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On a shared hosting account.

I had the same requirements. First tried SugarCRM, but found too many bugs. Then switched to vtiger. vtiger uses the same engine as SugarCRM, but its interface and features are much easier to get used to.

I am extremely pleased with vtiger. vtiger is 100% open source and free (as in free beer), all you need is a server running Linux or Windows with a recent php and mysql version installed. Just dump the files to your server, follow the instructions and get full web access.

You can access their live demo here (admin/admin).

Do you refer to this?

In this case, you open a file (text file for example) with a special software which has line highlighting capabilities. I think that this thread is more about a desktop productivity tool that draws a bar above any window (a web browser, a mail client, whatever). What I am saying is that by analyzing pixels in the vicinity of the bar, it should be fairly easy to auto-detect lines. Of course, the bar should be above a window with text in it.

The problem of all these software is that the ruler follows the mouse. Much more useful would be that the ruler automatically detects the next line to read and jumps there when the user hits a key. This should be fairly easy to program by looking at the few pixels below the current line. Now that would be very useful.

A challenge would be to stay on the same line even when scrolling down the current page (or hitting page down). By the way, this is the thing that I find most challenging: after hitting page-down, find where was the last line I was reading before pressing the page down. A software automating this would be a great productivity tool.

I am sure that there are many excellent programmers here that would be willing to take up the challenge...

Living Room / Google has lots to learn from reMail
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:59 AM »
Google has a lot to learn from reMail. As those of you using gmail know, as strange as it may sound, gmail email search does not even support wildcards. So you cannot search your emails for donationco* as you would in Google web search. You have to type "DonationCoder" full text. This blows my mind. Google, the king of search, does not even allow wildcard searches in its emails... Amazing, isn't it?

So, instead of killing reMail, they should integrate it in gmail.

UrlSnooper / Detection works but link is obsolete
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:32 AM »
URLsnooper works correctly, but the link to the video file is obsolete, meaning that I cannot download it with file downloaders. The page with the video is: http://videos.latrib...eo/iLyROoafIff_.html  (video length 06:44)

URLsnooper detects this URL:

However, this URL gives an error when trying to download. Does it mean that kewego has a key generation system that is unique and cannot be re-used? In this case, detecting an URL makes no sense because it cannot be reused for downloading purposes. Workaround anyone?

Same question here, though not specifically for Vista or Windows 7, XP will do. Are there any freeware or Open Source alternative doing the same job as InkSaver? The site is down. I managed to download from an other source, but the software won't even install.

This page  http://www.geckoandf...ges-and-toner-usage/
introduces AP FIll and EcoPrint2, but neither is free.

I found a free software in Japanese
but it does not work properly on my Windows XP.

Does any one know some free software doing this? Or is it that printer company lobbies are so strong that no such free software can be found?

[Edit] I finally found a working version of inksaver:

Still a freeware / open source version of this would be great.

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:56 AM »
Thanks for the clarification, easy to understand, thanks.

So that means that once I manage to install the software (which is not yet the case because I get an error) and turn "portable mode" on, then I can transfer the program folder to a USB memory and run it from there?

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:19 AM »
No, it's a configuration setting within Circle Dock.


So does the initial install of Circle Dock work exactly like the install of any portable software? That translated to no writing / reading to the registry, no writing to C:\Documents and Settings\

If the install is like this, then I do not understand why there is a switch to make it portable? What does this switch do exactly?

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 11, 2009, 12:16 AM »
I do not want to change any setting because my other installed software work properly with the current settings. Please improve your software so that it works on any Windows XP and Vista and ... what ever the locale settings. This is the 1st time that I encounter a case where locale settings must be changed so as to install a software.

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:30 PM »
Yes, I use a Japanese Windows XP. So what? Isn't it supposed to work whatever the version of XP? This is the 1st time I hear something like this.

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 10, 2009, 11:51 AM »
Yes it is: there's a setting to enable that mode.
What do you mean 'a setting to enable portable mode' ? Is that a setting during the installation wizard like chosing between portable install or regular install?

Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock v1.00 Beta 1
« on: December 10, 2009, 11:50 AM »
Refuses to install on XP: I get the following errors when trying to install on windows XP:

Circle Dock / Is Circle Dock portable?
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:46 AM »
Is this a portable software? I have no intention of using a software that is not portable.

UrlSnooper / URL snooper and proxy . proxies
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:09 AM »
This has already been asked in the forum in the past but never aswered.

I am using URL snooper but I must enter a proxy to access the Internet.
All other applications (web browsers, file editors) have a setting to specify how to connect to the Internet, where to enter proxy details.
However, no such settings inside URL snooper.

URL snooper cannot sniff anything, because it does not know it is behind a proxy.

Is there a way to make URL snooper work? Will it ever support proxies?

Skrommel's Software / Re: Ghoster hides video
« on: March 31, 2009, 10:23 AM »
No idea why there is this problem?

By the way, it is easy to reproduce, you just need to download the player here.

Skrommel's Software / Ghoster hides video
« on: February 27, 2009, 02:36 AM »
I try to use Ghoster to concentrate on my video. I play the video with smplayer, not in full screen but in a normal window.

Test1:  :(
- launch ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer
 Result: everything is dimmed around the smplayer window (nice!), the video starts playing BUT the video screen inside the window remains black.

Test2:  :)
- close ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer. The video plays normally.
- launch Ghoster: the whole PC main screen is dimmed, the video inside smplayer window is black (not just dimmed, but totally black)
- click on the smplayer window. It gets the focus, by miracle the video appears again. Everything around is dimmed. Exactly what I want.

Conclusion: test 2 succeeds to get the result, but requires many manipulations. Could you make it work for the normal operation (test1)?

By the way, Jedi concentrate does not have this problem, so I have a solution, but I am sure that you can fix this.

UrlSnooper / No admin rights - cannot install - Any alternatives ?
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:50 AM »
I want to see URLs, but I am on a machine in a public library. It runs Windows XP and I do not have admin rights. I could not find a way around to install URL snooper.

Is there any alternative that does not require to install any app? Ideally, a web site that detects all URLs running in the other tabs of the navigator (I doubt that exists due to web security...).

Do you know of any other alternative ? How about running URL snooper as a portable app on a USB key? Has URL snooper been designed to run as a portable app, or does it require to install stuff on the machine?

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: To Do Tree
« on: December 09, 2008, 03:49 PM »
you could add a link to a Note from each node, but what if the Note is moved? What should the program do then?
It should be up to the user to be aware that if he moves notes around, then they may not be seen in to do tree anymore.
But to help the user, this is where environment variables come in handy, as explained in my initial post.

If nodes are always created as child nodes of the node they're dropped on, what happens if you just want to reorder your top level nodes? I'm currently working on sorting out the reordering of items, so I'm certainly interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
I am not going to define specs from scratch for this. For me the absolute reference for moving nodes in a tree is feedreader. feedreader is a rss reader. The left pane lists subscribed feeds in their category. A feed can be moved from one category to an other by drag and drop. You can also drop an item between two others, then a line appears between the two items and you can drop the item very precisely between the two.
You may try it out for yourself. feedreader comes by default with pre-loaded feeds and categories, so you can try this very easily.

If you wish to discuss slightly different specs, I am open, let me know.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Drag & Drop a node
« on: December 08, 2008, 07:44 AM »
I see, so you can't combine the two? It looked fairly simple to me (add a link to a note from each Note). But I am not a programmer, so I can't tell for sure...

One more improvement I may ask: when drag and dropping a node to an other node, can you make it become a subnode?


Drag and dropping C into A would lead to:

I thought that this is the default behaviour of a tree view, but it does not seem to work like that in To Do Tree.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: To Do Tree
« on: December 04, 2008, 08:23 AM »

Talking about keyboard shortcuts, please add CTRL+Z "Undo".

When you say "Thanks for the info on support for disk labels etc... that'll be useful;", do you mean that you accept to attach a note to each node in the To Do Tree as I suggest you?

DC Member Programs and Projects / Collapse / Expand all notes
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:49 AM »
A button to collapse/expand all notes would come in handy as well.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Enter and Delete keys
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:41 AM »
Could you also speed up the creation of sub items? For example:

- pressing the Enter key on a newly created Item would add its first sub-Item.

- pressing the Enter key on the last sub-item would add a new sub-item at the bottom.

- pressing the Delete key on a sub-item or an item would delete it.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Re: To Do Tree
« on: December 03, 2008, 03:32 AM »
One more request, could you add an import/export function to Excel? Depth1 to dos would go to the first column, depth2 to dos go to the 2nd column, etc.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Attach Notes to To Do Tree nodes
« on: December 03, 2008, 02:58 AM »
I like both pieces of software Note and To Do Tree.  Could you combine the two: add the possibility to attach a Note to a node in the tree. Double clicking on the node would open the note.

If you are going to implement that, may I have a special request. As I use all my software as portable and my data on a USB external storage disk, could you make it possible to point to a Note with a "variable" path:

- support for Windows Environment Variables
Example: %windir%\Note1.note
would open the note C:\Windows\Note1.note

- support for disk labels (the idea comes from SyncBackSE: http://www.2brightsp...on=kb&article=11)
Example: %LABEL=Disk1%\Dir1\Note2.note
would open G:\Dir1\Note2.note
where the disk with label "Disk1" is given the drive letter G: This is extremely useful, because depending on the PC where I plug in my external drive (containing the Note data), it may de referred to as F:\ on one PC and G:\ on the other (F:\ may already be allocated to another drive). Referring to the drive with its label makes this robust.

I hope that this is a small change / improvement for you and will help you cross-promote both software.

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