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General Software Discussion / Ugly Softmaker Office icons.
« on: June 08, 2008, 09:47 PM »
Your wish is my command. 2006 version icons attached for comparison.

I added the 'document' version of each icon... Can't believe they were SO ugly.

TucknDar said Softmaker's Office icons were ugly. I had to do something about it! Here they are, M$ Office 2003 themed.
Softmaker Office Snapshot.jpg SoftMaker Documents Snapshot.jpg  Dibujo.JPG

GeeXboX is for you!

Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 07, 2008, 02:12 PM »
Thanks, I found it eventually, it takes a little time finding the way around the forum!
-drinkingvinegar (June 07, 2008, 01:57 PM)

Heh... Welcome on board, and have a nice stay on our forums...
Why don't you post on this thread and let us know a bit more about yourself?

Living Room / Re: Drinking Vinegar?
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:22 PM »
Why was my post deleted?
-drinkingvinegar (June 07, 2008, 01:14 PM)


If you have more than X posts, your posts shouldn't be nofollow'd. When we post a link, we do it because it's useful. We have real mods deleting spam. Spam links aren't here for more than 10 minutes... Why do we have to hurt all good, legit links?

Just my two cents.

I agree with mediaguycouk

Living Room / Re: $10 cell phone?
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:24 PM »
Oh, I forgot... You get a $5 rebate if you return it :)

Living Room / $10 cell phone?
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:18 PM »

Look at that! $10, no screen, nothing. Seems cool... and cheap!
Too bad they aren't available in my country... they'd be a GREAT success :)

Spec sheet:

What do you think of this iPhone killer?

Living Room / [DONE] Firefox bookmarklet for changing tab title
« on: May 31, 2008, 11:04 PM »
If anyone's still interested, it's a trivial line of JavaScript.
javascript:document.title=prompt("Rename Tab", document.title);void 0;

Nice! All I knew about is the hacked Motorola iTunes corelet, with the SMS sending plugin... So basically we have Motorola, Sony Ericsson and Nokia covered :)

Only use on Motorola SLVR L7 iTunes Edition (evil grin), or E398/ROKR E1


I have something like this for my phone. Darned thing's never been stolen though!  :wallbash:

For your PHONE? I want more info pleeeeeeeze :)

Ok, I'm totally clueless... Will try to get some help on the forums, but i'm not pretty sure they like me over there :D

Sure, I'll rewrite it from scratch.
Just tell me HOW do I detect when a mod is available or not for the computer to use.
Best Regards.

128 mb ram
800mhz processor

does that sound stripped down enough?

Seriously, it *feels* faster. I should do some benchmarks...

I haven't run into any compatibility issues, but ymmv.
Micro2003 is mainly a gaming system, but I used it because it's running on a 1gb HDD ;)

eXPerience's Micro2003 is a modified version of Win2k3, with a lot of features removed.

Here are some snips from the NFO file.


Installation Time From End Of Formatting... 4 Mins 45 Secs <-- Mine was faster.
RAM Usage On First Installation............ 39.2 Mb        <-- 40.4 MB
Handles.................................... 2135
Threads.................................... 156
Processes.................................. 14
WINDOWS Folder............................. 165 Mb
Items In System32.......................... 521
ISO File Size.............................. 93.0 Mb

Standalone system only! - The "Network Connections" service has been kept, but this service is only there to allow the smooth install of Ethernet card drivers, or modem drivers. The "Network Connections" service is not there to support LAN networking! You could try plugging another PC into yours and see what happens, it might work, but LAN networking is not necessarily functional in this install.
(Not true. I'm on a mixed (wireless/wired) network, and the Micro2003 computer is running a FTP server, HTTP server, SMO server.) The only problem is that you can't use DNS names, only the IP address.

Single User Only! - you cannot create extra users. You can only use the account that is installed by default. You actually can create another "Administrator" but beware - it cannot save any of the settings in Windows! For example you log in with a created Administrator account called "Bobby" and change the desktop from blue to black, every time you log in as "Bobby" you will be back to the blue wallpaper again. None of the settings stay saved. Also, the new user would have a Windows 95 style theme as well. The main account that this installation gives you is not affected if you make up another Administrator account, but for the above reasons, making any new Administrator account is pointless. You cannot make a new "User" account at all, if you do, you will not be able to log in with the new account unless it is an Administrator's account and even then, it will not save any settings. Despite all of the above you can still of course change the existing account name. Just look in Control Panel and you will see "User Accounts" there.
(I believe Micro2003 uses minlogon, but I'm not sure. You don't want to mess with that.)

No Webcams, Scanners or Digital Cameras! - You cannot use these items in this version of Windows because the "Windows Image Acquisition" service is removed.
(I had to add that from a Win2k3 CD. A bit messy to add.)

FTP Sites - There is no "built in" support for downloading from FTP sites, try using Filezilla or WS_FTP if you need to do that. This functionality is gone because the "Application Layer Gateway" service is gone, along with ALG.EXE that normally runs in Task Manager taking up about 6Mb RAM for what amounts to no reason.
(Opera FTW)

No Visiting Windows Update! - You cannot visit Windows Update with this version of Windows because Internet Explorer is removed. DO NOT INSTALL WINDOWS UPDATES!

(You don't need updates. Most stuff is removed anyways)

No Printing! - You cannot use a printer with this version of Windows, because the "Print Spooler" service is removed.
(I got a printer working once bypassing the spooler. YMMV.)

No Password Storage - Windows will not save stored passwords, however, this only really applied to Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, which are removed. You will be OK using Firefox or Opera web browsers and Thunderbird email client for emails. Those are self contained programs and take care of storing/remembering your passwords by themselves.
(Sure, who can't remember their passwords?)

No CD-ROM Autoplay - When you insert a CD that would bring up a screen to install the program contained on the CD, this does not happen in this version of Windows, you will have to explore the CD manually and run whatever file it is that runs the program's setup - usually "setup.exe" on the root of the CD.
(Wee! No more autorun viruses!)

No Smart Card Detection!
(Some dongle protected software might not run :'()

No Scheduled Tasks! - You cannot set programs, like AntiVirus or Hard Disk Defrag programs to run in the future. If you are going to run those types of programs you will have to manually scan or defrag whenever it is convenient. Despite this, one program that will schedule its operations is Perfectdisk defrag, you do not need Task Scheduler for this program to run a scheduled defrag.
(I never used it, I don't need it.)

No Remote Desktop! - There is no Remote Desktop in this version of Windows - because the "Terminal Services" service is removed.
(Replaced with TightVNC and Remote Desktop Client)

No Themes! - You cannot have the Luna (Blue/Olive/Silver) desktop themes in this version of Windows, the only theme you can choose is "Windows Classic" which it is already set to by default.
(UXTheme.dll patch + DeviantART)

No "Uninterruptible Power Supply" service! - I always thought "UPS Service" delivered parcels but apparently not - if you have this type of device then it will not work on this version of Windows. A UPS is only used for emergencies like if you have a power cut - thats if you even have such a device.
(Your UPS will still feed your 'puter. You won't be able to see batt status and stuff tho.)

If you can cope with that, you'll be fine.
BTW, I found at least two live rapidshare links. (Yep, it's Warez. So? Sue me! Of course, you should replace the CD KEY with your LEGALLY PURCHASED one)

I've been running on eXPerience's Micro2003 for a while (over 10 months), and simply love it.
Also used a clean install of 2003EE, and worked fine. It's a really good Desktop OS.


Yay! Finally I can use my favourite audio processor with my favourite audio player!

If you're getting a bluescreen while attempting to launch AIMP2 while Breakaway is runing, simply replace Breakaway's driver (on SYSTEM32\DRIVERS, or wherever your weird 64-bit Windows places them), and reboot.


Living Room / Re: RAPIDSHARE.COM sucks!
« on: April 17, 2008, 01:27 PM »
They're back, stronger than EVER!

Last free version here: http://www.soundsolu...0.html;msg971#msg971
Manual here: http://www.soundsolu...n_manual-t967.0.html

Will check it out... if there's a bugmenot login for that site :)

Basic Info

App NameBreakaway Audio Processor for Windows System
App Version ReviewedBreakaway Personal v1.01
Test System SpecsMy laptop: 1.60GHz Celeron M, 512mb ram, crappy speakers, VIA HD integrated sound card, external C-Media chipset USB sound card.
Supported OSesWinXP/2k/Vista (partial)
Support MethodsE-mail; forums.
Trial Version Available?Yep, fully functional trial for 30-days, and after that 30 minutes per run.
Pricing Scheme1/$29.95, 2/$49.95, 3/$69.95
Relationship btwn. Reviewer and Product None as far as I know.


Breakaway is an audio processor that runs in WinXP/2K/Vista. It's main function is to enhance whatever comes out of your speakers :) I found it really interesting, because it made my crappy laptop speakers to sound... well, actually, pretty nice.

The website says it all:

   • Multi-band dynamics processing restores spectral balance to your music library.

   • Multiple look-ahead peak limiters provide distortion-free transient control.

   • Makes tunes sound louder and punchier, while bringing out subtleties you never knew existed.

   • Automatically adjusts volume dynamics and spectral balancing.

   • Corrects song-to-song volume shifts and overdriven speakers.


Who is this app designed for:

Actually, for everyone who uses their computer to listen to music.

The Good

Well, the audio quality is REALLY good, you seriously need to download the trial version and hear it for yourself.
It's pretty light on system resources, and the skin looks just nice.

The needs improvement section

- Copy protection/DRM (WinLicense) is a bit invasive; for example you can't use RegMon (a Microsoft utility for seeing what's going on in your registry) AND Breakaway at the same time: If Breakaway was started before RegMon, Breakaway will quit, leaving your computer silent. Breakaway will refuse to start until you close regmon, and reboot.
- I got a BSOD while attempting to use it with AIMP2, Winamp worked fine tho.
- I'd LOVE if they'd add a 'Profiles' feature, for example: PC Speakers, Laptop speakers, Headphones. So I can save my favourite settings instead of changing them manually each time.


A nice application, still needs a bit of polishing, but nothing beats that audio kwality ;)

Links to other reviews of this application (User Reviews on (User Reviews on CNet's

Woot! Regexp is working.

javascript:var i;var p_0=prompt("Enter your regexp (default%3A don't filter)%3A","/()/");eval("p_0="%2Bp_0%2B";");var'','o_0','width=450,height=250,status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,directories=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');'text/plain','replace');for(i=0;i%3Cdocument.links.length;i%2B%2B){if(p_0.test(document.links[i].href)){o_0.document.write(document.links[i].href%2B'%5Cr%5Cn%5Cr%5Cn')}}o_0.document.title='Links';o_0.document.close();o_0.document.execCommand("SaveAs");void 0;

Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. var i;
  2. var p_0 = prompt("Enter your regexp (default: don't filter):", "/()/");
  3. eval("p_0=" + p_0 + ";"); // HELP! Is there a cleaner way? // for example sets a comment.
  4. var o_0 ='', 'o_0', 'width=450,height=250,status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,directories=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');
  5.'text/plain', 'replace');
  6. for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
  7.     if (p_0.test(document.links[i].href)) {
  8.         o_0.document.write(document.links[i].href + '\r\n\r\n')
  9.     }
  10. }
  11. o_0.document.title = 'Links';
  12. o_0.document.close();
  13. o_0.document.execCommand("SaveAs");
  14. void 0;

Enjoy :)

Here's a cleaned up version, in case you want to add the regexp yourself.
Thank you for your kind words  :)
Show Source Code
Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. var i;
  2. var o_0 ='', 'o_0', 'width=450,height=250,status=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,directories=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');
  3.'text/plain', 'replace');
  4. for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
  5.     o_0.document.write(document.links[i].href + '\r\n\r\n');
  6. }
  7. o_0.document.title = 'Links';
  8. o_0.document.close();
  9. o_0.document.execCommand("SaveAs"); // ie only; show save as dialog
  10. void 0;

Honestly, that escapes my knowledge. You'd better off parsing the list.

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