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CRAP beta 2.1.0 build 40 should now be uploaded to the CRAP beta download page.

You should be able to do this in it...

Click for example of drag and drop in action.

Note: You may also drag lnk and exe files to the listing portion of the layout editor to do the same for those of you who might use the layout editor window. It works with multiple selected files and will loop through all you dropped onto either way before it finishes.

Even though beta 2.1.0 build 25 has been uploaded I have been working on the lnk file dropping onto main button panel to read the data in. It is close to being ready for testing itself. :)

Will work with .exe and .lnk. However...the .lnk files will get the arguments and the .exe will always turn up blank for the arguments portion.

I guess it would be logical to do so indeed.
-ConstanceJill (April 10, 2024, 02:45 AM)


Also the beta @ the CRAP Beta Download Page has been updated to 2.1.0 build 25. Scroll down to see details in the terms of a few things. One such is if you left keep command window open and selected skip command window as well in previous beta make sure the option you want is selected.  Reason is I made it to where only one or the other of those two checkboxes should be checkable at a time for more clarity to which is used. The others should still be checkable as normal but it won't let you select both of those now.

Slight question before the next beta version...

Since I am warning the user when <var> isn't there if skip command window is true and ignore variable text is false...should I also do the reverse? Whereas if <var> is found but ignore variable text is true then popup asking if you was wanting to use it and if yes is pressed changing ignore variable text checkbox to false and continuing or if no is pressed allow you to make changes?

The edit and delete favorites buttons -- will they return?

While hovering a favorite…

Shift+Click to edit.
Ctrl+Click to delete with confirmation.
Shift+Ctrl+Click to delete with no confirmation.

The edit/delete buttons on main window won’t be back as they have no way to tell which to edit/delete from that menu so if the buttons ever make a return it will be in an edit favorites window.

An initial note. Quite a few of my CRAP buttons use "runas" so I can use an admin account to run things from a non-admin login.

If I use the new "skip command window" option, I have to set the application as runas.exe and pass everything else (the actual program as well as the user account details) to the command as a lengthy parameter.

It works -- of course! -- and is exactly as the command actually works but it means, for me at least, most of my buttons -- those that don't need a results window left open, anyway -- are going to be runas.exe with the actual program I'm running (along with its parameters) demoted to a parameter of runas.

Not sure if this matters or not! I haven't found an error with it, just a change of focus. :)


Your current proposal for the message seems self explanatory enough to me :)
-ConstanceJill (April 08, 2024, 02:29 AM)
I changed it slightly but it’s pretty much the same.

I think having the contents of  "Application Arguments (optional)" defaulting to <var> (with the text being visible in the field), and adding the validation/warning at the time of saving the button in case the user removed <var> from there without checking "Ignore Variable Text" would make more sense.
-ConstanceJill (April 07, 2024, 02:29 AM)

So I am thinking something like this where it offers to set the checkbox of ignore variable text to true and add/edit or if no is clicked let you make necessary changes manually. Thoughts on the message contents/actions with how I set it up?

Feel free to suggest message edits as well as that is a rough draft currently.

If I understand it right, provided that both the following conditions are met :
1 - "Ignore Variable Text" checkbox is not checked
2 - nothing is specified in the "Application Arguments (optional)" field
then CRAP would run the command with the contents of <var> as its only argument

Sounds fair enough.
-ConstanceJill (April 06, 2024, 02:23 AM)

Correct that is the way I was thinking when I wrote. As empty arguments would take into account any variable entered if ignore variable text wasn't checked.

That said you also mentioned...

Perhaps we may even add a validation such that, before a button can be saved, if the following conditions are all met :
- "Skip Command Window" is checked
- "Ignore Variable Text" is not checked
- <var> is not found anywhere within the arguments
then the program shall issue a warning?

Or maybe have the contents of "Application Arguments (optional)" default to "<var>" as long as "Ignore Variable Text" is not checked?
-ConstanceJill (April 06, 2024, 02:23 AM)

So which way would you prefer for it to be?

Hey there,

I've imported my work layout, settings and icons into a folder where I unzipped the beta version, which seemed to work fine as far as the import goes.
Favorites menu is fine too :)

Then I tested removing the start command on a few of my GUI driven apps and enabling the "Skip Command Window" option instead, moving all the parameters (when applicable) from the prefix towards the "Application Arguments" field, and indeed it launches the program with no unnecessary CMD window, which is nice :)

I did notice however that, for such buttons where the "Skip Command Window" option is enabled, if the following conditions are all met :
1 - I don't include the <var> parameter anywhere in the "Application Arguments (optional)" field
2 - the "Ignore Variable Text" checkbox is not checked
3 - there is some text in the "Variable" field of the main window

then, when the mouse cursor is over such a button, both the command preview in the status bar and the "Application Arguments:" line within the tooltip look as if the contents of Variable would be included, between the Application and its other arguments (if any are specified), yet the contents of the Variable is actually not included when clicking the button to run the command.

Now obviously I shouldn't forget to include the <var> in the arguments at the position where it's needed, but there still is an inconsistency between what the preview says and what the program does.
-ConstanceJill (April 05, 2024, 04:21 AM)

Thanks I will fix to where if arguments is left blank in the button properties that the variable provided that ignore variable text is not checked will work for the arguments. If you specify arguments then obviously use <var> to where you want the variable to be. Does that sound like the proper way you would expect?

Also I am testing the ability to have categories (no sub categories yet) and separators for favorites in my local copy...

I'm getting a 404 when trying the link.
-ConstanceJill (April 04, 2024, 01:17 PM)

See if it will go to it now think I forgot to click OK on one option in the admin panel.

If would like to try a public beta it can be got from the following link.

CRAP beta build

I haven't got the drag and drop in for adding entries currently but the new favorites menu, skip command window, and adding the exe to the command prefix/application line if it is empty is in.
The title bar should/will only change color for dark themes in Win10+.
Ctrl+F will bring up the favorites menu currently if you want to use the keyboard.
If you don't want confirmation of deletion of a favorite press both shift+control before clicking one currently.

Would be nice if the text fields could have a dark background (and probably some lighter shade of gray text for a good contrast) too :D
-ConstanceJill (April 02, 2024, 05:36 AM)

Another thought on this...I could always test a toolstrip textbox with different colors for the variable entry and if it doesn't have the flickering issue I could convert to it for the variable entry as well if you think it wouldn't be too much hassle being a separate dropdown that is not attached the launch entry control for the history.

Should be fine I guess. I'd prefer the text contents (typically a hostname) to be visible before selecting the favourite, but I suppose I could always include it in the description myself.
-ConstanceJill (April 03, 2024, 06:13 AM)

The tooltip of each menu item would also show that data. Which is one thing that the combo box doesn't show currently for each item.

OK, it does seem better especially since the taskbar is dark too :)
Would be nice if the text fields could have a dark background (and probably some lighter shade of gray text for a good contrast) too :D
-ConstanceJill (April 02, 2024, 05:36 AM)

So I have been thinking...I could probably move away from the combo box for selecting favorites as well which would take care of one of the white boxes on the main window. Would then need to write a edit favorite dialog perhaps with the list of favorites there or a shift + click / ctrl + click to do the edit/delete work which would be like I have in the layouts menu. I could also probably do a shortcut key that would call up the favorites menu then too. Plus allow for other ideas down the road like maybe even a "folder" system for them to where you could organize them. The dropdown would also take up less of the main window space and I would remove the ability to put the favorites bar on new line from the preferences...but might have a few drawbacks as well...therefore what are the thoughts on that ConstanceJill and oblivion?

What it could look like only with a few other tweaks to it obviously just a rough draft to show atm...

Hmm to elaborate on the topic of the command line window, what I've been experiencing does not seem to me like an issue with the option to keep it open or not after a command ended, but rather, it's pretty much like the normal behavior of batch files: they just don't go to the next line until the current command has completed, which in the case of most executable means, until their process has ended.

And so if you use cmd.exe to run a GUI mode program such as the RDP client, Notepad, Firefox… then that CMD window just stays there until you close that GUI program — or manually close the cmd window itself.
The solution to that issue would be, IMHO, to have CRAP run the command which the button is set for "directly", instead of calling cmd.
-ConstanceJill (April 02, 2024, 12:17 PM)
I would tend to agree but for whatever reason on my windows 10 7+ year old computer (with original parts) before I upgraded on my terms would as far as I can remember appeared to close after launching executables with the right command line option. The new computer however it won’t. Should be fixed now tho hopefully with what you said for the solution as that is what the next version will do with the skip option just it will need the arguments moved down to work. I do change the label caption of the text boxes to account for that depending on if skip is selected or not to tell that.

OK, it does seem better especially since the taskbar is dark too :)
Would be nice if the text fields could have a dark background (and probably some lighter shade of gray text for a good contrast) too :D
-ConstanceJill (April 02, 2024, 05:36 AM)

Yeah I have to see if there is a fix for those as they flicker pretty bad when I try to do color related things to those combo boxes on the main window.

There were, I think, some commands that took a lot of tinkering to make work properly -- and there are definitely some where the command window should be left open as well as some that don't.

I think I made most things work by either using start /b or not -- the remote desktop example I documented in the help is one where it was needed, but -- and I think it's down to Microsoft rather than anything else! -- expecting consistency is possibly a step too far!

I thought I'd left a note on here a few days ago to help with updating the help, if it's needed, for the new version, but I don't see the message so I expect I abandoned it accidentally :)

Anyhoo -- I'm still using CRAP only on a Windows 10 machine, but that doesn't mean I don't have Win11 available to test on if it's useful!

Yeah definitely seems like weird behavior from command line on the toggle to keep it open. Thanks for the offer on help file too will keep it in mind as get closer to letting it out.

Now that I am on the desktop...I made a comparison for you. :)

Your Current Black Theme

The New "Dark" Theme

That said if you still would like the current black one too I will leave it added back as a legacy style. :)

Aww, that's the one I was using on my work computer lately :(
BTW is it possible for the user to make custom themes, or are we restricted to usng the ones that the program ships with?
-ConstanceJill (April 01, 2024, 03:23 AM)

The new “Dark” theme I did for another program when I was reviewing the themes looked extremely close to the old black. Only some of the colors didn’t look as rough around some parts so you might like that one.

It’s not in at this time for custom color/colors by the user but I have slowly been looking into how I think would be the best way to fit that in.

In my early tests it works with my simple arguments I tested it with. Will work on polishing it up some. I know you didn’t request it but I have spent time on the themes to where they should look better and cover more of the application. It still won’t be 100% coverage area still but it is closer. Then I removed some themes (like black for one) but added a few like for example a light and a nicer dark theme. Next up is seeing about the shortcut files dropping to add the info in some capacity. That said if you want the changes so far to test in the next couple days or so I will upload a beta.

Here’s my reasoning for the application launch mode. With the command line window the command is all arguments side. If I am going to skip it then I need a reliable way to tell what the executable is without dealing with the arguments side of things. It basically will have a checkbox which says skip the command window. Then all the arguments you type including the <var> placeholder into what is the command suffix for command window items.

Think I also left the suffix in for the earlier versions before <var> was added just so it didn’t break things.

Going forward an option to skip the command window will be in. With it enabled only the app should be listed in the prefix then any other arguments for said application in the command suffix.

Does that sound like it would be okay?

Yes I've mentioned this thing about the command line window staying open when launching a GUI driven program in message #34, it pretty much always happened for me (or at least since then), no matter which OS I used the program on.
As a workaround I've been using the "start" command to launch any GUI mode program from CRAP.

I think there must be some other way (maybe an API or something?) that you can use which doesn't rely on CMD at all. It still should be able to run batch scripts and other command line programs just like we do when using the "run" dialog.
-ConstanceJill (March 30, 2024, 02:23 AM)

Well now that I’m reproducing it on my end too I might be able to fix it. :Thmbsup:

Maybe time for an option to not use CMD.EXE at all in each entry since MS appears to have stopped the one method.

A small update of development information...

So I went ahead and let it switch over to 4.8 and the bug is fixed on my copy atm I think along with the one feature added in. I did notice on my win11 machine though it appears the command line is staying open after launching an executable even with the parameter that is suppose to close it. I may have to look into that portion so the command prompt doesn't stay open for just launching programs normally (if you consider it a hassle to have to close it after it launches the executable only). Also I still need to look further into the other shortcut idea you had.

Hi, I suppose it depends on how much you'd upgrade it :D

As long as it's 4.8.1 or lower then it wouldn't be an issue for my workplace, but if I need to install a more recent one, then I'm not completely sure.
-ConstanceJill (March 28, 2024, 08:28 PM)

I was thinking 4.8 since that is what suggested when I opened it for the first time on this Win11 computer.

Also another question ConstanceJill...would it be okay if I upgrade the .net version it needs?

Hey there,

A few months ago I've acquired a new computer, that runs Windows 11, where it does not seem possible to create custom toolbars any more.
And so lately I've been thinking, instead of putting the shortcuts to my games on the desktop, why not use CRAP as a launcher? :D

In the process of recreating my game shortcuts into CRAP, I got the following idea: it would be neat if I could just drag and drop an icon onto the current layout, or maybe to the layout editor window, and that would basically parse that shortcut and create an equivalent button (using the icon, command prefix and its name as a caption).
Would that be feasible? :)

Another possible improvement I've been thinking of: from the "Add new button" dialog, if there is no defined "Command Prefix" yet, and the user just loaded the icon from an .exe file, perhaps we could have the program populate the prefix with that same exe file's path?

Oh and, I suppose it's some kind of bug: when browsing to an executable to get its icon, CRAP fails to recognize that an .EXE file was selected unless its extension is entirely in lower case (so it will work only with ".exe", but not ".EXE" or a mix of upper and lower case).
-ConstanceJill (March 23, 2024, 03:19 PM)

I'm on windows 11 too as of early December anyways let me see what I can do as time permits on the ideas. As for the bug I will look into it as well.

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