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Topics - mauzer_tim [ switch to compact view ]

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Just would like to mention here another productivity tool: Focuth (I'm it's author). It's is an online free time\task management tool that allows you not only to manage your tasks but to track how productively you spent your time and help you concentrate doing things. Unlike many other time\task management tools it’s aimed to train your own productivity habits rather than to replace them with a software.

Aimed for people who find themselves being hard to concentrate on their work, those who are easily distractable due to their work online. Also it is for people who’s hard to force themselves creating todo lists every day but they wish being organized.

How it works?
Write any activity (or choose from the assigned for today ones) you are going to do and specify time to perform. Even time wasting activity like reading news\surfing the internet. After you have done it, check whether the activity was useful or not. Afterwards you can analyse how productively you spent your time, and how good you are in time estimations.

Also the project has built-in todo list with an ability to split complex things on steps (subtasks) and schedule them to a day, week, month and etc (not only days).

The project is in its early beta stage so any feedback highly appreciated.

Focuth's web-site's here:

Hope this is a good place to get a feedback for a web app. If not feel free to remove it.

USB Safely Remove is a USB device manager. It saves time and extends user abilities on active work with flash drives, portable drives, card readers and other gadgets.

The program gives a handy safe removal devoid of annoyances of the native Windows tool, displays what programs prevent stopping a device, hides drives of empty card reader slots, allows to return a stopped devices back and has many features for comfortable work with hot-plug devices (USB, SATA, Firewire).

Also the program was included into "TOP 100 Best products of 2008 year" by PCWorld magazine.

Read more about the program here:

Only for 16th and 17th January we offer the program with 50% discount, for only $10.

Discount coupon: JA17PROMO
Purchasing page:

USB Safely Remove developer

Pages: [1]