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Messages - tmpusr [ switch to compact view ]

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Because you mention it, one can assume that by default they aren't changeable. How do you make it changeable/are there changeable releases?

What are the primary benefits you envision? What kind of interface would you prefer? What kinds of tasks would you perform?

(Moved from Desktop Teleporter thread https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=6091.0
 where the problem of a messy desktop, where everything is habitually dropped, was discussed.)

Don't use soft links on the desktop. Use Desktop Shell NameSpace objects. Reason: soft-linked data will appear twice in your backups - unless the backup app is smart enough.

Shell NameSpace:

You can multiply desktop drop area by using VirtuaWin.
You can have 9 screens (Some virtual window software surely supports even more - do you know any that do, that also support mouse screen switch like VW?) accessible by mere mouse-to-screen-edge motion. Each could have a different folder opened full screen - if droppable area is what you look for. Having big 48+ pixel folder icons in a (autohiding or not) toolbar would give you several easy-to-access drop areas for manually categorizing stuff.

The semi-random-stuff-in-inbox-to-be-dealt-with-later -habit is featured in Getting Things Done as "collecting". After collecting, it's prioritized into categories that lead to actions.

Merely automatically moving stuff from the desktop (or any folder you use for download/inbox) to another folder does little to decrease entropy. Automating the grouping of related files and folders into category folders does decrease entropy and expedites the creation of knowledge. The file managers I've tried still have only very rudimentary and ancient sorting tools. The concept of (fuzzy) similarity is not available (except in some fashion in the Fonts folder). Smart, virtual folders may change this.

An auto-categorizer app, DeEntropizer, that automatically organizes files and folders by similarity, could have features such as:

Fuzzy and relatively smart detection of similarities among:
file types
file names
folder names
file creation and/or modification times

Essentially a pattern recognition process.

Things that could be occurring behind the scenes:

Grouping into folders by file type:

1 EXEs are moved to folder "Executables"
   1.1 There, a folder is created for each. The folder name is either
      1.1.1 Extracted from the description in the EXE
Extracting description:
      1.1.2 file name
   1.2 EXEs are moved to folders

2 ZIPs and RARs are moved to folder "Archives"
   2.1 There they are extracted into folders
   2.2 Original files are deleted
   2.3 Unnecessary empty folders are removed
   2.4 Folder names are cleaned by a smart renamer

and so on for all file types. Exception: creating folders for document files by file name is obviously unuseful.

Within each file type folder:

3 Fuzzy grouping into folders
   3.1 If file or folder names have similarities
      3.1.1 they are moved under a common folder if "review" is present in many PDF names, the files are moved under folder "review". Typos are handled by fuzziness; reveiw, rewiev won't matter. if "daily" is present in many folder names, the folders are moved under folder "daily".

Grouping into folders by name:

4 Optionally grouping folders by
   4.1 Folder size. 300+MB, 50-300MB, 20-50 MB, 10-20 MB, 0-10 MB.
   4.2 Activity density (creation date). Example: a bunch of files have been created (usually downloaded) between 1830-1930 with little time between them. This pattern, the untypically small interval between creation/modification dates, would be recognized and they would be grouped under "20061116 1830-1930". Then some time has passed with few created files. Another rather continuous file creation stream occurs 2210-2240. They would be grouped too.

When you inspect the auto-grouped folders, you find that the first group consists of downloaded utitilies and some related documentation (though they'd be under another file type folder in this example and therefore it might be more useful if activity grouping took place before file type grouping), the next one is media files. The few files which were created between 1930 and 2210 occurred more than 15 minutes apart and aren't grouped; the algorithm for detecting groups would adjust the interval either automatically (perhaps with user adjustable limits; for example a stream of new files could have anything from 1 sec to 60 min interval) or be a user threshold, like 15 minutes; if files and folders are created within 15 minutes of the last one, they are grouped, if more time has passed, the group is broken and they are either not grouped or are grouped in the next group if such is detected.

The problem I have (perhaps in understanding only) with virtual folders such as the ones in Vista or OS X, is that they don't physically relocate, move files. You don't know which files are not included in any them - which ones don't fit any search pattern. If you set up a bunch of virtual folders that present files and folders in a manner described above, which of the files and folders are not displayed at all? How can you know unless you do a file move operation and go back to your download/inbox to see which files and folders are left?

Try picking up a few habits:

Create a folder for each download with full name and some description like "Company Software 1.0 - does this and that".

Categorize upon downloading into software type/media genre sub folders.

Download the most interesting under a separate folder, named "!" for example:

FlashGot with WellGet works great.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Desktop Teleporter
« on: November 16, 2006, 10:52 PM »

Respondance make so:

Too bad no taker is yet.

It save a ton click and type! It nice. I like.

Test it, you like to! It good for practice of make head muscularity.

If silent still stay:

Apparent must learn code self. But am busy time much, no time make for code related actionivity.

Please try make programming soon, you computer engineerer, with more time having because no romance makeing and farm golf playng ever (not like me - ALL TIME!!) yes, is it OK? Nice!

If no respondance still, make strenghiness claim like a male man with mustach (but not like our wemen mustach - it like pigs hair!! haha, I joke, PIG better! Pig also less armpit, back, and ars hair too than a weman have - it very smuuth animal! You try, you like too!):

You code like a little girls! When my country invade your village, then you coding very much!

It will shudder the geek.

Using Other People's Machines is not nice. Not for them, not for you.

Insert media.
Run your stuff.
Sync changes to net and/or save state (supporting CDRW).
Remove media.

Anything out there that does this?
VNC solves a lot, but net's not always available.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: color file names by file type
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:36 PM »
...and by age, newest=brightest. And by using background colors. Just make it fully customizable.

You can have this in a good Console. Why not Explorer?

Can you confirm that Litestep tip, screen shotties? Any Explorer replacements that let you dispose of the ever present Icon?

General Software Discussion / Re: My favorite software! What's yours?
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:22 PM »
Wetware, for the in you: read a multiply awarded book free online. Advanced use only. Strict minimum consciousness and knowledge level requirements apply.

For exocortical use:


It's in constant use. Thousands of times per day. The OS, I feel, sucks without it almost as bad as it does without FARR. I use it by mousing to left and right screen edge. Set it up with about 150 ms delay and 20 pixel jump. I usually use only horizontal screens, cause even a 3 by 3 grid makes my puny primate brain hurt.

1 or 2 file managing
1 search
1 text editor
1 info managing
1 audio player
1 video player
1 browsing
1 remote desktop

The machines on Remote Desktop or VNC use vertical mouse switching.

Absolutely, positively, indispensable.

Just to see MORE.

Icons are often useless and only take space which could be used for text. Console has no icons and we happily use it, so why are we forced to see pixel piles when mousing?

16 pixels is relatively small, but when you have fonts size 3-5, that's a relatively hefty lump of pixels gone to waste. Especially vertically, you could fit a lot more data on screen without this size limit.

Good stuff.

I want to see all my folders in one view. A legible font size 3-4 gets me somewhere with the Explorer, but the icons won't get smaller than 16. Know a way to make them smaller - like 8, 4 or  2 or turn them off?

I could use a similar view to Mac OS 9 Finder, with files in the folder tree.

what's the party about?

Chuckle... 1000+ pages of folder tree in font size 10, about 32000 lines.
Dir /S > files.txt is nearly 90 MB, 10000+ pages.
Better make the font size, like 0.1

run cmd.exe

tree > folders.txt


tree /f > folders.txt

Open folders.txt in an editor that supports page zooming, so you can see multiple pages at once.
Use a small monospaced font.
If you don't plan to print it, resize the page. Make it huge so that everything fits on one page.
Use columns.
Zoom out, zoom in.

A zoomable view. See every folder on every hard drive. File lists popping into view on mouse hover or when getting close enough.

Care to name some?   does it only with files.

But since it does it with files...

Create a temp folder for grouping, like Grouped
Create a file representing each folder (foldername.tmp) in Grouped


Run Directify on them



Use the locations of the tmp files as guides for moving the folders there
Delete representing tmp files


Blah - Artust1 - Title1
Artyst1 ft. Artist2 - Title2
Artost1 - Title3
Artist1 ft. Artist3 - Title4

should be moved to

Artist1\Blah - Artist1 - Title1
Artist1\Artist1 ft. Artist2 - Title2
Artist1\Artist1 - Title3
Artist1\Artist1 ft. Artist3 - Title4

The matching should be pretty fuzzy. It could be switched off.
It would intelligently rename. Typos and extra characters wouldn't be a problem.

Series Sorter has some of those features but for files only and no such brainy rename.

Can I have a step-by-step?

Here's a software that can output the required info as text. Just grab it, create a folder, move, next file.



Make a file appear in many folders according to tag words in its file name

Development name: TagHardLinker

A scheduled task that creates Hard Links of files in other folders by reading

A) tag words in the file name

You are free to use any tags, file system naming limitations apply. The tags are associated with any number of folders, which are defined in a database file:


A recurring scheduled run creates and deletes hard links.

It parses date tags such as "tomorrow","tomo", "2wk" and renames the tag to 20061014. Dated files can be made to appear in "In" or "To Do" folder if the date tag matches today, or earlier, giving a pre-warning.

Tag words
Defined in a database
distinguished by e.g. #tag #tag2 in the file name? The character can be other than #.

A tag can contain spaces if it is terminated by a # or if it's the last one in the name. Tags can be anywhere in the file name.

Context menu feature:
Add current folder name to file name as a tag

A non-essential feature, but perhaps a nice one would be to scan for tag words in the file content.

No good. Special folders or whatever these NameSpace Thingies are called behave differently. Crucially differently. They're invisible. I don't want all those softlinked/junctioned/virtual folders and their files existing on my desktop, which is how the OS regards them as. Try backing up your desktop folder with a bunch of softlinks. You end up with all the contents of those links. I just want paths to the folders, new virtual roots, not the contents. Special folders do just that.

Jis wan see wha happens.  :huh:

Find And Run Robot / Re: Feature - Restricting Searches to Folders
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:41 PM »
I mean that if you don't use a prefix or a postfix on a modifier e.g. #v or v#, just plain 'v' would be regarded as a normal search word. Unless some intelligence is built in the software that can distinguish between the intention to use the first string as a modifier, you should have two modes of operation: Modifier mode and Normal. In the Modifier mode the first word is always considered a modifier whereas in Normal mode it is not, unless a pre/postfix is added to it.

Switching between these modes could be achieved by a quick succession of taps on the Pause/Break key.


I want to open and switch to Modifier mode: two taps.
Back to Normal: two taps.

Or just use a separate hotkey for Modifier mode.

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