« on: January 09, 2011, 10:32 PM »
Hey, I just saw your software on the NANY list. I have been looking for this exactly tool for a while. I got a Phone numbers list on Excel and I was trying to find for a tool that would let me filter the records and instantly find a number, kinda like the application "Everything" (check it out if you haven't, really useful), in which you just open the window and start typing the name of file you are looking for and it shows the result instantly.
Can I have a small request? Can you add an option to automatically place the cursor on the filter, with the filter option enabled and if possible with certain column already selected? This would prove useful if you just want to open the application and inmediatly start typing what you are looking for. Or maybe you can add a "ALL COLUMNS" in the column selection so you can search for a specific text in any column, and have it selected by default.
Thank you for this useful application. Good luck in the NANY event.