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Messages - cettolox [ switch to compact view ]

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I use outlook 2003, use rules to folders for important mails (work ones) and put all personal mail in a "personal" folder, uncategorized.

I alse have created a favorite meta-folder (that is my very home folder) called "Inbox & Sent" (outlook calls it a "search folder"): my objective is to let this folder be empty. So I always file mails from this "meta-folder" to real folders. With this trick I have real folders that contain not only the received mail, but alse the mail I sent.
In this way I can export/save/share/search a folder about a certain subject being sure that it contains mails received as well as mails I sent.

And then I also use for extensive and quick searches on the whole pst file.

By to all,


Now, beyond what I wrote up here, I use also "conversation" grouping (ordered by received time), so that every conversation (thread) that gets a new message in it is automatically moved to the top of the "inbox and sent" folder.


General Software Discussion / Outlook conversations get broken...
« on: February 09, 2009, 05:17 AM »

I'd like to share with you my experience with Outlook (2003) threads/conversation. Some time ago I started to work on my business email like this:

  • i have a search folder called "Inbox & Sent", in whch I can see my inbox and sent items
  • this is my default/initial folder, the first that I see opening outlook
  • the email are orgainzed and grouped by "conversation" and sorted by date (desc)
  • in this way I get, on top, current "open" conversations (the most recent ones) with mail sent and received on a specific subject
  • when the subect in "closed" (no more actions to carry out), I move the whole conversation to the appropriate outlook folder.

The only glitch in this organization is that, often, non-outlook-client (like lotus notes) answers BRAKE the conversation, since the prepone a non-standard keywork (like "Ref: ") to the subject of replies. There are also some localized versions of the prefixes (in italian often "Re: " becomes "Ris: "...): this brakes the conversations as well.

So since a week ago I am strongly trying to find the way to "merge conversations", ie to force a message to belong to a specific conversation.

Before going on, I'd like to know if this matter is of some interest here, or it's only a problem of mine...


Ok , I understand the 'sorting by date' issue. I was asking since I can do it with locate32: it seems that result in this case is not sorted afterwards, but "during" the search...


Hi, do you think it is possible to have files automatically ordered by date, descending?


It's easier to do than to explain... the reason is that the card is not integrated: so I had just to disconnect the keyboard, diconnect the lcd cable, unplug the old card and to assemble back. The harder part was the diagnosys.



Update. Changed the video card, 40€ on ebay, solved the issues.

Thanks everyone,


Haven't you answered your own question? If it happens on external monitors it is unlikely to be the built in LCD or its associated components

Yes, but since I already purchased a motherboard without solving the issue I wanted to be sure that, buying a video card, I am going to solve it (I cannot loan it, already tried).

Have you taken the system apart before this problem? If so note the last comment in the above document about intermittent graphic card failures. Check it is properly seated (remove it and reinstall it checking there is no dust around the connectors and that the flex cable is reseated properly).

I removed it and reinstalled it several times, cleaning everything. So it is not dust related.

is it time for a new laptop?

:-) Yes, probably, but the fact is that the C840 has been an excellent laptop... repairing it with a new video card (quoted arount 50$ on ebay) was I think a good thing to do.




I have a classical "flickering" display problem on my Dell C840 laptop. Since I cannot understand if the problem is relate to the lcd or to the inverter or to che graphic adapter, maybe someone of you knows a good HW forum to ask for a suggestion (I know this is a SW forum, but all you people are so good in any computer stuff..).

Anyway I also tell you the symtoms, in case there is some advice here.

- the lcd flickers and shows random patterns
- it gets worse as time goes by (if the pc is cold it happens after 20mins, if it's warm it happens immediatley)
- it gets worse or better if I twist the base unit
- it gets worse or better if I lightly push or pull the lcd (see here )
- as the patterns on the screen get worse, at a certain point WinXP freezes and reboots
- I get the same problem if I connect an external monitor
- I get the same problem if I connect to the laptop via VNC or LOGMEIN (remote desktop). (I think this excludes the lcd and inverter, since it means that the corrupted patterns are sent via tcp/ip to a remote controlling machine....
- I tried with no success to change operating system, to work disconnecting all the disconnectable hardware, to change RAM dimms, even to change the whole motherboard

I suspect a video card fault (I think onboard video memory broken).



It works perfectly!! It issues "TOP n 1000" instead of "RETR n", so it does exactly what I was searching for.

Thanks a lot !



I need to read my company email (exchange, pop3 enabled) without marking emails as READ. This is because I hate to use outlook and to find already read emails.

I know it's Microsoft Exchange that marks them read when a program issues the RETR pop3 command. But I also know that if the program fetches the emails with the TOP pop3 command, the emails remain unread.

Do you know if there is a software that let me peek in my mailbox using this (or equivalent) technique ?



General Software Discussion / Why I put a slash before my signature !?
« on: September 27, 2007, 06:00 PM »
this is strange...

it's about 10 years now that in I sign my emails with a slash before my name, like this: /Stefano

I remember there was a reason, but I don't remember it anymore !!!!!!!!!

Maybe someone "slashes" his own signature ? WHY ??????



FARR Plugins and Aliases / Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:09 AM »
Uninstalled, installend the new version, all works now !



FARR Plugins and Aliases / Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:23 AM »
I agree. It's a "locate.exe command line" issue. I am going to play with switches... in the meantime can anyone of you confirm that issuing "locate.exe a" immediately gets (in the CMD prompt) the list of files with an "a" in the filename?



FARR Plugins and Aliases / Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: September 26, 2007, 07:29 AM »

I use locate32 for everyday use. I am trying to use the farr plugin, but, after having all configured, once I type "loc a" in farr I get NO result (I expected the list of files whose name contained the letter "a").

So I tried to go to \program files\locate issuing the c:>locate.exe a   but I always get nothing.

locate32 on the other hand works perfectly.

I also tried the "examples" that came out of the plugin, with no result.

Have you got any hint ?



General Software Discussion / Re: "Disk activity" tamer...
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:39 PM »
Opps, sorry, I admit it, I did not search before...


General Software Discussion / "Disk activity" tamer...
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:29 PM »

I "love" process tamer, I can't live without !!!

But how I'd like a hard disk tamer ... ! If an application starts to use too much CPU it gets tamed... but how to deal with applications that start to heavily work with the hard drive, slowing down the system to a crawl and consuming little more than 0% CPU???


I found and

xtimeline seems to be perfect to post others life timelines.

dandelife seems to be what i was searching for (social life timelining) but I don't like the way timelines are shown... and I am not sure if they are SMILE compatible... I will dig deeper.



I am 36 and my memory is very bad. I was wandering if someone of you has ever come across a program (or better a website) that let one insert on a time line spanning decades his own life event, like the years of school, university, work, family life, ecc...  It should come up like a project gantt chart, with the ability of zooming in and out the time scale and insert events with the description, or maybe videos or photos or whatever.

An example of possible implemetation is shown in

This is done with the excellent

I just would like to avoid setting up a php web server to host the code to make these timelines.

Any suggestions ?


Anyway I could not use CrossLoop across an http proxy... whenever I am in this case I use LogMeIn.


General Software Discussion / Re: Remoting Software Questions
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:33 AM »
LogMeIn does not use vnc.

I'd like to add CROSSLOOP (free). It uses vnc for desktop sharing and takes care of firewall/proxy matters.

Both controlling and controlled install a single exe, then can act as client as well as server. Then one decides to "host" or "join", and the centralized crossloop server helps to make the connection.

Quite easy, even if I prefere LogMeIn.


General Software Discussion / Re: ACDSee 9.0 available
« on: September 21, 2006, 05:45 AM »
I in ACDSEE v9 I cannot find the "tagging" feature of v8. In v8, during the picture slideshow, I can hit backslash to quickly tag piclures I like, without dealing with categories or rating.

I cannot find this in v9: did you ?


General Software Discussion / Re: How do you organize your email?
« on: September 13, 2006, 09:35 AM »
I use outlook 2003, use rules to folders for important mails (work ones) and put all personal mail in a "personal" folder, uncategorized.

I alse have created a favorite meta-folder (that is my very home folder) called "Inbox & Sent" (outlook calls it a "search folder"): my objective is to let this folder be empty. So I always file mails from this "meta-folder" to real folders. With this trick I have real folders that contain not only the received mail, but alse the mail I sent.
In this way I can export/save/share/search a folder about a certain subject being sure that it contains mails received as well as mails I sent.

And then I also use for extensive and quick searches on the whole pst file.

By to all,


Perfect Thanks, I'll use LOGMON+BLAT


I am searching for some simple software (like AHK script) that polls a folder content and sends an SMTP email when it changes, notifying me which files are added/removed/changed.

I came accross "Always Watching" http://www.liquidmir...m/alwayswatching.asp that seems to do well its job, but I was wondering if anyone of you use some other software to accomplish this task.



OK I'll show how I did it: I used wget within a batch file like this:

@echo off
wget  --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cuc --post-data "username=xxxxxxx&Password=yyyyyyy&URL=&B1=Login" http://mysite/formLogin/frmLogin.asp

wget  --load-cookies cuc --post-data "D3=01&nome=2006&Area2=12&nome2=2006&D11=TUTTI&b1=OK" "http://mysite/post.asp"

and then I parsed the resulting page (which has the information I need) to get my result.


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