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This is something that might have other solutions but if it can be done in a single script it would be handy.  VBS PS Batch whatever.
the content is a list of hyperlinks that need to be emailed.  Currently I do it by building an RTF file which then has to be zipped to be attached to an email.

i have it all working but would like to remove the extra steps required at each end for zipping and unzipping as well as making each written hyperlink active when clicked.

I am now building the .rtf file line by line in a separate script and it would be helpful to instead read each line into the body of the email that is used to send it. 

Currently, i am using a VBS script to get to where i go now.  Once i get to the steps that open Outlook and begin the email, i would need to add the correct vbs code to read the hyperlinks from one location and paste them into the email body then go to the next line for the next hyperlink.

The end result would be a list of maybe 40 hyperlinks which the end of the VBS script adds the recipient's name and sends it on its way.

The code below works by me dropping the zipped file onto the VBS script on my desktop to initiate and send the email.

It works fine that way except for the zipping /unzipping, etc

Is there a way to add the proper code to create the content for the body at step "oEmailItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML"?

What would be the proper statement to add to the VBS to loop through a list if hyperlinks and write them to the email body?

Currently the first script i use echoes the variables to the .rtf file.  I tried loading the contents of the entire .rtf file to the email body but it loses all the layout and everything runs together.

Thanks for any ideas.  Note that i the code below i used "examples" for the recipient but the rest is pretty much working as is.

Option Explicit
Dim objArgs, OutApp, oNameSpace, oInbox, oEmailItem, olMailItem
Dim a, oAttachments, subjectStr, olFormatHTML
olMailItem = 0
olFormatHTML = 2
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments 'gets paths of selected files
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 'opens Outlook
Set oEmailItem = OutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'opens new email
oEmailItem.To = "" = ""
For a = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
Set oAttachments = oEmailItem.Attachments.Add(objArgs(a))
subjectStr = subjectStr & Right(objArgs(a),Len(objArgs(a))-(InStrRev(objArgs(a),"\"))) & ", " 'recreates the default Subject e.g. Emailing: file1.doc, file2.xls
If subjectStr = "" then subjectStr = "No Subject "
oEmailItem.Subject = "Subject"
oEmailItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML

The following code is part of an HTML file used to display images. There are several lines before his but i cut to the chase with the only working part I need help with.  I need to get it to add a line feed <br> only before it displays a .jpg file.

The contents of the folder are all png image files except for the index images which are jpg.  I am trying to get them to show up with all the png under the index they belong to.
If working properly, it should start by adding a line feed before displaying the first index file named "A.jpg", then display A.jpg followed by all the the A***.png files, then add a linefeed before displaying the "B.jpg index" followed by the B***.png files.

I am pretty sure that this needs to happen in the last 4 lines of code but I cannot seem to get the <br> to work dependent on the type of file.
 I need to add a <br> to the front of the display only if the file-type is a jpg.
As it is now, it displays the files end to end with the title indexes being followed by their png's then the next index file with no break. 
This works as is but I would like to try getting it a little better organized for display purposes.

'images/'//image's folder path
$num_files glob($folder_path "*.{JPG,jpg,gif,png,bmp}"GLOB_BRACE);
$folder opendir($folder_path);
$num_files 0)
false !== ($file readdir($folder))) 
$file_path $folder_path.$file;
$extension strtolower(pathinfo($file ,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); 
$extension=='jpg' || $extension =='png' || $extension == 'gif' || $extension == 'bmp'
  $txtfile_temp basename($file_path".".$extension).PHP_EOL;
  $txtfile $folder_path.trim($txtfile_temp).".txt";
  $fp fopen($txtfile"r");
      if (
$fp == false)
   $file_path "Failed to open ".$txtfile;
   $line "Failed to open ".$txtfile;
$line fgets($fp);

            <a href="<?php echo "".$line?>"><img src="<?php echo $file_path?>"  height="300" /></a>

Just wanted to say it's great to see people helping each other out on little projects like this  :up:

Thanks Mouser:  DC has been my 100% ALL TIME BEST site for "goTo" help.
The "other guys"  don't come close.   :Thmbsup:

Only one minor edit and 4WD saved the day again!   :Thmbsup:
As below, I only added '/index' to var in your code so the page opens in the browser. !perfect!

I was trying to skimp too much      :-[
I was hoping to get by using the "form" setup by itself but could not manage the last bit whether I used "get" or "post" or ??

You are a Lifesaver!  >>as usual   8)
Hope you enjoyed a Great Christmas PLUS 'Boxing Day'  :)
Us poor Yanks only get Christmas :(   
uhm ...Well Plus
New Years Day

and of course



    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
      function goToPage(form) {
        var initial = "";
        var extension = "/index.html";
        var newurl = initial + form.subpage.value + extension;
    <TITLE>Redirect Test</TITLE>
    <FORM name="form" action="" method="GET">
      Input word:
      <INPUT type="text" name="subpage" value="">
      <INPUT type="button" Name="button" value="GO" onClick="goToPage(this.form);">

This might be simpler that I am showing below but the idea is to allow a user to complete a URL link and go there.

My best arrangement only works insofar as it doesn't crash.
A lot of the info below could even be deleted and it still 'works' to get to oracle but nothing i have tried can take the input from the user and add it to the href statement.

Any info appreciated even if it means using a completely alternative method as long as it Looks and works as intended. (and is short :) )

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <form name ="gotourl" action=" " method="post"
     <p> Enter Final Word Here -
     <input type="text" name="fword"
     <a href=""fword>”CLICK to go”</a>

Example would be if you want to go to:

But you only wanted the use to enter the word "sun" in the box displayed  Typing it in the box and clicking the work "click to go" just goes to and the "sun" subdirectory does not get added.

Something like this would probably be proper using a lot of PHP but I was hoping for a simpler HTML version to add an input to a line of code and go there.

Since I admittedly don't how to do it, there may well be one

General Software Discussion / Re: Passworded gatekeeper for websites
« on: January 12, 2017, 09:01 PM »
Again, I greatly appreciate all the comments.  Many of them are dead-on.  I believe a solution I  presented at a group meeting tonight was acceptable to the managers  and this process will greatly simplify the entire procedure - IF it can be done on SquareSpace Hosting.  'SS' was not my choice of a host but it is what I am stuck with.

On the main website I just need to present a [button] that when clicked would open a small window with a box large enough for 15 characters and labeled with "Enter your group name here and click <Enter>".  The characters entered in that box would be used to complete the value of a variable whose default value would be the first portion of the URL such "".   

When they click Enter it would complete the variable and use it to open a window on the User's default browser to the site at that location.

Shades, you are 100% correct in the primary layout.  That is the way I designed it many years ago and it has worked perfectly for all this time.  This new wrinkle is caused by them wanting all traffic to go to the primary PUBLIC site before being redirected to the numerous private locations on another site using a single "Log In Button" on the Public Site.
The conundrum was that I have no way of knowing who "they" are when they click that button which makes it next to impossible to intelligently redirect them to anywhere.   Much less do so "securely" without displaying a list of site options which was 100% "Verboten"!

I made a good case for using pre-assigned keyword distribution and making the keyword be the final part of the URL needed to take each party to their own location.
The main destination is not really a 'secret' as such, only the individual sub-location within it contain any private information.  And each of those sub-locations has its own Login/PW gatekeeper anyway.

Since each person only knows the specific name for their own subfolder,  and these names are randomly generated, no Public User would ever get to anywhere other than the one subfolder they have the preassigned keyword for.  This way, i don't have to maintain a "master Key-Keeper" and also don't have to show a list of all optional choices to anyone who clicks the login-in button.  If anyone types in a nonexistent name into the login box, that would make it an invalid URL and they would get the 404 error code equivalent "This site can't be reached"

Doing this in HTML is not that hard.    But.  SquareSpace is not a normal hosting site and so far I am not getting very far with trying to redefine a "block" to create the the button object to do such "magik".     So much for "Simplicity".                 :(   Apache is much easier I think.

Eventually, I am sure I will get something to fly.    But   .. as always,    I found that by asking the questions on DC it brought in so much extra information from all the people here and I wanted to thank everyone for their concepts and ideas.  DC has always been the best place to start when trying to find a solution to anything!


General Software Discussion / Re: Passworded gatekeeper for websites
« on: January 12, 2017, 12:56 AM »
Thanks all.

Yes, this is an APACHE setup.

The logistics are the only part that would take some doing and i was just hoping i could find a prebuilt landing page designed for sorting out and redirecting based on log-in use.

If i have to 'build from scratch, i am sure it can be done but would rather pay for a prebuilt setup based on a few spec requirements.

And 'Yes', it is the same sad story as always.

But Home Made doesn't always mean "poor work":  It depends on the Home thatmade it.

Home cooked meals are better in most cases that Mc Donald's :)

But in the interests of expediency, if someone had already done something like this I would rather purchase that landing page front end than to try to go it on my own.

Thanks for all the good input.

That has been suggested by me before BUT.....
No one wants to deal wih the hassle due to the number of times used.  They can barely remember a Single password much less deal with 2 factor authentication.  But I 100% agre with you.

General Software Discussion / Passworded gatekeeper for websites
« on: January 11, 2017, 06:23 PM »
If there is a relatively easy way to do it, does anyone know of a product that works such that it could open various hyperlinks based on the combination of username and password entered.

Currently, I have this arrangement configured on a 'per-site' basis. But what is now desired is a way to handle multiple different accesses via a log-in button such that a user would end up on a specific homepage based on what they entered for a username/password combination.

There would be at least 40 sites that would all be accessed from single central log-in connection.  which would provide no outward guide as to what goes where.  A user would just enter their log-in and password and if that combination matched one on file in the database, they would be redirected to a specific website based on that match.

This is, in my opinion, another one of those "bad ideas" that management comes up with so often.  Currently each user is given the correct web-link to go to when they are given their username and password in the first place.  Mgmt has decided it would be a 'great idea' to add a   "button" to our PUBLIC website to provide access to all those "private sites" for people who had logins and passwords for them.  The problem being that there are 40 different private sites and I would need some way of knowing where to direct any given entry so that they only got into places they should be in and never into those where they shouldn't.

I believe someone got the bright idea that this would run up the numbers on our Stats page for the public site.  But at what cost in loss of security?   I have given up in trying to point this out.

Anyway, I guess a generic front-end gatekeeper program that could be loaded with every distributed combination of log-in/password as they are given out and then be able to redirect the authorized users to the sites they should be in based on the information they enter is what I am looking for.
Hope all had a Happy Holidays on the DC Board. :)


A recent hack of the office email was done by someone who was sending emails from an Office 365 account belonging to one of the owners.  My personal bet is that they got access vie a simple matter of Social Engineering wherein the owner was tricked into giving her login and password to one of those ever-present Phishing emails from "Microsoft Security" telling you to log into your "secure access portal" by clicking a link that takes them into it through the hackers site while they log in with the hacker watching every entry. This allowed the hacker to reconnect later using what they learned and simply stay connected to the web portal  for that user.

The hacker created all kinds of mischief in that persons name by literally staying connected to their Outlook web portal and simply writing emails giving the company financial officers orders to send wire transfers to the hacker's banks.  But rather than deleting the conversations afterward, they kept then for some time in the drafts folder  The when they finally deleted them, i took a while to figure out what i need to recover were deleted draft emails. 

Neat trick and they got away with it for several few days before anyone noticed.  Even then, it took me a while to realize i needed to search for deleted "drafts".
Some people have suggested that a keylogger was involved but I think it was much simpler than that.  Still, I wouldn't mind running a few rootkit/keylogger scans to be safe.  I was wondering if anyone knew of some that might be the best to scan with. 

I have not dropped in at DC for some time, definitely not since the Holidays so I hope all at DC had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for  2017.

OK, we can Close this oe.  No Thanks to MicroSofty though.  NONE of their techs had any idea and it was in sheer desperation that i took a shot in the dark and found this.  I still cannot explain why it affect WORD and OUTLOOK but it is apparently some feature of Windows itself that is installed when you choose to take the Insider program under Updates in Windows 10.

I still do not understand how I got it in the first place as on the one system that had it because I am sure it isn't registered to the insider program and as far as I know, neither was I on any other system... as far as I KNEW.  I am now.  On one system anyway and sure enough, the feature started working in Outlook and Word on that system too without having to install OFFICE again or anything else.

MS does their best to talk you out of going for the Insider builds and I probably wont stay there.  It will be interesting to see if this "feature" in Word and Outlook Remains active even after I leave the Insider Program.  :)
For now, it is nice to know how to get it anyway.  Maybe this knowledge will be of use to someone else one day.   :Thmbsup:


The Variable is made up of one or more words separated by spaces.

The resulting acronym cannot be more than 8 characters in length and must contain at least the first letter from each word in the input.

If the Input was "president" the output would be "presiden" not just the letter "p". 
If the input was "president and chairperson" the output would be "pranch".

If the input was "chief cook and bottle washer" the acronym would be "ccabw" but
if the input was "cook and bottle washer"  the acronym would be coanbowa.

Is there a relatively simple way to accomplish this using a for/to loop?

Yes!  That is what is so crazy.  I checked every single feature and I am pretty familiar with the Office suite.
I have spent hours trying to duplicate the effect on other systems that have the exact same software installed with my license fro the same place.

I THINK that somehow this one system MAY be on the Office Insider FAST instead of SLOW as the rest are.  But they all say Office Insider and none SAY "FAST".  This just Looks like something MS would ADD as a feature and not yet have updated all users to.

I Wish I could get it on ALL the rest as having those options is kind of nifty

One of my systems (out of four) that all have recently ( about 3 weeks back) been completely reloaded for Office 365 including a full run of the MS uninstaller app first, now has a feature that many people have asked for but MS has yet to restore. On this one system spellcheck works in a way I have never seen and I would LOVE to get the same functionality onto the other systems if possible.

In our office, ONE other person out of 30 also seems to have lucked out and gotten the same setup but no one else has.
This is Office 365 Business installing the Office 2016 versions of Word etc. All users have the same option which is Office Insider Slow.
Ver. 1610 build 7466.2023. The spellcheck feature I am seeing like this is in the desktop software not the Cloud version.

Now that I got all the facts out of the way.  The Question is on the one "special" system... Spellcheck has become a much More useful and handy option. Any misspelled word is underlined in the usual red squiggly line but after that, right clicking it brings up many new options to correct.  I have gone through every possible setting on the other systems trying to make them al the same but cannot get any of them but one to work in this new layout

It has the usual suggested correct spellings plus now each of them is accompanied by a short dictionary-like definition of the word when spelled that way. PLUS they each have another black arrow that if clicked offers to read the word aloud and more important offers to make that spelling of the word into an Auto-correct option.. Right There!. No need to jump through all the usual hoops to get it added.  I thought it was a grammar thing but adding Grammar check to the other systems still does not enable these features.

This same 'feature' also works in Word and all the other Office Desktop Applications but only on that one system.   There is one option that says "See More" and if i click that it goes back to the normal layout.  The one without all the definitions and other options.  Thankfully, this change is only temporary and whatever the spellcheck configuration is that causes this stays there on that one system.

I have nothing in common with the one other person who also somehow ended up with this new setup either.
If anyone else has seen this and knows what it is or how to control it I would surely like to know how to activate it on my other 3 systems.

If this is caused by a grammar option i cannot find a way to enable  it on any other system

Thanks Stoic.
I have had my plate running over for a while now and dont get to drop in as often as i would like.
As i said, ANY advice on how to even TRY to stop this.
I MAY quite seriously have to start blocking hidden URLs at the corporate Server level.  I am pretty sure that Admin level access in exchange server offers something like that.

Due to a recent spate of Phishing hacks I would like to know if there is a utility out there which can accomplish the same thing as hovering the cursor over an image to briefly display the hidden URL inside it.  I would like to see the results of having ALL hidden URL's displayed on every email and see just how annoying that might be.
As an alternative, if there is a way to get the hidden URL's to stay visible longer or even create an optional display of a list of all hidden URL's in a given email.

One recent Phishing hack created an extremely bad issue and I am just looking for whatever options i can find that would help with people who never bother to check anything.  The ones that try to do the "hover to display option" cant seem to hold the cursor steady for long enough to read what they see.

'KUTOOLS' makes a package called ExtendOffice (I think) which does have such an option that you can select to have Outlook display all hidden URL's but for some reason it does not appear to work on Outlook 2016.  It was the only product I could find with this option. 

I am also afraid that if i get what i am asking for it will look similar to what is seen by setting Outlook security to read all email as plain text.  On most emails that results in so much gibberish that it is not worth the results to catch the one bad email in the 20,000 good ones.

If there was an alternative for showing the URL by hovering but being able to make the displayed link stay visible for a longer time so users can read it even if they can't hold the cursor steady on the spot.

Or perhaps a hotkey that would temporarily change the view of an email to plain-text.  Maybe CTRL+SHIFT+P as long as depressed the email view would be plain-text rather than html?

Failing all of that, is there a product that can scan emails for hidden links that are on an updated list of phishing links?  Something like an antivirus that scans instead for misdirected URL's?  One example recently was an email that showed  the CHASE Bank logo where the link went to a URL that started out http://www.chasee.... 
Obviously a fake and not all of them are so easy to catch.

Any advice along these lines would be appreciated.

Yes, this was a REAL post and I thank you for your info. 

I THOUGHT I had seen something somewhere on the site that would do something like this.  I am sure it was probably Mousers product.  Many thanks for sending me that link  to it.

And Yes, Corporate "IS" full of people who have WAYYY too much time on their hands and this is a good example of why everything is fast going to Heck in a Hand-basket!

Be that as it may, Yes, I DO have access to a nice treasure trove of "all the right things to say" that could be used to build a generic but general response for any given night only needing to change the name and dates in some places.

This will save a ton of time and probably prove the needless waste of making people go through this, much like those morning "meetings" before employees clock in where they are all given the "Rah Rah" treatment (on their own time).

I could give you other examples of but I know no one is really interested and i just thank you for taking the time to send me what you did.

This is something that i believe already exists if i knew what "name" to look for.  I will try to give a good description of what is needed and hope that someone has seen or heard of such a program.

(Please excuse my order of presentation.  I had to add things as they came to mind.  I can conceptualize the end result but explaining how I am getting there is not so easy)

The starting premise is this:  I need a way to assist a shift manager in writing short nightly reports for what was done each day on their shift.

Let's say I start with 200 different historical "event reports".  These are just short descriptions of what the person on duty that night wrote down to explain how their shift passed.
Each of them is similar but each was written from the viewpoint of whoever was on that shift that night.  To take this to an extreme example, lets say a shift manager at a restaurant has to write up the events of the final shift at closing every day.  Or any other job that would require a descriptive written statement about happenings during a given period of time.

After a few months or years if you read back over these events you can see that with very few changes, they are all extremely similar.  I would like to see if there is a way to use a computer program to create a generic "scripted report"" based on the ones written in the hundreds of previous reports.  The intent is to assist the person who is writing the new ones by providing a sort of guideline to work with.  Of course, there would always be may differences and it isn't meant to replace a real written report for that day.

But it would provide a framework of what COULD have happened and help the person on duty more clearly remember what really did happen on their shift.
I had thought about just pulling up random complete reports and providing one in a side-box to help jar the memory of the person on duty that night.  To give them a way to "think".  If they see what others said in the past, it will help them visualize what happened during their own shift that occurred at the same place doing the same job but was written up by another person maybe years in the past.  But i don't want to risk giving someone a "Play by Play" that they might be inclined to copy outright.

After writing these shift reports for every single day for a couple off years, eventually, anyone doing it will run out of ways to say things.  Simple Writers Block!   Seeing how another person viewed that particular shift from another point in time I am hoping would give them new ways of thinking about things.  Maybe see things from a different perspective.  This has become a major issue for this company and the shift managers dread that nightly report which should only take them 5 minutes to write if they could approach the task with some minor coaching in how to say the same things they wrote the day before and all the days before that.   Having a "Real Report" written by someone they probably never met but who had to deal with all the same responsibilities and be able to see how That Person wrote about those same events, i believe this would help build new insights and broaden the vocabularies of those who do it. 

Additionally, if i could find the right software.  One with enough AI components that could reconfigure the previous reports in such a way as to intelligently interchange some of the phrases and other statements, it would at the least create enough unusual errors to possibly cause some real creative thinking.

By the way, this is an "Actual Problem" that I am looking for an "Actual Creative Solution" to.  The people involved always eventually get to where they say they just cant think of anything "New" to say that they haven't already said a thousand times before.  My idea may be a total flop but i would be willing to take the time to enter a few hundred of these reports and see if maybe being able to see the way their predecessors saw things a year or two ago could be, if nothing else, a way to broaden their viewpoint and vocabulary.

This would all be done in text.  No "voice to text" capacity involved.  The reports are never more than a couple of short paragraphs and to be honest, YES, they ARE very boring .  There are only so many ways to say "Nothing eventful happened".  But there is always something that does happen no matter how small.  And Corporate requires them to write these things even if no one ever reads them.  I feel that by offering a view on how others saw things and how they wrote them up might be worth a try.

It would work like a "Daily Quote".  Only one "report template" would be presented each night.  I am hoping that this in itself would create enough of a "puzzle" for someone to try to see how the random report from years back or even better , a report that would be created by the system from combining several of those on file,  would make a stimulating challenge out of what is now a dreaded task.

If anyone has any ideas of how this could be accomplished i would appreciate the replies.

Thanks All.
Yes, I 100% agree to this being the most worthless waste of time possible.  ANd the only reaso i am even looking now at all is just to see if there is a direct to the login screeen otion anywhere and when did this change happen.   
As best as I can tell, this was a recent change that actually locks the system in what would be considered and UN-Safe mode as the user has no password  That non-pass worded user stays as the default user on every subsequent reboot unless you take the tie to do one of the sign out processes.  Til then, for all intents, any one would think there was no other user.  Turning the system completely OFF, rebooting, etc.  You got straight to the desktop for that Local User.  Only Sign Out gets you to the Sign In screen.

I am sure there is some logic at work here but it eludes me for the moment

She was OK with my normal LEFT click on the "blob" that looks like the old TV show Image for Alfred Hitchcock.  Choosing Sign out which takes her to the sign in screen but i honestly would not have even looked at that "Hitchcock" icon until i read that it works.  Just seem there would be a simple CTRL+L or some such to reach the login screen.  I could put that  in a Desktop  shortcut explaining what to do.

Some people DO need more help that others.  :(

Thanks for al the tips but I can cal lthis one off now as she is OK with the Left click Option. :Thmbsup:

OK, i have a work-around for how to get back to the sign in screen (if you have the latest version of windows 10, clicking Start and then clicking the 'Universal Blob' in the left hand column that represents  your user, you can sign out from there with no right click needed and then you are taken to the sign in screen.

But I am still puzzled by the default action locking you to the user with no password as the default login if you ever use it.  Which then requires that you somehow go back to the login screen to be able to choose to login with the correct user which HAS a password.   Otherwise rebooting takes you directly into the user wit No Password until you do that.

This is a "Real Question" though it may not sound like one.

I have a User whose Surface Pro has two user accounts. One is her Microsoft Account, one is a "local account".
The purpose for the local account is to provide her with a way to open Windows in the event she cannot get her normal Microsoft account to open. This usually happens due to password problems, (she forgets what it currently is). So I gave her a local account with no password so she could access the Web to contact me for help with accessing her Microsoft Account when needed.

I have seen plenty of of methods for "By Passing" the login screen but in her case I need the opposite. When the Login screen is bypassed, Windows opens to her Local Account y default since it has no password. 

The 'fix' for this (once it happens) is to Right click START, Choose "Sign out", which takes her to the normal Sign In screen where she can choose her Microsoft Account.  Te problem with that is she cant handle "right click" very well.  The other "fix" would be to give the local account a "password" but she would forget it since she seldom ever uses it but when she need to, it must work.

The Best "fix" would be a way to get Windows 10 to always display the Login Screen at Start even if her Local Account has no password?  Today. she probably accidentally logged in as "Local" and afterward it became the default login. Is there a key somewhere in the registry or setting in SecPol to make the login screen appear every time the system starts even if the previous user was one with no password?
The option for turning on CTRL+ALT+DEL on every boot wont help for this because the same thing happens.  Once she ends up in the "Local/no pw account", it becomes the default on every reboot until hse goes to the login screen and choose her normal MS account.

I think one of Murphy's Corollaries states that "The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions" . Having that local account has saved her in the past when she forgot her Microsoft password many times but now it has become a problem in its own right. Giving a password to that Local Account would defeat the usefulness as she simply cannot remember it no matter what I make it.

PS: As a possible partial help, is there a one-step command that would take her directly to the login screen from desktop without having to use right click on Start?. I could make a Desktop Shortcut for it f so which would solve the issues with her figuring out Right click as opposed to Left click on START?

Stoic:  What "I" remember is exactly what you say.  It used to be simple as pi. (or pie)
but it no longer seems to work that way in 2016
I get errors no matter what i do saying to do things like check my password etc.
Even if i create a brand new gmail account and have a brand new password that i am 100% certain is correct, it still does not work.
Some of the mentions i have seen on this mentioned two-stage authentication as an issue.  As a additional note, this is similar to the same problem i ran into with trying to help my wife get her company email into outlook 2016.
With 2013, it was not simple but was possible.  with 2016 there is a section that seems to be missing and have no similar access.
The company she works for uses OKTA, ( a service whose purpose i have not yet been able able to discern.  It seems to be just one more level of complexity)

Anyway, back to Gmail. every time i get an error it includes a reference number and a suggested link.  Each if these tells me that there is something wrong with my password.  ALL of them tell me to go into my GMAIL account and set it to allow POP/SMTP and/or IMAP.  The setup allows you to set BOTH of them to allow and i have tried this as well.  I should also sate that unless you set your Google Search to look only at issues that fall into a time frame of the "Past Month", you wall not see much in the way of problems.  Most of the reports that are along the lines of what I am getting are from people reporting in during the past few weeks.
I assume something has changed but not sure what.

In the past, I thought having multiple provider accounts such as Yahoo, AOL , Gmail etc. all working in a desktop copy of Outlook or Outlook Express was not that uncommon.  But when I asked about doing it now, I usually get a lot of comments that say while it is still possible, it is not easy and requires a lot of tweaks in the Gmail config as well as in Outlook.

I had a coworker ask me if I could get it to work for them so I read through a number of "How To" sheets to see what has changed.  The more i read, the less it seemed that any of the current setups agreed on the proper method of doing it.   Even Google has spread out their "Fact-Sheets" to show multiple methods and all of them were much more difficult than just entering the correct mail-server, port numbers , encryption methods etc.

What this person wants is to be able to open their Outlook 2016 (a component of Office 365 for Business) and be able to switch between viewing and replying to their normal business account email and their Personal Gmail account while still inside their Desktop Outlook software as they would prefer to work with the tool-set provided within Outlook.

Any advice, tips, links, etc. on how to best accomplish this would be appreciated.  Even if it means getting a new "personal" account from a provider other than Gmail in order to achieve a dependable working solution inside the User's 'Outlook for Business 2016' desktop software.  They want to make 'Outlook 2016' their one-stop shopping for all their emailed communications both business and personal.


Thanks ATH.  That may do the trick  I was able to make things a little slicker by sending the links in clipboard direct to "urls.html" and drop that into an email without getting any complaints from outlook so i can probably remove the 7zip portion on the script  If winsend can "push the button" for "Lazy Old Me" i may get this down to a single hotkey start to finish.  :)

Mind if i ask what the proper way to access the send button with it?  Can i in some way assign it a 'name" to access with your app?  I read thoigh, (but not closely :( )  the instructions.  From your description of what it did for split_e should work for me too,
I have my script down to 2 lines now  If the third one is the "charm" that send the email out.  .....:)  Happy Me.

OK, I am one step closer.  There are actually TWO key combos to emulate SEND.  One is Ctrl+enter  The other is ALT+S.  Never knew about either and was surprised how easily i found them.  Gotta save that URL :) .   

Thanks X16.  That is usually my problem in that i get so focused on doing it one way that i fail to look at complete alternatives.

I added an extension to Chrome 'URL to Clipboard' that can load the URL's for every open tab onto the clipboard.  Then i found another tool that can load the contents of clipboard to a Word Doc which i was able to set a hot key to activate.

So I jumped for both of them only to find that my 'preferred' method of storage (emailing it to myself) would not work :(.    The problem is I cannot get the word doc. attached to an email. 

This is now sort of a "grudge match" that i am determined to make work even if I never use it again.
For what it is worth, the tools to read and use the contents of clipboard came from an obscure site named at this link:  There are a number of useful things that can be done with the pair in a very straightforward manner.

Such as getclip>URLs.doc to put the URLs in the clipboard into a word.doc

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