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Living Room / Re: How to use a pantograph for duplication?
« on: February 17, 2015, 08:15 PM »
Nice!  Thanks for posting that!

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:47 PM »
Logos is a nice program.  Thanks for the link.
Ballistic will do anagrams, crossword puzzling/solving and some other things, but it doesn't do palindromes. 
Ballistic just uses plain old text files, and you can add/update the lists on the fly.

Living Room / Re: How to use a pantograph for duplication?
« on: February 16, 2015, 07:08 PM »
Target!  That's a nice link!
I just couldn't figure out a center on the other image.
I'll take a good look at that.
I'm actually writing instructions for a children's magazine, so I wanted to get all my details right so I can explain everything well.

Living Room / Re: How to use a pantograph for duplication?
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:49 PM »
In the center?  Where is the center?

Living Room / How to use a pantograph for duplication?
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:24 PM »
There are lots of demos and directions for using a pantograph, but they nearly all show you how to *enlarge* an image.  Following those directions I can build a pantograph just fine.

But how do you use a pantograph to just duplicate an image without enlarging it?

What I want to know is, where do you put the anchor and tracer and pencil?

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:15 PM »
No, permutation does not use the word list; it just does the calculation on the word you enter.
That's why if you enter a 17-letter word it runs past the memory limit (I did not think to try that and I'm looking for a way to resolve the error)

For example, if you enter cat, you get all of its permutations, regardless of the loaded list:

However, everything else does use the word list.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:11 AM »
DyNama.   Hmmm..  
I don't know what you mean by "offline" version.  It doesn't even connect to the internet.

I've never put 17 letters in the box before.  Permutations can take hours, you know, especially with 17 letters - it will try to find *all* possible combinations from those letters.   For example, if you try to permutate just 8 letters, you create a list that is 362,880 lines long.

However, I was able to reproduce that problem.  I'll see if I can fix it.

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 15, 2015, 03:50 PM »
Okay, try it again, please (sorry!)  I've double-checked the zip file and it *is* version 1.1 this time.
I've never tried it at any other resolution than 100%; I can't guarantee it will work in another resolution.

It actually was first published close to December 2014 as version 1.1; I had created it and posted it on my private page but only ever privately shared it.    Mouser told me it was okay.  This is the first time I've ever publicly shared Ballistic.

[Ath, by the way, the link in your signature leads to a blank page...]

N.A.N.Y. 2015 / Re: NANY Entry: Ballistic: an easy list filter
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:18 PM »
DyNama - sorry!  I had updated the package but forgot to upload it!
Please download it again.
It is version 1.1 now.

4wd - yes, I know about that and have turned it on and off to no avail.

Oh - you mean to enable html5 with Flash uninstalled?
I'll have to try it out.

I put Slimjet on the other computer and my comrade is having no problems playing videos.
He couldn't watch them in IE or Firefox (with only a few addons), but with the Chrome-based Slimjet - no problem.

I'd still like to solve this because I love Firefox.

Thanks for y'all's comments, by the way.

@superboyac - yeah, and it's more annoying when it happens to the person with whom you share an office who thinks you are supposed to fix everything that doesn't work right because you are IT....

The memory test passed with flying colours.  So that wasn't the problem.

Ath - well, when you say "connector" do you mean Adobe flash?  Thing is that it is a firefox plugin.
AND the machines are running MS Security Essentials.

@Miles - it does look similar.  The browser isn't crashing, and switching tabs doesn't work either.

It's rather painful, too.  You just can't watch.  You have to watch and move the mouse.

Actually, I just noticed something else.  This one computer was running Firefox 34, so I upgraded it to 35 via the help menu.  And I was watching the progress meter and noticed that unless I moved the mouse, the little spinner in the upgrade panel would not move.  Strange!
I'm going to run a memory test and see if it is a RAM issue.

So I removed all the mouse drivers in Device Manager, but it still stalls.
And I removed and installed Flash Player, but it still stalls.

Also, in Internet Explorer, it is 10 times worse.  Videos keep stalling unless you move the mouse around.
I'm still looking for answers.

Thanks, Miles.
Strange to say - I have the problem on two different computers with two different mice.  One is an Anker, the other a MS Mouse 5000.  Both with the latest version of Firefox, but I've had the problem for a long time.

I'll try the mousey driver thing.

On my computer (and another one, actually) I have this problem with video playback (youtube, vimeo) in Firefox where the videos will hang unless I move the mouse around whilst it plays.  I've tried everything imaginable to solve this and all to no avail.  (Windows 7 Pro x64 with Firefox 30+)

Has anyone else had this happen to them?
How do I fix it?

Thanks for listening, Jody; I'll try out Mouser's drag-n-drop robot.  But seeing as you are coding in autohotkey, it would be so easy to add a batch run.
I mean that in the Action dropdown for "Action" in "Edit Entry" panel, to add another item called "Batch Run"

Action:    Batch Run
Target:    c:\windows\system32\wusa.exe
Batch Directory:  G:\WindowsUpdates\Security Updates
Batch Target:  *.msu
Arguments: /quiet /norestart
Working Directory:
Log Each Batch Run:  true

Just in case you didn't understand what I meant by all that - this is what I mean:

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. if(!file.exist(%target%) ){
  2.         alert("Sorry Folks, but " . %target% . " does not seem to exist`rwe cannot proceed","error",apptitle)
  3.         gosub, EXIT
  4. }else{ 
  5.         Loop, %batch_dir%\%batch_target%,0,1
  6.         {
  7.                 run, %target% "%A_LoopFileFullPath%" %arguments%
  8.         }
  9. }

The log files are only useful if you intend to accomplish everything in one session.  But there are some tasks that require several sessions in which case the log becomes rather useless.

Thanks for the notes column!

Uh, one more idea...

 When you edit an entry,  allow for drag and drop of files and folders into each of the text boxes.

Ah - one more idea.

I need to install a whole bunch of Windows Update files - .msu files.
I really don't much relish having to add the same command entry for each file.
It would be really nice if Splat had a batch command so I could run the same command on *each* file in a folder.
Then I could just have a single commandline entry and use a filemask like *.msu to run the command on all the files.
Something like:

Action:  Batch Run
Target:  c:\windows\system32\wusa.exe
Batch Directory:  G:\WindowsUpdates\Security Updates
Batch Target:  *.msu
Arguments: /quiet /norestart
Working Directory:
Log Each Batch Run:  true

It would display execution of each command in the log.
Right now I have to write scripts and have splat execute a script - but then I have to program something to get confirmation they were all executed....

(if anyone needs to do this, I wrote a simple application that will run wusa on every .msu file in a directory and its subdirectories)

I have a couple humble requests:

 1. add a notes column for the entries so I can remember why I added an entry and why its in that position
 2. save the launch log file for each launch profile so when I restart the program I can see what has been done and what hasn't  (since you aren't interested in adding checkboxes) - this "history" would display when the program is restarted
 3. Add an option to the Launch Profile to display the last log or start a new one  (there *is* an option already in the program options to "Clear log before each profile launch" - but mine isn't checked and the launch log for the profile is always empty when I restart the program... 1.1.0 build 1)
 4. Option in the menu to clear the launch log for the selected launch profile

General Software Discussion / Free Simple RSS Editor
« on: February 02, 2015, 11:04 PM »
Oh, I am in need of a simple RSS editor - something to easily edit the xml for a regular old rss feed.
I just want to edit it locally or via a UNC share.

I've tried a few free rss editors and they are all so klunky or they don't work right, and *none* of them allow you to just drag-n-drop the file.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
So far I've tried:
  • RSSBuilder
  • RSSme
  • Easy Feed Editor

Maybe I should just make my own in autohotkey.  Shouldn't be too hard - its just that I don't have any time to do it!

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:35 AM »
Yeah, I know it's just a text file underneath.  Maybe you could add at the end of the file a little section with flags.

Like this:
1|Fix this computer
1|Fix that computer
0|Solve PICNIC error in Office 2
1|Buy new server
0|Fix wall socket

Then each list could have it's own special settings, such as remember sorting manner and whether to display checked items.

Skwire Empire / Re: (Pre) Release: sChecklist
« on: January 29, 2015, 07:37 PM »
Jody, what about an option to hide checked entries?

Say you have a long checklist and you don't want to sort it, but only want to see what isn't yet checked?

A view-toggle button to show/hide checked items would be a boon.

Ah, I don't blame you.  Thanks for considering, though!

I do have a suggestion, though.
What if you don't want a hotkey for the profile?  I think there should be an option for "none" in the hotkey editor.

Also, if you click on the hotkey column and push F2, I think it should open the hotkey editor.

Another idea; I would want to see a place for a description for the profile.  Maybe a third column in the profile listview or better, an edit panel that changed depending on which profile you click on.

One more - another column in the action listview for description.

I always forget what things were for or why I set them up in the first place.

Jody, with regards to the checkboxes:
The launch log is good for immediate perusal and report on how the execution progressed;
The state of the checkboxes would be saved to the settings file so when you close the program and reopen it, you can see which tasks have been completed.  It would make splat into sort of an executable todo list.

You see, if I am provisioning a computer (and were to use splat) for example, I have to restart the machine several times.  I would use splat to run scripts and commands and such, and the checkbox state would let me keep track of whether I've completed the task or not - after I restart the computer.

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