Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Full text on desktop icons
« on: March 31, 2007, 05:56 PM »
When filenames for desktop icons get too long windows automatically limits them to two lines. Usually that's ok, but when I have icons on the desktop that are not shortcuts (i.e. pdf files) they limit the lines of text for the name to 1. I.e. Verylongword.pdf becomes Verylo.....
When you click on an icon, the full name shows up, but I would like the text to be there even when the icon isn't clicked. I looked through TuneUp and other programs but they don't seem to have an option to do this... anyone know any programs or know a way to let me control the lines that each icon can display on the desktop?
Thanks =)
When you click on an icon, the full name shows up, but I would like the text to be there even when the icon isn't clicked. I looked through TuneUp and other programs but they don't seem to have an option to do this... anyone know any programs or know a way to let me control the lines that each icon can display on the desktop?
Thanks =)