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UrlSnooper / Detection works but link is obsolete
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:32 AM »
URLsnooper works correctly, but the link to the video file is obsolete, meaning that I cannot download it with file downloaders. The page with the video is: http://videos.latrib...eo/iLyROoafIff_.html  (video length 06:44)

URLsnooper detects this URL:

However, this URL gives an error when trying to download. Does it mean that kewego has a key generation system that is unique and cannot be re-used? In this case, detecting an URL makes no sense because it cannot be reused for downloading purposes. Workaround anyone?

UrlSnooper / URL snooper and proxy . proxies
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:09 AM »
This has already been asked in the forum in the past but never aswered.

I am using URL snooper but I must enter a proxy to access the Internet.
All other applications (web browsers, file editors) have a setting to specify how to connect to the Internet, where to enter proxy details.
However, no such settings inside URL snooper.

URL snooper cannot sniff anything, because it does not know it is behind a proxy.

Is there a way to make URL snooper work? Will it ever support proxies?

Skrommel's Software / Ghoster hides video
« on: February 27, 2009, 02:36 AM »
I try to use Ghoster to concentrate on my video. I play the video with smplayer, not in full screen but in a normal window.

Test1:  :(
- launch ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer
 Result: everything is dimmed around the smplayer window (nice!), the video starts playing BUT the video screen inside the window remains black.

Test2:  :)
- close ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer. The video plays normally.
- launch Ghoster: the whole PC main screen is dimmed, the video inside smplayer window is black (not just dimmed, but totally black)
- click on the smplayer window. It gets the focus, by miracle the video appears again. Everything around is dimmed. Exactly what I want.

Conclusion: test 2 succeeds to get the result, but requires many manipulations. Could you make it work for the normal operation (test1)?

By the way, Jedi concentrate does not have this problem, so I have a solution, but I am sure that you can fix this.

UrlSnooper / No admin rights - cannot install - Any alternatives ?
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:50 AM »
I want to see URLs, but I am on a machine in a public library. It runs Windows XP and I do not have admin rights. I could not find a way around to install URL snooper.

Is there any alternative that does not require to install any app? Ideally, a web site that detects all URLs running in the other tabs of the navigator (I doubt that exists due to web security...).

Do you know of any other alternative ? How about running URL snooper as a portable app on a USB key? Has URL snooper been designed to run as a portable app, or does it require to install stuff on the machine?

I will summarize my request made in the Gridmove thread, just to make it easier for you to manage feature requests.

I would like to improve fast move by using arrow keys. If the current window is in zone2,then:

- Modifier + "->" key:           moves it to zone3
- Modifier + "<-" key:           moves it to zone 1
- Modifier + page-up key:      moves it to last zone
- Modifier + page-down key: moves it to zone1

Ideally, you could move the window around physically (eg if zone8 is above zone2, then Modifier + up key moves window from zone2 to zone8). But I understand that this is difficult and could be done in a 2nd step.

To achieve this, you will have to detect the position of the active window. To do that, may I suggest this simple algorithm:

  • Get the size of the active window (Top, Right, Bottom, Left)
  • Loop through all zones defined in the grid (start with zone1)
  •    If (Top == GridTop) and (Right == GridRight) and (Bottom == GridBottom) and (Left == GridLeft) then ZONE_FOUND ! ! ! get out of the loop
  •   else, go to next zone in the grid
  • Return to  beginning of loop

If you have trouble with getting the size of the active window, you may try the Windows API GetWindowRect function.

I had used WebSite Watcher for more than a year and started to run into limitations. Especially, I do not like the fact that even if just 1 word changes, the whole paragraph gets highlighted. RSS reading features are obviously below the standard of most RSS readers out there.

So I switched to the following software:

- RSSBandit as a RSS reader (excellent!)

- Openkapow RoboMaker to extract changing data in a web page

Openkapow Robomaker generates a RSS feed of changes by monitoring a web page. It is even possible to monitor several pages at once. It is a very powerful software. The downside is that much more manual work is necessary compared to WebSite Watcher, but the result is outstanding.

Oh, by the way, those 2 software are 100% free!

UrlSnooper / Feature request: time stamp for each URL
« on: October 28, 2005, 07:51 PM »
When running URLSnooper for a while, I end up with lots of lines with URLs. It would be much helpful if you could add one column "Date/time". Sofar, I can see only columns "Index", "Link" and "Protocol".

UrlSnooper / Filtering "does not contain"
« on: October 19, 2005, 05:17 PM »
I would like use the filter function to function out addresses with certain text. Example, I want URL snooper not to show pages with the word "advertisement".

But it seems that the filtering function can filter only positively (addresses containing text1...)

How to filter out? Something like "text 1 not advertisement" in the filter field?

If this is not possible today, could it be added in the next version?

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