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It seems to me that the needed pieces are known and mostly coded already, except for 'create rectangle and react to it'. I wonder does this qualify as a snack or would it require a lot of coding? It all seems very straightforward. While I've never coded in this language and don't even know where to start, it looks like some of you could almost just drop in some blocks of existing code and be done with it.

Here's how it might be implemented:

Since a suspended process is unresponsive to anything else but the resume command, create a hidden rectangle over each paused process window that reacts to mouse entering it and issuing a resume. When the mouse leaves it, suspend again.

Please, could you at least tell me can this be done?

To focus CPU I currently use Actual Booster for setting the active process priority high, while (almost) every process is set to low by default, increasing system responsiveness in some cases tremendously.

Applies also to:

IDEA: VirtualBox/VMware auto-pause/resume when mouse leaves/enters window

Headings should remain at visible size when zoomed out. The idea is to get an overview of a document by zooming out, click the spot and drop back in, but the headings become too small to be of any use in navigating. My kludge is to make them big, like 50 pt, so they're visible when zoomed out, but when you zoom back in, humongousity ensues.

This is a general zooming interface idea: the things you navigate by should remain visible when zoomed out.

"CryoPID allows you to capture the state of a running process in Linux and save it to a file. This file can then be used to resume the process later on, either after a reboot or even on another machine."

All your apps' state cryopreserved for posterity.

I've suggested suspend/resume ability of inactive apps, but saving to disk is of course the ultimate solution.
IDEA: Send key or run app/function when window gets/loses focus or is hovered on
IDEA: VirtualBox/VMware auto-pause/resume when mouse leaves/enters window

I'm using multiple virtual machines as "wrappers" for apps whose state I want to retain, saving and resuming their state upon shutdown and restart. It's ok but there's overhead. I wish to liberate my state-saving apps from their VM prisons.

Taskbar Shuffle
When multiple instances are grouped (adjustable threshold for grouping), right click, close.

The problem: You have a bunch of misspelled files and folders with no caps, extra words and characters, etc. But you also have many (usually the majority) correctly spelled versions of those names. You want everything to be spelled in the same, correct way.
Solution 1: You do it all by hand, making no use of those GHzs.
Solution 2: You're a coder and let code fix it.

1 List all files and folders. (Perhaps using some existing database like Locate32 or Everything.)
2 Find items in the list that appear multiple times.
3 Do a fuzzy match to items in step 2 with something like
4 Rename items found in step 3 to item names in step 2, or if the correct match is uncertain, i.e. if there's no clear majority of one spelling style, let the user select. Optionally let the user also confirm each renaming.

It should probably clean up the names before doing matching by removing certain known-to-be-extraneous words and characters.
A log and undo.

While you're at it, you could optionally gather every folder that has multiple matching words (sequential or appearing at any location) in its name into the folder that already has the greatest number of such folders.

Option: select folders and trees to include.

I need to automatically close only certain kinds of windows like Explorer and Everything (search) after they've been inactive for n seconds. I don't need help with closing any other tasks.
Option: Learn to exclude windows with a title that has stayed open for n seconds more than n times, i.e., stop auto-closing popular windows.

Also posted to JustCloseSomeTasks https://www.donation....msg199584#msg199584
Is that against the rules?

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: JustCloseSomeTasks 1.21
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:29 PM »
I need to automatically close only certain kinds of windows like Explorer and Everything (search) after they've been inactive for n seconds. I don't need help with closing any other tasks.
Option: Learn to exclude windows with a title that has stayed open for n seconds more than n times, i.e., stop auto-closing popular windows.

I switch between userContent.css files that force the fonts and colors to be the same on every page.

There are names like

userContent Normal.css
userContent Large.css
userContent Normal Color.css
userContent Large Color.css

In the Color files, the font colors aren't forced, that's the only difference.
The chosen file would be copied overwriting userContent.css and 'in use' would be appended to its file name.
When switching to and from the Color files, it should also send keys to switch the option Tools->Options->Colors->Allow pages to choose their own colors.
Then it restarts Firefox (there's a menu entry for that available as an add-on).
Additionally I'd like it to run DimScreen when colors are switched on and close it when switching back to no colors.

A hotkey, e.g. Win+Ctrl+1, 2, 3, 4, and shortcuts (.lnk) to switch to any file in the 'chrome' folder, but it'd be ok with just the 4 choices as above.

Idea from Microsoft Office 2007's fade-in floating formatting toolbar.
Inspired by DimScreen; I'd like it to be interactive and apply just to graphics, or more to graphics and less to text areas.

Blocks out or dims all non-text graphics. If you need to see it, move the cursor near or over it and it fades in. Useful mainly in a browser for blocking out or dimming all images by default, but why not the whole OS?

Fade distance curve.
Blocking transparency %.
Restore to % transparency.
Color is user selected or some system color.
Keep unblocked graphics visible permanently or n seconds after mouse no longer over or moving near.
Redisplay limit n times so you don't see them more than a few times while the cursor is passing over.
Modifier-click for permanent display on/off.

There's a program UnderCover that removes the UI controls. Modifying it to be interactive with cursor position would be a start.

Should just wait and consume no CPU.

If you can make an icon or a colored or transparent area that runs a program when clicked, that'd be nice to have too for the occasions when pressing or remembering a hot key is just too much work. A single pixel in a corner would be nice.


-Action just by having the cursor enter/leave the window or clicking
-Send key combo
-Run a cmd line app with the window's name, path\exe, or PID as a parameter
-Suspend process
-Resume process
-Change window size and state (max/min just vertically or horizontally)
-Action delay by ms (so that you could leave the window for a while without triggering)
-Configure actions per window name, exe, or PID
-Exclusion list so that not all windows (vital system processes, like Explorer, Taskmgr) are affected


Save CPU: Suspend almost every process except the window with focus.
This would be accomplished by suspending/resuming the process or sending a pause/resume key combo to a virtual machine when it loses/gets focus.

Screen filled with auto-resizing windows: Resize/maximize window when it's clicked/hovered on, and when it loses focus it's resized back/minimized.

What to call it? The Windowator, or the Windowizer?

I don't really know what I'm doing, and there are problems, but this is semi-usable. I just added the lines here and tweaked the titlebar activation area. The taskbar, desktop, and menus should be excluded and the logic of the auto-hide could be better. It should work as you expect it to; when you go near the top the titlebar should pop up but the window shouldn't move.

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. /*
  2. Author:  Jody Holmes (Skwire)
  3. Date:    2009-08-23
  4. Contact:
  7. v0.0.0.3 - 2009-09-29
  8.     + Added optional showing/hiding of titlebar min/max/close buttons.
  10. v0.0.0.2 - 2009-08-28
  11.     * Hook now fires on two additional messages.
  12.         HSHELL_REDRAW
  15. v0.0.0.1 - 2009-08-23
  16.     + Initial build.
  18. */
  20. #NoTrayIcon
  21. #Persistent
  22. #NoEnv
  23. #SingleInstance, Force
  24. SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
  25. DetectHiddenWindows, Off
  26. OnExit, Cleanup
  27. SysGet, TBarHeight, 4
  29. Menu, Tray, NoStandard
  30. Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Cleanup
  32. Gui +LastFound
  33. hWnd := WinExist()
  35. ; Hook the shell.
  36. ;
  37. DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt, hWnd )
  38. MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str, "SHELLHOOK" )
  39. OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )
  41. ; Create a blank cursor for use instead of a blank icon file.
  42. ;
  43. VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ), VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )
  44. hIcon := DllCall( "CreateCursor", Uint, 0, Int, 0, Int, 0, Int, 32, Int, 32, Uint, &AndMask, Uint, &XorMask )
  46. ; Initial loop to blank out existing windows.
  47. WinGet, s, List
  48. Loop, % s
  49. {
  50.     s := s%A_Index%
  51.     ;SendMessage, 0x80, 0, hIcon, , % "ahk_id " . s
  52. }
  54. ; MsgBox, 36, TBarIconBlanker, Would you like to enable the min/max/close buttons tweak as well?
  55. ; IfMsgBox, Yes
  56. ; {
  57. ;     MinMaxCloseOption := 1
  58. ;     SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100
  59. ; }
  60. MinMaxCloseOption := 1
  61. SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100
  63. Return ; End of auto-execute section.
  66. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. ; Subroutines ------------------------------------------------------------
  68. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. Cleanup:
  71. {
  72.     If ( MinMaxCloseOption = 1 ) ; Restore titlebar buttons on close.
  73.     {
  74.         WinGet, s, List
  75.         Loop, % s
  76.         {
  77.             s := s%A_Index%
  78.             WinSet, Style, +0x80000, % "ahk_id " . s ; Restore min/max/close buttons.
  79.         }
  80.     }
  81.     ExitApp
  82. }
  85. WatchCursor:
  86. {
  87.     MouseGetPos, , yPos, CurrID,
  88.     If ( yPos >= -36 and yPos < 86 )
  90.     {
  91.         WinSet, Style, +0x80000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; Restore min/max/close buttons.
  92.         SendMessage, 0x80, 0, hIcon, , % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; Blank out titlebar and taskbar icons.
  93.         WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; titlebar
  94.         WinSet, Style, +0x40000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; borders
  95.     }
  96.     Else
  97.     {
  98.         WinSet, Style, -0x80000, % "ahk_id " . PrevID ; Get rid of min/max/close buttons.
  99.         WinSet, Style, -0x80000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; Get rid of min/max/close buttons.
  100.         SendMessage, 0x80, 0, hIcon, , % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; Blank out titlebar and taskbar icons.
  101.         WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " . PrevID ; titlebar
  102.         WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; titlebar
  103.         WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % "ahk_id " . PrevID ; borders
  104.         WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % "ahk_id " . CurrID ; borders
  105.     }
  106. }
  109. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. ; Functions --------------------------------------------------------------
  111. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. ; Shell hook to blank out windows that are subsequently created.
  114. ShellMessage( wParam, lParam )
  115. {
  116.     Global hIcon, MinMaxCloseOption, PrevID
  117.     If wParam in 1,6,32772
  118.     {
  119.         SendMessage, 0x80, 0, hIcon, , % "ahk_id " . lParam ; Blank out titlebar and taskbar icons.
  120.         If ( MinMaxCloseOption = 1 )
  121.         {
  122.             WinSet, Style, -0x80000, % "ahk_id " . lParam ; Get rid of min/max/close buttons.
  123.         }
  124.     }
  125.     PrevID := lParam
  126. }

Thanks. I pasted the titlebar hiding line into the other app, and instead of just hiding the buttons, now the whole titlebar vanishes, which is fine, but it screws up the taskbar and desktop when near their top so they should be excluded (you can actually see the caption of the desktop 'Program Manager').

The border removal needs code that restores them when you're near them. And it doesn't always achieve the visual goal completely because it leaves vertical and horizontal lines e.g. in Explorer and Notepad. It would need to remove a few more pixels inside, 2 more to be precise. The solid color rectangle would be a solution, which of course requires using a solid desktop color to give the correct visual impression, but that's how I'm willing to operate.

To take a step toward the clean, minimalist look you see in the Microsoft 2019 video, hide window borders when not hovering the cursor over them (or near them, user adjustable option). Either by making them transparent, or if that's not possible, overlay with some user-selectable solid color (usually the desktop background color), like in this mockup:

When hovering over or near the border, the color would be removed but could also be changed to transparent and tinted so that the borders "glow" or simply changed to some other solid color (width and position adjustable - if not using the border width system variable - so you could cover only parts of the border, for example leaving the outermost or innermost line visible). If you can actually remove them so that the windows would tile seamlessly, that would be an option, but just hiding them would be fine.

It certainly can be done as seen in this tiling window manager:

This http://www.autohotke.../commands/WinSet.htm would seem to do the job (though I'm not sure) and has even rounded corners which would be a bonus (user option, adjustable roundness).

https://www.donation....msg179289#msg179289 lets you blank out the window titlebar (and taskbar) icons and buttons when not hovering over the titlebar. It seems you'd only have to change a bit of code there to get this app done.

That app is needed for getting that ultra-minimalistic look. Perhaps it and this one could be combined.

The app could, optionally, also hide the window titlebar, and also the statusbar, and scrollbars, when not hovering near them. It would optionally actually remove the titlebar like in the tiling window manager, but when the cursor is near the titlebar area, it pops up.

A separate bonus snack:

To get rid of the last piece of visual clutter, I'd also like to have the My Computer/Internet icon removed from the Explorer statusbar. Simply filling that area with a solid color would be an acceptable solution. The user would have to match the color and perhaps the height to the visual style - unless there are system variables for those.

Also see http://homepage1.nif...kazubon/tclocklight/ for getting rid of the visual junk in the taskbar.

Found a great free app to remove all lines and rectangles from the taskbar, and to blank out the start button, leaving just an empty area of the size you can control, and to hide or replace the clock.
You can make the taskbar completely flat.

Wouldn't it be fixed simply by detecting that you're hovering over the taskbar and restoring the buttons - and thereby normal functionality - while you're there?

I'm pretty happy with the Explorer shell, but I'll take a look at BB.

I'm interested in the concept of stuff appearing only when you're near it. See nothing unless you're going to use it momentarily. Keep visual clutter to a minimum.

If you or someone could make the "hide window borders or overlay them with color while not near them", there's not much more I could think of improving - except for showing the icons in the taskbar at the same time as you're hovering over them. Which made me wonder, could you show the taskbar icons, but only while hovering over a window title?

Is it possible to show the window icon, too, when the buttons appear?

Is it possible to change the title bar font color and/or background color while you're hovering on it? I'd like to see it dim when I'm not near it, and get bright when hovering. The same goes for the taskbar text.

Is it possible to completely hide the titlebar until you move near it? So that the window actually is smaller and tiles as if it doesn't have the titlebar, but then the titlebar pops up when you're near it. The same for the statusbar too - auto-hide window titlebar and statusbar.

And heaps of thanks for your efforts. This has significantly changed the aesthetics of the OS for the better.

Thanks again.

Could you take a look at the changed taskbar button behavior: in many cases you need to click it twice until the window minimizes. And the right click menu is missing.

If you don't want to work on them, do you whether they are possible, like the overlaying of window borders with a solid color unless hovering there?

Without the buttons and icons the system looks much cleaner. I think this should be an option in Win 8 or Win 7 SP1, it's that good.

Thanks. This is great.  :Thmbsup: I'll be running this on all my systems forever. :D

If only one could have the same for the Explorer toolbar buttons, the start button, the tray. A universal auto-hide for buttons and other UI elements - the minimalist's dream.

Can you make it not restore the window icon along with the buttons when hovering? It sometimes shows them, sometimes doesn't. I'd like to have an INI option for the behavior.

Can you restore the icon in the toolbar when hovering, either on the button or in toolbar area?

Can you make it work when hovering on background windows?

Can you blank out the window borders - make them transparent - in a similar fashion? If not blank out, then fill with some solid color. It would be neat to have borderless windows that only appear when hovering.

Can you blank out the right side of the Explorer statusbar (which, I just noticed, in Explorer menu is "Status Bar" which seems inconsistent with the way "Taskbar" is written), the part that has the unnecessary My Computer/Internet or simply fill it with a solid rectangle and remove it when hovering? The user would have to match the color and perhaps the height to the visual style - unless there are system variables for those that you can use.

Can you use a system variable to find out the actual height of the titlebar instead of the fixed value, 22? I use a larger title bar and it ony shows when I'm at the top 22.

Can you remove the empty space occupied by the invisible icon in front of the taskbar buttons?

I'd prefer it to ask nothing upon startup and default to hide buttons and have no tray icon.

Bug: Right clicking taskbar button doesn't bring up the menu (though sometimes it does).

Bug: Buttons not removed on command line window.

Bug-like behavior (due to implementation, if I'm correct): it keeps blinking with TeraCopy and 7-Zip, that update the % done in the titlebar.

Is it possible just to hide them, not remove them?
Is it possible to hide just some of them, e.g. leaving the close button only?

I'd like to blank out the << while tray icon hiding is active.

I know there's some utility that can hide buttons and other UI elements, but I can't remember what it is. To minimize visual clutter, I'd simply like it to hide every button and only when I'm hovering would they appear.

2) Yes, I can get rid of them.  (It would be just one more line of code in TBarIconBlanker)
I'd appreciate that line. Is it also possible to blank out the My Computer/Internet icon in Explorer's status bar?

Thanks for the answers. A few more:

Is it possible to dim all icons and buttons (by overlaying them with a dark transparent bitmap instead of opaque) - and perhaps unblank (if possible, with fade in) when hovering?

Is it possible to blank out/dim the tray icons?

I use the classic style which isn't actually a visual style. I would need a visual style that looks like classic, one without any bitmaps, because I want one that uses system colors and doesn't impose its own.

Unless I use a visual style, to blank out the min, max, close buttons it would seem I need to hack the font.

Is it possible to remove the lines and + from Explorer's folder tree?

I'd like to be able to remove all icons and bitmaps from the UI, leaving just the button rectangles and text (if there originally was) for a command line-like visual experience, no bright spots or colors anywhere, just black and dark gray text and rectangles.

Is it possible to make a version that blanks only the window icons but leaves the taskbar icons? I'd like to see the icons in the taskbar but not in the corner of the window.

Is it possible to blank out (or replace) the minimize, maximize, close buttons?

Is it possible to blank out (or replace) the icons in the Explorer toolbar, especially the Windows logo on a white background? Or does it require hacking shell?

Is it possible to blank out (or replace) the start button and the << button that displays hidden tray icons?

If yes, please implement, if it's not too much trouble.

I think your requirements might be a bit out of scope for a simple text file cracker like this.  That being said, I promise to take a deeper look at your request.

I appreciate that. How I envision using the Tag and Split function is

1 Creating a list of tags text file.
2 Adding the tags in front of paragraphs - like \a \b \c - just boom boom boom - that perhaps get substituted to [Topic A] [Topic B] [Topic C].
3 Running Chopping List and getting as many files as there are tags.
4 Continuing editing with all the topics neatly in their own files.

Useful for organizing any kind of text where various topics/ideas have been collected in one file. Certainly n times more efficient and quicker than cut-pasting between text files, which lacks the boom boom boomness that I'm looking for here.

There's a feature for sorting paragraphs in Word, but it fails when there is more than one paragraph before the next tag.

The best software has the least steps between beginning and achieving the goal, ideally: Boom, you're done. And after that the process should be automated if possible so you never have to repeat even that single boom*.

(*meme courtesy of Steve 'Boom' Jobs)

Could you extend it to handle this case:


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