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General Software Discussion / Re: SQLNotes...what is it exactly?
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:59 PM »
No, not the file link UI which does not (yet) have the HTML pane option (actually it is there but disabled).

But rather, if you do in the HTML pane: Menu>>File>>Open, select a text file and click save. Content will be indexed in the DB and searchable. You can still transparently edit the file in IQ (which will save it on disk automatically).

General Software Discussion / Re: SQLNotes...what is it exactly?
« on: June 19, 2009, 08:12 PM »
>The item field should be the filename, and the contents of the text file should go in the html pane.

Yes, this is an extension to the new drag-drop UI that is definitely planned. So the dropped files could go in either
1- Fileref fields
2- URL field
3- in HTML pane

(in fact, it is already in the UI, but disabled as I did not get to code it)

General Software Discussion / Re: SQLNotes...what is it exactly?
« on: June 19, 2009, 08:08 PM »
Linking would not do any good to me because I probably wont be able to search them. I woulld prefer that IQ would import them then create the topics based on file names.
Ah, but linked content is also indexed in IQ, so you could search your text content in IQ even though it is saved on disk. So embedded or linked, no difference. It is your choice. As a bonus, if it is linked, desktop search engines will find it too.

General Software Discussion / Re: SQLNotes...what is it exactly?
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:38 PM »
Yes it would be quite easy.

Which brings another issue. IQ HTML pane does not support editing of plain text files (there is a source code editor for the html). Plain text files will get converted to HTML. Is there a need for a plain text editor?  

Of which there is 2 types:
1- notepad type (enhanced of course)
2- source code editor (like the one already included in the VBScript editor) (line numbers, no wrap, syntax highlighting, expand/collapse sections ,etc)

and yes, this discussion may continue on the IQ community web site...

Why not buy it in Euro? I live in Canada and I normally do this. It gets converted by my credit card at a much better rate.

Living Room / Re: IE to be removed from Windows 7 in EU
« on: June 12, 2009, 10:04 PM »
If I were in MS shoes, instead of pulling IE out of Windows (as it is so much part of the OS), I would just include FireFox, Opera and Chrome with Windows. It is IMHO a much more elegant solution to this issue.

Nobody has mentioned Ecco Pro yet... As far as a Calendar app with todos, contacts and filtering (i.e. categories) it is hard to beat. Plus it is free. Sure it isn't being developed anymore, but it is an excellent app, which still runs on modern OSs.

There is an issue in Mantis on this: Drag-drop images to the HTML rich edit pane

Bottom line is yes of course. 2 types of drag-drop:
1- web images
2- file images

Would you say that in both cases, you want the option to either (1) link to the image and (2) copy the image?

note that using external editors, you can do it right now. Also there is this issue: Enable external editors for HTM files, not just MHT

I'm the designer of InfoQube, which sits exactly in between a database and a spreadsheet. You can have millions of rows, but it is easy to extract a small subset. The front end UI is that of a outlining grid (+1 over Excel) and the back end is a database (JET 4.0). Adding fields to your tables is easy. You can color rows, outline rows into a hierarchy and add extra rich text info for each row. Supports built-in VB Script functions and user-defined ones too. Plus, if you've got a version of MSOffice installed, you can use pivot tables and charts (i.e. OLAP cubes) to analyze / summarize your data. Data in your IQubes can be viewed live in Excel and Word, which is great to share with others.

General Software Discussion / Google announces Google Wave
« on: May 29, 2009, 02:47 PM »
I'm surprised that this hasn't been discussed here yet. Google Wave plans to revolutionize communications:

It's a 80 min. video, but filled with amazing stuff:

Ideas, comments?

[edit]Oups, just found this thread:Google demonstrates new communication platform "WAVE": mail, chat , wiki, .. [/edit]

what's the status of IQ?  If I'm not mistaken, the calendar module is being worked on?

The calendar has been partly functional for approx 3 months. The next release (0.9.25) will finalize it.

I've just today released 0.9.24 which add lots of new features and tweaks requested by users and bug fixes too of course. So for those that don't visit the IQ Community website (at, this last release significant changes are:

  • Hyperlinks in the grid and in the HTML pane (external and internal:to items, grids, fields, wikitags, outlook items, etc)
  • Live-search with item formatting (i.e. Bold items marked as red appear in bold-red in live-search)
  • Zoom in and zoom out in the grid and in the HTML pane
  • Shortcut toggle between: zoomed grid, zoomed HTML, normal
  • Easier and more flexible links to files and folders, including dynamic links (hyperlink is based on a field value)
  • Grid navigation and item creation right in the HTML pane. So users can now create rich-text content in a single pane
  • Improved Gantt chart display
  • Hover over a link shows where it points to (both in the grid and in the HTML pane)
  • Simpler and more user-friendly toolbars
  • Ultra-Recall and OPML/OML import (will be completed tomorrow)
  • (and for those that are really late in the news... FireFox and Thunderbird clipping extensions)  ;)
Pierre, Dir. NeoTech Systems, Designers of InfoQube

General Software Discussion / Re: Desktop/email search program
« on: May 22, 2009, 11:58 PM »
Have you read this (very long) thread?


I'm sure this can be implemented, IQ is very flexible like that.

I could not find the database format used, but if an ODBC driver exists (and one exists for most formats), then you can push this info into your IQBase on a single click. The same with the native FF bookmarks, which uses SQLite (as I use Foxmarks to sync with IE favorites, then both browsers bookmarks could be pushed to an IQBase.

Details avail upon request.

FSCapture is another one, that does scrolling windows and it's free for home use:

Developer's Corner / Re: Need a custom CMS in PHP
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:56 PM »
Drupal is not easy. I use it myself and keep recommending it :)

What aspect of Drupal do you find complicated? I find it simple and logical.

Usage of a few extra modules does help. I use:
- LifeWire Diff: provides wiki-like revision with in-text highlighting
- BlockBar: Collapsable (left-pane) menu
- Booktree: Book table of content
- Click2bookmark: user-specific topic bookmark
- Comment subjects: Provides the default reply title to a post
- Comment upload: Attach files to comments
- FCKeditor: advanced WYSIWYG editor. Drupal is one of the very few CMS that use HTML for posts, which I consider much better than bbcode
- Hovertip: Glossary term highlighting (in all posts)
- Imagepicker: User specific images
- Link node: Allows links of type: [node:123] where 123 is the thread. Automatically creates a link with the text = thread title
- Quote: Adds button to quote a post
- Fuzzy Search
- GB Comment Revisions: creates revisions when comments (i.e. posts) are edited
- Panels: Creates complex page with content panels

General Software Discussion / Re: Drupal is f*cked
« on: February 13, 2009, 03:20 PM »
I love Drupal. It is so nice, so easy to modify and the list of modules is extensive.   :-* :-*

Those that have conceptual issues / questions, do not hesitate to ask. I'll gladly try to answer

(and I didn't even touch the Content Construction Kit (CCK) and Views yet, which are real gem!)

In many of the thread listings, specific to a user (such as the "new replies to your posts"), it would be nice to have an additional column with the number of new posts. So often, I end up looking a thread just to see that only 1 new post was made, when I'd like to wait until 3-4 new posts are made (minimize context switching). The total number of posts column could be replaced with this one... who remembers / cares what is the total post count (in that display) as it is shown when viewing the actual thread.

For the InfoQube community web site, I use Drupal and it shows in red, the number of new posts. I find this very useful

Hi Paul,

Yes, IQ hierarchy display is optional. All items exist independent of the existence of parents, children, etc. (think of items as if they are people, you and me)

You can group people by various hierarchies (work related, family related, etc) and you can also view them in flat view, i.e. no hierarchy. This flat view makes it easier to find information (at times) and also to sort it. In general, sorting is another problem with hierarchy views (try sorting files from 2 different folders...). IQ also has a hierarchy view that sorts correctly.

Tags are basically a "smart" category field (type=text). IQ has category fields. Fields can be Text, Number, Date, Yes/No. All these (i.e. not just tags) can be used for filtering purposes.

re: True flat view: IMHO, IQ has a true flat view, but we can discuss what exactly you mean, using a practical example.


Hierarchies can be used to help you get organized. The problem is that they can also hide your valuable information.

Being able to view the same information in hierarchy view and in flat view is essential to truly benefit from hierarchies.

Also, items must be able to belong to multiple hierarchies. Being limited to a single simple tree is very limiting

I haven't read it all, but it seems to discuss the relative merits of information organization techniques:
1- Hierarchy
2- Search (no organization)
3- Tags
4- Faceted

My own IQ does the first 3 and "could" be modified do the 4th also.

Great finding for an information management fanatic like me. Thanks!

Living Room / Re: I need easy pdf emailing
« on: January 19, 2009, 06:58 PM »
PDF 995 has a nice one which emails automatically (if an extra module is installed IIRC)

Here is another small bug:

When doing a search, there is a link at the end:
"Static link for reproducing this search: here."

The link works but one search parameter is not included: match all words / match any words. Whatever was chosen, it goes back to match all words...  :o

- In many summary view (unread, new replies to your post, etc), show the number of unread posts for each thread, this gives an idea of the activity and helps decide to view the thread now or later
- In many summary views (including the main forum page), show for each thread more than the current "re: Thread title" which gives no clue. Nb of posts, content summary, etc to help us manage the large activity here
- Support a WYSIWYG editor

the link:

is currently giving a redirection loop: a->b->a->b...

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