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Messages - OldElmerFudd [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: What's your mouse of choice?
« on: March 05, 2009, 08:45 PM »
Mice and keyboards are the same to me. Completely disposable. I keep cheap 2 button scroll wheel mice around and use them until they die. $10-$15 is plenty to spend, for El Cheapo Grande.

Living Room / Re: How do you know if an lcd is dieing?
« on: March 05, 2009, 08:39 PM »
Don't mean to hijack this thread, but it covers one of the thoughts I've had for a while. I use CRT monitors because of the graphic work I do. Anybody using higher-end LCD monitors? I could use some recommendations about longevity and accuracy.

The kind of comments by mouser and nite_monkey reflect these concerns. At least it gives me some idea what to expect when a monitor starts to fail.

Somehow I missed the discussion about Xenon when this thread first started. Thanks to Clif of Clif Notes Newsletter http://freewarewiki....ifsCurrentNewsletter I'm definitely giving this one a good look. It appears that it solves one of those nagging little portable apps issues when it comes to file associations. I picked up three 8 GB flash drives the othe day (dirt cheap from Meritline or Adorama, I think) so this comes along when I can really take advantage of it.

Thanks for the post, raybeere  :Thmbsup:

2 penny Ron

Living Room / Re: Cleaning Inside the Case
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:40 PM »
Never open my case, except to add memory. Never saw any dirt inside, everything is gleaming clean. I change computers about every four years. The last one I gave to my granddaughter who had it for eighteen months now, the machine is about five and a half years old.

My motto is " If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

How do you know when to clean your computer?. Is it overheating, some malfunction that makes you think dirt is the problem, some time schedule, or is your machine saying "Clean me, clean me", or are you just bored?.

I can't do that with my case. When you are in a house that is well over 100 years old it is constantly generating dust. Doesn’t matter how much you clean, the house is slowly disintegrating I guess, and dust happens! And with a fan-driven exhaust system there is no reasonable way to keep all dust from getting inside the case. Thus I have to handle the dust after it is in the box!



Does your comment ever strike home! My place started as a cabin in 1917, and was remodeled with added rooms and a garage in 1947. It isn't just a dust problem; there really is fine debris coming from everywhere! A couple of my machines run 24/7, but those that aren't on still accumulate fine particulates. Cleaning all of them becomes a routine eventually.

It's odd, I've never been motivated to use digital to-do lists or PIMs. I can't remember to keep Google Calendar or TBirds' calendar extension properly filled in. I use little spiral notebooks that fit in a shirt pocket, and rarely, Post-It notes. And yes, I've lost the furshlugginer notebooks a couple of times. It taught me to double entry important stuff in another book for reference.

Some habits are hard to break, I guess.

Living Room / Re: Meme time! Five Things People Don't Know About Me
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:17 PM »
Oh, I "got it" OK. In spite of the fact I was mad about a close friend, and had relationships with others. The redoubtable Ms. Rigg was soooo unattainable. And I was doing a lot of attaining in those days!

Same here. But I always liked "older women."

At least I did until recently. Now those same older women are my age.

Or younger. :tellme:

Understood. My best friend is two years younger than I am. Been crazy about her for nearly 40 years. Five years back, Bite-sized trouble showed up. She's thirty-four years younger! The Original Mermaid (best friend) gets a little cranky when she thinks about her, but knows she's always first. YMMV <vbg>


Living Room / Re: Meme time! Five Things People Don't Know About Me
« on: February 25, 2009, 02:18 PM »
Your only brother's only brother sounds like a real character - whatever happened to him? Is he on the straight and narrow now?

Yeah, Darwin
As a pro, he was inclined to run his activities like a business. More to the point, he had an uncanny knack for avoiding trouble. Word is, he gave it all up about 20 years ago with only minor psychic scars. 


BTW I had a pretty big crush on Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) myself when I was about 8 or 9. Didn't quite "get", at the time, that the shows I was watching were already 10 years old or so at the time  ;D

Oh, I "got it" OK. In spite of the fact I was mad about a close friend, and had relationships with others. The redoubtable Ms. Rigg was soooo unattainable. And I was doing a lot of attaining in those days!

I took a quick look at both of the suggestions. I have to admit I like the no-install bookmarklet version of Iterasi. The possible downside is that it's in beta, with no apparent time line or hint that it's status will change from free to commercial.
Website-Watcher is another story. It appears to be very clear about what it does (which is a lot). The Basic version looks like it does all the heavy lifting most users will need. It's about 30 Euros, and can be tried for free for 30 days.
Both programs can be integrated into FF via extension.

In the bad old days when I used to accumulate hundreds of bookmarks, either of these would have been interesting. (I still get occasional emails from AskSam because of Surf Saver) Now, I only bookmark a few sites that I want to track, rarely more than 60-75. When I get that many, I look through them and eliminate anything not visited for 2-3 months!


Living Room / Re: Meme time! Five Things People Don't Know About Me
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:58 PM »
Your only brother's only brother sounds like a real character - whatever happened to him? Is he on the straight and narrow now?

Yeah, Darwin
As a pro, he was inclined to run his activities like a business. More to the point, he had an uncanny knack for avoiding trouble. Word is, he gave it all up about 20 years ago with only minor psychic scars. 

Living Room / Re: Meme time! Five Things People Don't Know About Me
« on: February 24, 2009, 06:53 PM »
1. I'm addicted to fabulist literature

2. I think Neil Gaiman's Sandman is a great work of fiction, even if it is a graphic novel

3. I can come up with a decent original bass line for anything

4. The first woman I ever had a major crush on was Diana Rigg as Emma Peel in The Avengers.
 (see attachment in previous post)
(mmm...those sexy-brainy English-types <sigh!>) ;)

5. If someone were to offer me the chance to go to Mars or another planet (but with only 1 chance in 3 of surviving the trip) I'd still go in a heartbeat.

6. I often enjoy disregarding written instructions. ;)

I still remember the enormous, hormone-soaked crush I had on Diana Rigg when I was in my early 20's. Sigh...

Oops, sorry about the spelling, f0dder :-[

Gparted works very well. It's the Gnome Partition Editor app that is run from a CD.  Easeus Partition Manager will also do what you want. The home edition is free for non-business use.

+1 for Fudder's approach, though. It's simple, and works! Whatever you decide, back up your data. Did I mention back up your data? You can screw up a partition and have endless grief, so back up your data! (You really should anyway. I back up to a server and external drives, DVD's, etc. Paranoid? Oh, yeah.)

Last thought: do this when you're clear about what to do and expect. This is not a project to tackle after an evening of Ketel One and Cranberry Alize martinis.

I do have concerns with Win 7's DRM policies; starting to hear some horror stories in forums. YMMV
Yeah, those rumors are pretty discomforting.

(That's assuming I can dual boot with 7: more horror stories, I'm afraid. Don't get get me wrong; this post isn't about FUD. I look forward to a new OS. I wait for the time when Redmond decides to build what Longhorn was supposed to be.)
As far as I understand, the Win7 beta disables the other installed OSes in it's bootloader by default to minimize the risk (however small) of corruption other OS'es partitions... afaik it's fixable, and I highly doubt there will be problems with the final version.

I hope the DRM situation is either FUDdy rumors or something that's going to be rectified, since Win7 otherwise seems like a pretty nice OS, and I wouldn't mind upgrading from XP64 when it's released. But if the "all your files are belong to us" rumors are true, I really don't know.

What I've read indicates Win 7 takes the folder/drive where you install it and changes it to C:\ At that point, the original OS/drive (XP, for example) disappears, so you can't effectively return to it. I'm not sure if Win 7 has to be uninstalled to reverse those changes.

The DRM issues are still a little unclear, but, for instance, a user may no longer be able to record off the sound card unless Win 7 recognizes an identifiable tag of some sort. There may also be issues with granting big dollar software rights to phone home through your firewall, no matter how you set permissions. Just gonna wait and see what the final looks like (and maybe even wait for Win 7 Service Pack 1!).
Good old Redmond, they figured out long ago how to make us pay to be endless beta testers.  ;)

Living Room / Re: Meme time! Five Things People Don't Know About Me
« on: February 23, 2009, 04:02 PM »
For a meme like this to be successful, it should contain some 'spicy material' I think, so here goes:

1. My only brother has recently chosen a "career" as professional criminal.
2. When I was (very) young, my curiosity killed a real cat   :(
3. At heart I am a dog person anyway.
4. I bought all my drivers licenses for this country (but earned them in originating country).
5. I am in love with a woman who is totally into God, while I am not.

Well, Shades

(1) For over twenty years, my only brother's only brother was a professional criminal, but the statute of limitations ran out years ago.

(2) I used to have pins and screws in one leg, but the only hardware left these days is the bolt in my neck.

(3) I was assigned by CBS to photograph the Beatles during their 1966 US tour.

(4) I've traveled through the lower 48, Alaska, and western China as a geologist.

(5) I'm a cat person, while my two best friends are dog persons.

We have a sysadmin at work and he's leaning towards Win 7.
He would have to deal with printer driver problems if there are any.
Other than that, I don't have high requirements for hardware.

I'm thinking win 7 could be the best solution here too.


AFAICT, Win 7 is going to be an easier transition if (a) you're already running Vista, or (b) don't expect a lot of attention paid to fixing 64-bit issues. As I said before, my machines do quite well with XP Pro, but the OS is a little long in the tooth, as much as I prefer it. 
I do have concerns with Win 7's DRM policies; starting to hear some horror stories in forums. YMMV

Still, Win 7 will likely be my next major upgrade in OS, although I'll have at least one XP box around and dual boot XP and 7 at first. (That's assuming I can dual boot with 7: more horror stories, I'm afraid. Don't get get me wrong; this post isn't about FUD. I look forward to a new OS. I wait for the time when Redmond decides to build what Longhorn was supposed to be.

Just save us all from a repeat of Windows Me. Still recall when I eagerly bought the upgrade, installed it, went through it, uninstalled it, and took the upgrade disk into the back yard and chopped it to pieces with a hatchet, all in 3 hours! (shudder)

2 penny Ron

General Software Discussion / Re: Make Firefox 3 load faster
« on: February 22, 2009, 06:16 PM »
You know, sometimes i wonder what the impact can be between extensions themselves?

I mean, perhaps you only have 7 extensions but maybe one of those doesn't like the face of only one other in the group.
Could this happen if there were even more like 30?

dantheman, you probably have a point about some extensions not playing nice with others. I review mine periodically for reconsideration. Currently, those are Adblock Plus (a little problematical in some configurations, I'm told), Customize Google, Flashblock, Secure Login, Session Manager, Stumbleupon, and Tab mix Plus. Java installed Java Quick Starter with JRE runtimes 6 v. 10 or 11. Stumbleupon's hanging by a thread because I just never use it. Been keeping it out of sentiment, maybe. Recently, I dumped Bookmarks Duplicate Manager because I rarely have more than 60-70 bookmarks. Gone are the days of 700+ bookmarks!(ISTM finding what you need is so easy, that bookmarking is rarely useful. YMMV) This is my basic FF3 setup on all my machines. They all run XP Pro SP2 and the slowest is a 2.53GHz P4 with 2GB ram. Loading isn't much of a problem, but the server and one of the main desktops run 24/7.  8-))

Themes? FF default and CrystalFox Qute  (easy on the eyes for me)

OEF aka 2 penny Ron

Couldn't agree more, Zaine. Great newsletter, mouser  :Thmbsup: Digesting all of the threads that I missed on my own now... and folllowing links to other threads and information that they point to...

Happy, happy, joy, joy  :)

Darwin, You remember The Loved One too? Where is Mom's Big Tub when you need it?

Bookmarked to show a small circle of friends. I love The Onion, don't check the videos often enough.

Living Room / Re: Stop-motion videos
« on: February 16, 2009, 03:04 PM »
Morning Elegance, Western spaghetti, and Her Beautiful Ideas went immediately to my two best friends. Thanks for helping me look sensitive and a little classy. (drool dripping rhythmically on the flask of Southern Comfort in my shirt pocket)

General Software Discussion / Re: Make Firefox 3 load faster
« on: February 16, 2009, 01:30 PM »
Wow! That was quite the writeup Magis esse!  8)

And so many extensions!  :o I'm surprised you don't have many more issues.

Anyway, i did a quick search and someone in another forum pointed out that the History being kept is set at 90 days!  :huh: Yup. So i changed it to 7, cleared history cache and cookies and, although it may be too soon to tell, everything seems to be pretty well in ship shape now.

BTW, "MinimizetoTray" isn't to be confused with "Firefox Preloader" (which has been upgraded since 2005). The latter would preload/boot with the OS, not "MtT"

@cmpm, ya, i kind of had that intuition.

Thanks for the heads up about the history cache. It was something I'd overlooked and of course, it was set at the 90 days default! I've done all the tweaks to FF I want, ISTM. My main way of keeping the load time down is only using 7 extensions and 2 themes. FF loads for me in just under 30 seconds, but I'm not in a hurry. YMMV

I've stayed clear of 64-bit mostly because of peripherals and software. I use high end scanners and printers for graphics work, and while they're in good shape I won't be trading up(?) to Vista or Win7 anytime soon. Same thing with my favorite software, like Photoshop 7.
I have CS3 for tethered studio shooting, but I do most of my work in PS7 or Painter IX.5. Until I need to do some serious hardware replacement/upgrade, I'll stay with XP Pro. After all, I already went through the business of getting everything stabilized with Service Pack 3!

Living Room / Re: Cleaning Inside the Case
« on: February 16, 2009, 11:35 AM »
Nod5, any online site for that?

try Metrovac


URL fixed :)

Long ago, I bought a dinky little SYBA USB vac for my laptop, but it never had enough oomph to do the desktops very well. I discovered the Metrovac attachments about 2 years ago, I think, but I don't really use it enough. About once a month, I'll power down a machine, let it cool, and pop the case for a blow n' wipe. Seems to work.  I'm even less organized with keyboards. I buy 2-3 of the cheapest boards whenever I get down to my last new one. Cleaning involves turning them over and whacking them on the desk! Why so many boards? Well, I've found you can't drink a cup of tea and laugh uproariously at the same time.


Made dinner Friday night and breakfast Saturday morning for my best friend and myself. We took in the movie "Bottle Shock" for free at a local library and kind of spontaneously went out to dinner Saturday evening. Actually this is all pretty normal behavior for us. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day; we celebrate the 15th instead. THAT's the day, thirty-five years ago, when we fell in love forever.

2 penny Ron

(Oh, and Bite-sized Trouble got a phone call. After all, she's the next-best friend!)

Er... Newsletter was published today 1/28, but that Shell City page dates from 12/28. Normally not a problem, but the site doesn't let me go back beyond 1/19 or so. numerous search attempts on the site yielded odd results. Google may be my friend, but even I gave up after going six pages deep in Search!

Anybody having the same problem?  :tellme:

2 penny Ron

Double damn. I got a cramp just playing this! I don't even like games, either.
 :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

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