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A small question on the "Fast Move" feature. I have a French external keyboard, so I have to hit SHIFT + number to get the numbers (eg. pressing on the "1" key gives "&" instead).

GridMove has default setting (modifier is # - Win key). When I hit Win+SHIFT+number, it works, but this is not so nice, I just want to hit Win + number. So I try directly using the numeric keypad on the right of my keyboard (I do not have to press SHIFT for this one, pressing "1" gives "1").

But the problem I have is that Win + numeric keypad does not work (GridMove does nothing). Is this a bug?


I would like Gridmove to ignore / exclude some applications that I list. For example, I extensively use VBA with small custom UserForms, and when I move them around, they sometimes end-up being increased and moved with Gridmove, which I want to avoid in this case. So for example, I would like to specify to Gridmove not to play with VBA UserForms. In the Windows API this is referred to as lpClassName = "ThunderDFrame" in the FindWindow function.


Another question, is there a minimum value for "Set Title Size". My experience is that below 30, I cannot click in the left area of the title bar. Is this specific to my system , (I use Windows XP).

You are right, when the USB drive is not plugged-in, then SyncBackSE refuses to go to the "differences for profile" window and flashed a pop-up window "Failed to prepare destination". This is normal, because in essence, it scans the destination to make the list of files that have not been backed up yet.

Be aware that the time-consuming part of SyncBack (and any other backup utility for that purpose) is the time to write to destination. The scanning of the source and build-up of the "differences for profile" is usually quick (at least, this is my experience with a disk with 5GBs of data).

If you want to scan in real time, you can use SpaceMonger (try the latest beta: SpaceMonger v2.1.2-pre3). In the Treemap view, you can click on the "Date" header and have the latest modified files on the top of the list, which gives you a good hint for what you want to do.


I currently use SyncbackSE, but when I am travelling with my laptop I only need to backup a few files/folders a day, to USB-stick or via FTP.  But how to keep track of which files?

Since you are using SyncbackSE, you do not need any other software. It is already embedded there. Before actually implementing the backup, you get by default a confirmation window called "Differences for profile" with the list of files that will be added to the destination / modified in the destination / deleted from source. All the information that you want to know is there.

In anycase, it is better to user only one software, as you may not get exactly the same results if you use different softwares and you may be mistaken.

Here is a screenshot as an example:

Website Watcher - check websites for updates

SpaceMonger Displays files and folders as boxes, with sizes relative to space taken on disk.
Even though there are some freewares approaching SpaceMonger, SpaceMonger is still far ahead of the lot.

General Software Discussion / Re: powerful search for files program
« on: September 11, 2007, 08:47 AM »
Try the excellent SpaceMonger, try the last beta in

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: August 29, 2007, 06:45 PM »
As a browser, I mostly use Opera, and am very satisfied with it, but I would not put any browser in a top 3 program list, as browsers are ubiquitous nowadays. So here is my top 3:

1. Robomaker by Openkapow (generate RSS feeds by stripping html from web pages)

2. RSSBandit (to read those RSS feeds).  One of my favourites, although there is still room for improvement.

3. NetTransport,  excellent and robust file/stream download manager.

This top3 has been quite stable for me at least for the past 6-12 months.

In WebSite Watcher, this has been discussed extensively in the past.
Last comment was "But an optional word-by-word comparison is planned for a higher version." but the developper seems concerned with performance. To my knowledge, this still remains to be implemented. WebSite Watcher may be "one of the most respected apps in this category", it still does not perfom word-to-word comparison, unlike other software.

Anyway, the main reason that made me switch is the below-par RSS reading feature.

Concerning the legal situation of html scrapping done by Openkapow, I guess that it depends what you do with it. If you scrap protected content, publish it, and  make it widely available, without the consent of the content owner, you may run into trouble. But if you use it for your own purpose only and keep the URL generated by Openkapow for yourself, then I don't see any reason why it should not be OK.

Furthermore, you should not publish passwords inside Openkapow robots. Logins / passwords must be passed as arguments when calling the url, so accessing a password - protected database still requires to know the passwords - therefore I do not see any legal problem. This is just a tool.

You may have a look at Openkapow forums where this question should be discussed.

Although the big talk of the moment is APIs and mashups, I bet that web scrapping / html scrapping is the next big thing. This is my 1 cent!

I had used WebSite Watcher for more than a year and started to run into limitations. Especially, I do not like the fact that even if just 1 word changes, the whole paragraph gets highlighted. RSS reading features are obviously below the standard of most RSS readers out there.

So I switched to the following software:

- RSSBandit as a RSS reader (excellent!)

- Openkapow RoboMaker to extract changing data in a web page

Openkapow Robomaker generates a RSS feed of changes by monitoring a web page. It is even possible to monitor several pages at once. It is a very powerful software. The downside is that much more manual work is necessary compared to WebSite Watcher, but the result is outstanding.

Oh, by the way, those 2 software are 100% free!

UrlSnooper / Feature request: time stamp for each URL
« on: October 28, 2005, 07:51 PM »
When running URLSnooper for a while, I end up with lots of lines with URLs. It would be much helpful if you could add one column "Date/time". Sofar, I can see only columns "Index", "Link" and "Protocol".

UrlSnooper / Re: Filtering "does not contain"
« on: October 20, 2005, 08:39 PM »
I am happy about your answer! Do you release Beta versions, or do I have to wait until the next major official release?

When can I expect such a function to be implemented?

UrlSnooper / Filtering "does not contain"
« on: October 19, 2005, 05:17 PM »
I would like use the filter function to function out addresses with certain text. Example, I want URL snooper not to show pages with the word "advertisement".

But it seems that the filtering function can filter only positively (addresses containing text1...)

How to filter out? Something like "text 1 not advertisement" in the filter field?

If this is not possible today, could it be added in the next version?

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