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Messages - IainB [ switch to compact view ]

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Just reporting that I still can't get this plugin to work properly.
It has to be a bug in the time calculation as it persists in being exactly 12 hours off.
I would make a guess that it is not picking up my system's regional time setting correctly.
Have therefore de-installed the plugin.
Below is a screenshot of the plugin as at 1726hrs (NZ local time).
FARR TimeZone plugin bug - display at 1726hrs NZT.jpg

@tomos: Sorry - I should have said that you don't need to use Excel. The string handling works just fine in Google Docs spreadsheet also and probably would in Open Office spreadsheet (though I have not tried that).

If this were a regular chore that I needed to do, then I would automate it and retain the work as separate sheets in a workbook using something like Excel/Google spreadsheet.

The other suggestions in this discussion look like more fun, but seem a tad overly complicated for easy repetitive automation of such a basic task.

(Heh. I had to stop myself from suggesting you use string handling routines in Fortran.)       ;D

Or, you could just copy paste the strings (names) from Word to an Excel spreadsheet, and if Excel does not automatically set them into columns but just one column, then you could maybe save time and treat each cell as a compound name with
" " (space character) as a delimiter.

Then you could use Excel's string-handling functions.
For example, with a string which has a compound name "Firstname Middlename Lastname" something like:
Search compound name for First name: =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)-1)
Search compound name for Last name: =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH(" ",A2,1))

If ZZZ is always the last string in the compound name and you want it to become the first string, then this would be a relatively simple exercise to extract and sort out in Excel, and then it would be automated for the next time you needed to do it.

@doctorfrog: You write "...flash doesn't know that trick".
Well, it seems to work for .SWF files - that's flash - right? But I just realised that I am using a FF plugin that invokes an alternative Flash player called "FlowPlayer". Maybe that's why?

@s.newave: Thanks for the explanation and the suggestions.
I should explain that I use GDS because it is the most efficient and effective desktop search tool that I have come across (including the short-lived AltaVista desktop product) and:
(a) it indexes all my desktop documents (a mandatory requirement);
(b) it indexes my Outlook email - when I am obliged to use Outlook (a mandatory requirement);
(c) it integrates its search with Gmail (a mandatory requirement);
(d) it integrates its index across all my disparate computer desktops (a mandatory requirement).

For these and other reasons it is leagues ahead of other search tools, including Windows Search and the constipated Microsoft Windows indexing that is necessitated by that.

Thus Everything and Phitsc are not really suitable candidates for my search tools.

@dortom: Thanks for your suggestion, but I don't think that's it.
I Login to access my "Personal World Clock" - i.e., the one I have configured/set up.
The FARR plugin does not Login to it. The plugin just accesses
In any event, my Personal World Clock is currently configured to show A.M./P.M., though I have previously tried it with 24-hour display.

I have also changed the plugin display from 12 to 24-hour, but it makes no difference  - it's still 12 hours out on some timezones, including my "home" zone (New Zealand), which is GMT+12hrs.

You could do worse than use the Holden VBM (Value-Based Marketing) methodology to systematically analyse your market and define how you need to go about building a Strategic Marketing Plan. No stone would be left unturned.
If it's good enough for IBM and EDS Corp., it could be good enough for any organisation.

I'm not so sure that "aesthetics" has anything to do with information management.
In any event, I have yet to find anything that currently comes close to the information management capability and flexibility nor the ergonomics of Lotus Agenda (never mind the aesthetics) - and I have been looking quite hard.

I hate to have to say this, but my 8-year old daughter Lily showed me the workaround to this problem a few weeks back.
"What you do daddy is you press the play button, then pause it, and you can see the red line keep growing whilst it is paused, so that when you play it again it's behind the red line."

She's right. It works. The caching takes place in advance of your playing the video. No stuttering video now!

I had been looking at the FARR plugin "GoogleSuggest", and someone suggested (no pun intended) that I try GooglePlus out.
So I installed it just now, and it runs fine and I think it's a great plugin.

However, I would like the option to be able to feed my search parameters through to Google Desktop and so search my local hard drive.
Is there some way I could do this?

Hmmm. I installed this plugin today, and it comes up with the times OK in [E HH:mm Country-City] format, but some timezones seem to be 12 hours short - i.e., when it should be 23:55hrs the display is 11:55 (that's A.M., not P.M.).

I have used "The Personal World Clock" at for a few years now, and that always displays these timezones correctly, so the problem would seem to be elsewhere - e.g., (I guess) in the plugin's interpretation of the time.

Any ideas?

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleSuggest
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:54 PM »
@lanux128: Thanks. I shall try the GooglePlus plugin, as you suggest.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleSuggest
« on: January 07, 2010, 05:59 PM »
I installed this today. It crashes every time I use it and I have to kill/restart FARR, so I have now uninstalled it.
What a pity! Looks like it has potential!

Is there a dcupdater for this?

Is this mod only for discussions in this forum?
If so, then I can't really see the point of the modification, because readability seems quite good:
(a) Newly-posted discussion topics always come up with a fresh title.
(b) Subsequent comments to an existing post are always preceded by "Re:"

(You can see this at )

Could you define which view of the discussion forum you think would have improved readability with whatever mod you have in mind? It is not clear to me which view you might be referring to nor what the effect of the mod would be.

I'm not sure I need this. I don't usually the DC forum from the forum pages but via Google Reader.
In Google Reader, every post (in all threads) shows up as an "unread" item as per the attached screenshot:

General Software Discussion / Re: Must-have Windows Programs
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:08 AM »
@f0dder: I have only 2 words to say to you: "Carpe diem".

General Software Discussion / Re: Must-have Windows Programs
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:56 PM »
Yes, is there some way of attaching or moving this discussion to the Software I Love" thread - or vice versa?
I can feel myself getting all teary-eyed over Ashton-Tate's Framework IV for DOS already.     ;D

@Bamse: Yes, you are quite right, of course. I am always in a hurry to install and try something out, so I am likely to "let my guard down long enough to get suckered" by these pernicious cons.

That's a good point about ZoneAlarm too. Why use ZoneAlarm instead of the Windows Firewall now anyway?
I've recently dumped Avast! in favour of MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) and it works just fine.

Actually there is nothing strange going on IainB.

That depends on your definition of "strange". From my perspective, it is just shonky - classic sharp practice. It's a form of spamming-by-freeware. Where you see this sort of practice, all parties involved are tarred with the same brush. If you accept it, then you condone it by default, which merely encourages the practice. What's needed is to discourage the practice. I do that by voting with my feet and avoiding anything further to do with the software that bundles the eBay Trojan, or the bar, or any other crapware - and I recommend that all software users do the same. Eventually the message should get through.

...indicating you did something wrong
No, I did not interpret it that way at all. I realised that I had let my guard down long enough to get suckered by this pernicious con.

I was annoyed by the Trojan and the bar. I am also annoyed that I let my guard down long enough to get suckered by this pernicious con.
As far as I am aware, both the Trojan and the bar got past me without my positively accepting them, and that is why I wrote:
The Trojan is bad enough, but the deliberately forced and silent install really annoys me.

(I guess that's why they call them "Trojan" - it's a deliberate trick to slip an enemy's army past the unsuspecting guards, as per the mythical story of the Trojans' wooden horse.)

I still have the install file (name, and yes, it was from the official virus site - erm, sorry, I meant "official software site" - for Format Factory - i.e.,

I could always be mistaken, of course, but I have no desire to repeat the install just to find out whether I was mistaken and thereby run the risk that I might have to clean up the mess all over again. If you'd like me to send the file to you, then you would be welcome to install it yourself and see. As they say, "Nullius in verbo".

Such a test would be academic in any event. There are two principles in play here - honesty and integrity. Both principles have been broken - if they have ever been upheld - by the Format Factory site webmasters and by
A WHOIS of gives the following information:
    Road QiuJiang 1488nong No.11  Room1304
    ShangHai, -- 200070

    Domain name: PCFREETIME.COM
    Administrative Contact: junhao, chen

A WHOIS of gives the following information:
        DNS Manager
        555 12th Street Suite 500
         Oakland CA 94607
         +1.5109857400 Fax: +1.5109857507

Thanks sajman99.
I went to that What's Best thread, and ended up downloading and installing FormatFactory.
If you go there, you will see that I have posted a warning about FormatFactory.

WARNING!!! Virus/Trojan/Adware alert with FormatFactory!

WARNING!!! Virus/Trojan/Adware alert with FormatFactory!     :down: :down: :down:

I just installed FormatFactory v2.20 (install file name
As the proggy was installing, my MS Security Essentials caught and quarantined a Trojan Notifier:

It was in file:C:\Temp\nsw95.tmp\eBay.exe
Interestingly, this indicates that MSSE had not detected the Trojan in the install file - even though it had inspected it on download - but only after the install file had been expanded into C:\Temp

Then ZoneAlarm reported that askchecker.exe was requesting access to the Internet. I blocked it.
ZoneAlarm then reported other ask-related proggies requesting access, and I blocked them too.

Process Explorer showed that Ask-related processes were running and had been loaded from C:\temp.

When I checked C:\Temp, I saw all sorts of Ask-related excrement - folders and files, including a file called ASKSUTBLOG (no file extension) size 451.7Kb. The latter was the install log of Ask Toolbar.msi.
The log file shows that ASK had installed and propogated itself all over the place - including C:\Program Files and my Firefox and Chrome browsers (as toolbars).

From the above, it is clear that the Trojan and the Ask Toolbar.msi must have been bundled in the FormatFactory install file.
The Trojan is bad enough, but the deliberately forced and silent install really annoys me. The fact that the FormatFactory developers have deliberately buried these parasites in their program's install file - without warning or option for the user - annoys me even more. I now already dislike the FormatFactory product without even having tried it, and could not recommend it without major caveats.

I used RevoUninstaller to expunge from my laptop. This is the 2nd or third time this year that I have had to remove from my and other peoples' PCs. It takes time to do that, and it's a waste of my time. More annoyance.

Question: Does anyone know how it might be possible to block the Trojan and the adware before it gets through the gates?    :feedback:
  • The file file size exceeded the limit for uploading to Virus Total (so it could not be checked).
  • After clearing out, I tried Format Factory out once only and can state that it seems to work OK, but it does not appear to have any better/different compression than IWiSoft video converter - which appears to be trouble free, unlike Format Factory.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: December 19, 2009, 07:55 AM »
@d4ni: Thanks. I installed CZB pack a while back, had some probs and deinstalled it.
FCalc is just nice and simple, and it works OK.

Thought I might mention my experience here:
I installed iWisoft Free Video Converter v1.2 today and it seems to work a treat. Is pretty fast.
I had wanted to compress an MP4 video into a smaller file/format, but everything the Converter produced seemed to be a lot bigger in file size. Quality of the output video seemed to be good in all cases (converted to 4 different formats) that I tried - which is not so in several other freeware converters that I have tried.

Can anyone here point me to something that can compress MP4 significantly with minimal loss of sound/audio quality?

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: New FARR Plugin: FCalc
« on: December 11, 2009, 11:25 PM »
I just installed this. Thanks mouser!
Seems like a very nice calculator.

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