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Amazing! I haven't come across such a fast uninstaller like this :-*

It loads my list of 198 programs in less than 1 second...

General Software Discussion / Re: Humanized Enso going free...
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:39 PM »
When I heard that Enso's free now, I decided to give it a try. Not impressive, though.

It's more beautiful and cooler than FARR, no doubt  ;D

However, having to type 4 extra keys (o p e n) just to open an application is a major drawback for me. Also, I'm unable to open any directories of my choices without having to write the directory name down, select it, hold down capslock, type open with xyplorer, release capslock - wow, what a process!

Time for bed, I'd inspect this RAM consuming launcher more thoroughly tomorrow.

General Software Discussion / Re: Fantastic: XsX Alphablended Cursors
« on: December 15, 2007, 08:13 AM »
I'm running with the Entis Cursors now as well, and I think I'm gonna stick with them. First time in 5+ years I've used custom cursors... but they are lovely :-*

I love it also  ;D

I experience the same problem today  :(

FARR can not launch some of my programs, e.g MS Word 2007  :tellme:

I checked/unchecked the "Always launch shortcuts directly instead of resolving links" setting but it didn't help.

Any suggestions?

I would highly recommend spamgourmet -  :)

Protect yourself from spam in three easy steps:

1. If you haven't done it yet, create a spamgourmet account. Enter your user name and the email address you want to be protected. You will be asked to identify the word in a picture and pick a password.

2. Spamgourmet will forward to this address all the emails sent to your spamgourmet disposable addresses -- that way you don't have to tell anyone else what it is -- this is why it's called the protected address. Of course, this protected address must exist. That's why you have to confirm it. You'll receive an email asking you to confirm.

3. After you have confirmed your protected address, you can give out self-destructing disposable email addresses whenever you want. The disposable addresses are like:

[email protected]

where someword is a word you have never used before, x (optional) is the number of email messages you want to receive at this address (up to 20, and the number 3 will be used if you leave it out), and user is your username.

For example, if your user name is "spamcowboy", and BigCorp wants you to give them your email address (on the web, on the phone, at a store - it doesn't matter), instead of giving them your protected address, give them this one:

[email protected]
(and [email protected] will work the same way)

This disposable email address will be created here the first time BigCorp uses it (you don't have to do anything to create it), and you'll receive at most 3 messages, forwarded to your protected address. The rest will be indelicately consumed.

Leaving the settting uncheck solves this problem  :Thmbsup:

Thanks for your super fast reply ;D

p.s: i always wonder why these Lifehacker guys prefer Launchy to FARR while this little robot is by far greater :down:

Hi mouser,

I've been using FARR for a long time, and I'm really happy with FARR v2.00.142.

When I decided to update my copy of FARR to the newest version, unfortunately something went wrong.

I can not launch any of my file, and I find that I can only do so if I type in the whole directory name, e.g C:\Program Files\ProgramName\program.exe. Typing only the shortcut name (program) didn't work, although FARR finds these shortcuts successfully.

For your information, in the About box it says that I'm using version 2.00.145.

I update FARR by simply install the new version over the old one.


EDIT: I uninstalled FARR and reinstall it. Sometimes FARR can launch file, sometimes it can not.

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: August 14, 2007, 09:02 AM »
For me, the top 3 programs are:

1. Firefox
2. Alsong
3. WinPatrol

Living Room / Re: DoCo Reading Week June 8, 2007 - Join In!
« on: June 08, 2007, 11:27 PM »
I'm in.  ;D

I'm reading Norweigian wood by Haruki Murakami  :-*

Also, I'd like to finish some tutorials about CakePHP this week.

I'd choose TextPattern. A very good and simple CMS.  :-[

Living Room / Re: SuperboyAC's DC blog #1
« on: January 12, 2007, 09:57 PM »
What a nice post ;D

I do own a NW MP3 player from Sony, and I really, really hate the software comes with it! Yes, it's called Sony SonicStage, which eats much memory and has a bad interface  >:(

After struggling with it for some months, now it even doesn't recognize my MP3 player when plugging it in my USB port.  :down:

As I said above, its interface sucks. Could you imagine that you have to select one file at a time, pressing Delete and answer Yes in TWO confirmation dialogs just to delete songs from your MP3 player?

Well, I find SonicStage really annoying!  >:(

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Flock: Web2.0 and all that buzz
« on: August 12, 2006, 07:30 AM »
Got it. Thank you very much, housetier.   :-*

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: Flock: Web2.0 and all that buzz
« on: August 11, 2006, 10:03 PM »
(yes I know opera can do this too, no need to repeat it; we are talking about how great flock is though)

Just a small question, housetier, does it work with Firefox? I'm using Flock at the moment, by I wonder if Firefox is the same as it.  :tellme:

It's really cool, mouser  ;D

I've added the this link to my sidebar:  :-[

Just come across this thread...  ;D

Yeah, I'm somewhat too shy to say hello to Donation Coder's members  :-[ But, anyway, HELLO WORLD!!!  :D

Thank you for your post, mouser. You must be one of the kindest man i've ever met  :-*

P/S: Btw, QAD is my initial. It stands for Quang Anh Do, where Do is my last name, Quang is middle name, and Anh is the first name.

Thank you very much, AbteriX ;D

It works like charm. Just have to delete these unneeded keys and my context menu is better than ever!  :-*

As I said, I know TweakUI from Microsoft could do this task, but I'm looking for an app that do only this task, not any thing else.  ;)
TweakUI is a all-in-one tweak program, and it's not what I'm interested in.

Everytime I right click my mouse, choose New, there's a long list of new things I could make, however, I just want to leave only one entry: New text document. I'd like to remove all of them as well as adding some of my frequently used file extensions, but can't find where to start.

I know PowerToy for WinXP could do that, but I don't want to install it just to remove some entries, then uninstall it completely. Is there any software out there only have this feature?

If not, could you tell me how to this manually? I like to edit the registry much, so it's not a problem  :(

It doesn't support Unicode, though. :(

Developer's Corner / Re: The Hunt for the Best CMS
« on: May 19, 2006, 04:30 AM »
For serious CMS, i think Joomla is good.

For a simple, easy-to-use but powerful CMS, I recommend TextPattern.  :Thmbsup:

I usually have more than 300 files in the Recycle bin. Everytime I trash them, I use the Empty the Recycle bin command.

Today, I click Restore all items by mistake, and all files were sent to their original folders.  :(

I couldn't find any ways to undo it, even by using Ctrl + Z or Edit menu.  >:(

It would be great if a small tool could be made to prevent this from happening. It'll save a lot of time trying to deleting all these unneeded files.

I'm only 17 this year...  8)

And my favourite computer games are The Sim and Uplink:Hacker Elite.  :-*

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Free copy of AceHTML 6 Pro
« on: April 19, 2006, 09:34 AM »
It reminds me of Force me to install Alexa toolbar just because I'm from Vietnam and "all download slots assigned to Vietnam aren't available now".  >:(

Luckily I was at the Internet cafe at this time. Installing Alexa toolbar wasn't a problem.  8)

Why not ScrollLock instead of F8?  ;D

I installed Sandboxie long ago and it worked. However, when I tested some programs, they still left some keys in the registry or elsewhere.  :huh:

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