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Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: View FULL txt file in tooltip
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:22 PM »
Thanks. That's a swift ware.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Explorer Bar Favorites always visible
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:19 PM »
I hate it when the Favorites is changed to Folders every time I open a new window. Internet Explorer remembers the state.

But the best solution would be

I'd like to have the Favorites and Folders open at the same time, side by side, or like Xyplorer. No reason to ever lose sight of those hot folders, just like on OSX.  Favorites should also remember which folders in it are expanded, if you have a tree structure there.

I like the idea of having multiple virtual roots in Video, Pictures, Music, Downloads, right there in the root of the Desktop, far above My Computer\Drive:\Path\Path\Path\ - always near, always visible. does that but only for My Computer. You need to regedit to get it to Desktop NameSpace. So we need a tool that browses the My Computer NameSpace and copies it to Desktop NameSpace. Delete option should be included too.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: InfiniCompress aka Matryoshka Archive
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:04 PM »
An archive inside an archive inside an archive...

Compress then recompress the resulting file. Add spice by alternating compression software. Let's see what happens.

Better have a tool for extracting.  ;D

A switch between multiple or just two fonts quickly. I use a bigger size for screen and when I print I now use IE with a smaller font set up. It doesn't support PS fonts which sukks.

I'd like to stay in Firefox, just click a button or a hotkey and print with choice font(s) - I'd like to be able to format the headings and normal text separately, force the fonts.

I noticed using characters such as # ' = - is insanely easy. ~ @ +_ are with Shift, not too much trouble.

Prefixing special, important folder names with those gives you speedy access.

Of course there are hot keys to go to any folder anywhere, but this is more context sensitive, within a folder, or if you're in Explorer's Folders Pane and you have the whole tree open, you can jump between folders with these special characters. Expand everything in ROOT using * on the numpad:

ROOT\yad\da\yad\da\# wohoo

ROOT\yad\da\= boom, you're there

ROOT\bla\bla\bla\# wohoo part II

ROOT\stuff\stuff\stuff\stuff\= boom part II

Now tap # and =

I dunno what Coding Snacks you could build around this, but spread this idea far and wide anyway. :D

Hehe. For me PhotoMesa NUCLEARLY blew all other viewers away, in terms of viewing, nothing comes close, except for Photosynth, perhaps.

You can pry PhotoMesa from my cold dead hands.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: View FULL txt file in tooltip
« on: October 08, 2006, 12:23 PM »
The reason: No clicking involved. No opening, no closing. Just viewing. Just like PhotoMesa.

Example: I've a folder Text. I go and just hover there selecting files as I go, perhaps with a left click, which closes the tooltip and adds to the selection, acting as if I had Ctrl pressed.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Insanely Good File System Browser
« on: October 08, 2006, 12:18 PM »
Oh. All true.

I'm impressed with PhotoMesa. Now that's what I call MINDware. The best, EVER.

Video Browser

What I'd like is similar for video. Files playing back, showing parts of the video, 1 min from the start, 15 min, 30 min, etc. Or just screenshots.

You hover on a video, a slider pops up. You move the mouse left and right, it smoothly fast forwards/reverses. You move mouse up and down, playback speed up/down/reverse. Or the mouse wheel is for speed or shuttling. It's customizable.

You move out of the slider, it continues as normal playback, until you hover on a new video. When you get back to a video that has already been hovered on, it remembers the settings and where you left it. You could actually watch videos, just zoom out, and it would remember where you were, when you get back to it.

Video extractor: While viewing, you find a juicy bit. Keys to set extract start end points and auto move the clip to Extracts folder. But most I'd like to have is a feature similar to Repeater for Foobar2000. You can select Selections (loops) of the media and it saves the positions in Tags right into the file. Combined with Foobar2000's Columns View, you can see an indicator in a column, which files have been tagged with Selections.

The Selections should be saved right into the files, if possible, so that the file can be moved around and doesn't lose them. When you zoom close enought to a video, the selections pop up, small pictures playing those selections. There's always a Back key for coming back to where you were before you explored the selections. Stretching the start and end point and choosing the start/end points in a slow or frame by frame mode.

A Virtual Folder view collects all Selections from all video and presents them as if they had been extracted to separate files. Playing back the Selections from inside the files all over the machine. When you go to a selection, you can view the full video of course. You can select the Selections and choose Extract. You get multiple files.

You can tag videos with categories, then auto move them to corresponding folders or just a feature similar to One-Click Copy/Move.

File Browser

A symbiosis of PhotoMesa and WinDirStat

You see stuff in WinDirStat format, color coded, and normal file lists appear when you zoom near enough. Multiple zoomable windows side by side, Favorites as virtual root folders, like in the Desktop NameSpace.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Insanely Good File System Browser
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:51 AM »
Moved to


A symbiosis of PhotoMesa

and WinDirStat

You see stuff in WinDirStat format, color coded, and normal file lists appear when you zoom near enough. Multiple zoomable windows.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Insanely Good Viewer
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:43 AM »
Moved to


Freeware PhotoMesa gives me the goose bumps. Now that's what I call MINDware. The best, EVER.

What I'd like is the same for video.... files playing back, showing parts of the video.

*Before* downloading, you activate this AutoMoveThing. It starts looking in the Download folder for new files.

You click download. ... The download completes.

AutoMoveThing: "Aha!", sees a new file in Download. Rolls up sleeves and hauls it to Download\!

You turn AutoMoveThing off. Until next time you come across a really juicy, enticing piece of software. :D

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Automatic File Move and Copy
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:20 AM »

The problem I have with this one is that it doesn't seem to have a recursive option. If you find it, please report. Very nice for automatically moving stuff around otherwise. A folder that cleans itself up can be done. Know any coding snacks or other software that deal with these auto move copy issues?

When on a downloading spree, files end up in the big Download folder. Some files you download are just more interesting to you, of more immediate concern. Here's an idea for a button:

You turn it on. The files that end up in the Download folder will be automatically moved to, say, a folder named "!" in the Download folder, by a scheduled process I guess.

If you have a few hundred or thou downloaded .exe in one folder, just one run of this and - BOOM, like Steve Jobs - you got them in folders named perfectly. Holy BOOM!

Post New Requests Here / DONE: View FULL txt file in tooltip
« on: October 08, 2006, 09:05 AM »
Stuff that InfoTag Magic displays, but larger, and even scrollable by up and down movement of the mouse (no scrollbars). With delete and edit button included.

The first idea:
Create folder by file name and move file to folder.

The second idea:
Create a folder by file description that is inside the exe and move to folder.

The idea is to get the full Company Software 1.0 type of name. Format can be customized - e.g. "Installer" omitted, etc.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Hide Empty Folders
« on: October 08, 2006, 08:59 AM »
A tree structure. Many empty folders.

Request: Switches that un/hide them per folder tree.

Implementation idea:

A task scheduled recursive run. If the folder has no subs containing stuff and set the hidden attrib. I'd like it to work while Show Hidden Files is on, but I guess you just can't have it both ways.

Background: I have created a tree structure where I drop stuff. I don't want to see the empty folders cluttering the screen when I'm browsing it.

Sending Ctrl+I when a window is opened would do the trick. By the way, in the Internet Explorer mode the Favorite stays, which is the behavior I want.

Recent doesn't record opened and closed windows.  Dunno what it records. Save dialog folders? Anyway, you'd need some 'show folders only', filtered toolbar app to make even Recent work a bit, because the Explorer toolbars display everything.

This Window History/Recent Windows app could simply record the window title. If full path is used in Explorer's title, it'd be easy to get the path.

Directory Opus has folder history.

I've just opened a save dialog. The path is in System, so I have a lot of clicking to do to get it where I want to save the file.

Usually I've got some C:\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff explorer window open, where I want to save the stuff.

Going there in the save dialog can be done by copying the path from the Explorer window "Address" field.
I want to alt/ctrl/Win-drag the title of the explorer window and drop in on the save dialog, which then would go to the path (just enter it in the file name field by copypaste and press enter).

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