "lost icons" recovery app ..
« on: November 05, 2006, 09:46 PM »

whilst there are a (small) number of apps out there from win98 days, that "save" the system tray (or notification area, as it's now officially called) from being over run by an increasing number of icons, i've still to find a worthy app - or basic one-off command - that simply recovers lost icons after an explorer crash.

of course, it's nice to have both in one app, e.g. PS Tray Factory, but this does far more than i'm after - and is way overpriced ..?!  :(

also, with XP now handling the auto-hide aspect of less crucial icons, it would at least just be good to have a way to "recover" icons that don't return after a crash - as they really should.

any ideas/tips or thoughts on this one guys ..?

ps no idea why i never posted this here before - d'oh!  :-[

cheers ..


main request : just wondered if you could add a delay option to this app, to prevent unwanted "switching" between transparencies when focus is only brief, e.g. right click menus etc ..?

secondary request: is it possible to somehow enable transparency of the right click menus themselves (another app called shelllenhancer seems to do this aok) ..?

also, small comment : any idea why the systray picks up the extension in the tooltip name ..?

as for the possible bug/conflict, seem to be find the active window suddenly break up (in part or the majority), allowing the desktop wallpaper to show through.  at the same time (presume related), i get a strip of black wallpaper to the left, behind where my desktop icons are.  does this sound likely to do with this app or some conflict with another ..?

[ edit ] just noticed, when i exit the app, any transparency native to other apps seems to be reset (i.e. switched off) ..?

finally, could you let me know the main reason/difference between the existence of TransOther, Ghoster and WinWarden (especially the first two, which seem very similar) ..?

cheers ..

Skrommel's Software / HideDesk requests ..
« on: November 05, 2006, 09:25 PM »

finally found your great app here - after losing trace of another piece of freeware doing the exact same thing several years ago with the same name.

a couple of "features" this app had was firstly a delay setting for how long it waited once your mouse was over the desktop before the icons were shown - and a similar setting for how long the icons would stay revealed for.

this would both prevent icons "coming and going" when the mouse was simply skirting past but also enable greater interaction with the icons once shown (e.g. if you're dragging sth to/from the desktop over the top of an open window).

anyhoo - let me know what you think or can do in this respect ..! ;)

cheers ..

Skrommel's Software / MouseAvtivate requests ..
« on: November 05, 2006, 09:20 PM »
just trying this out and wondered if you could tweak a couple of things:

- move top edge action to right edge (already have a different app using top edge and feels more natural to "oppose" left edge action in your app with right side)
- add delay options for edge actions (can only see these currently for click etc)

let me know what you think ..! ;)

cheers ..

Find And Run Robot / have i misunderstood the alias feature ..?
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:48 AM »
just want to create a search in a particular location (rather than all the folders added).  thought i may be able to do this by creating an alias with a keyword, e.g. "fave wassup" would search for "wassup" in a location specified under the "fave" alias group.  hope that makes sense ..?

so, probably got this totally wrong way up, but if there is a way to do this, please let me know ..!  :-[

ps also noticed a slight nuisance, when searching for something with a number in its name (especially any app related to "mp3" ;-).  basically, as soon as you type the number, this gets skipped and the number (e.g. "3" from "MP3Gain") instead selects that number entry (in this case, the third) found so far on the list ..?

cheers ..

Find And Run Robot / Love it, but ..
« on: July 29, 2005, 08:32 PM »
hi there,

first of all, have to say i LOVE F&RR ..!  :)  have hardly used my sluggish start menu since i came across this wee app.

only really have one gripe, namely that for some reason, F&RR has this odd tendency to pop-up when i haven't hit the break key - anyone know if i need to disabled sth in the config to stop this and/or has anyone else come across this odd behaviour ..?

would like to know i'm not alone - and love even more to find a way to bring the beast more under my command ..!  ;)

cheers ..

Pages: [1]