hey peeps!
long time no chat but mouser asked me to keep you posted about happenings at the GDC (
well, so far it is OFF THE HOOK. really. i'm not there yet. i was supposed to arrive last night and finish my presentations at the hotel before the marathon that is gdc starts this afternoon. well, thx to the illini women's tennis team and the men's golf team who bought up all the luggage room on the fucking plane, i got bumped...to 6-fucking-am this morning.
so now it's 11:22am and i'm am sitting on the floor of the dallas airport where the weather is shitty and planes are getting delayed all over the place and this place has the most fast food chains per capita that i've ever seen at any airport and you can feel the grease entering into your skin the longer we sit. i'm supposed to arrive around 2pm (san jose time) so i have a good four hour-ish flight ahead to finish my ppt. why start too early to do something that will be finished at the last minute anyway?
my hair is gdc red so it matches my icon more closely now.
and i'm wearing my helvetica shirt (yeah, a brown shirt simply with the word helvetica...you know, the font?), my ipod, this laptop and getting weird stares from military returning through this airport...ok, i *am* a little noticeable with bright red hair.
ok...more from GDC...once and if i get there!