dallas7, that's a great post. Thanks for checking out those alternatives, and I will look into them myself.
One possibility that I'm using right now is "thefutoncritic" website. Like other sites, you can personalize things, in their case creating an account called "MyFuton". Then you add your shows and they'll show up on a daily or monthly list when you click on a day on the "SELECT A DATE" calendar.
Your list of shows, called "SHOWATCH" has info like 'date, start/end', 'network, 'time slot', and 'status'. You can also click on an individual show and go to its page to see all of its episodes, past and future, with repeats marked.
What I've been doing is taking a screen capture of the monthly list, then checking the current day from the calendar in case a network has made a last-minute change. I don't print the page, but you could and then mark it up the way you want.
I prefer a list-view rather than a calendar-view (like epCheck's Monthly tab) because I'm following so many shows (eg, 10 shows just on Sundays). In my situation, a calendar would be very large and a printout would be paper-and-ink intensive.
Mike S.