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Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple Counter Utility Wanted
« on: September 09, 2011, 03:36 PM »
Of cource I can't beat skwire ;D, but this is how I like it:

Screenshot 20110909220838.png
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  2. iMyCount := 0
  3. bAllowUpdate := True
  5. Gui, 1:+LabelMainGui
  6. Gui, 1:Margin, 5, 5
  7. Gui, 1:Font, s30
  8. Gui, 1:Add, Text, xm w200 h100 0x1200 Center Section vCounterCtrl, % iMyCount
  9. Gui, 1:Add, Button, ys w75 h25 Section vInput_btn gInputValue, Set
  10. Gui, 1:Font, w700
  11. Gui, 1:Add, Button, xs ys+45 w75 h25 gCountUp, +1
  12. Gui, 1:Add, Button, xs w75 h25 gCountDown, -1
  13. Gui, 1:Add, Checkbox, xm w138 h25 Checked vbDoHourCount gToggleHourCount, Count up on the hour
  14. Gui, 1:Add, Checkbox, x+5 w138 h25 vbAllowNegatives, Allow negative values
  15. Gui, 1:Show, Center, CountAM
  17. SetTimer, HourCount, 1000
  18. Return
  20. MainGuiClose:
  21. MainGuiEscape:
  22. {
  23.         ExitApp
  24. }
  25. Return
  27. CountUp:
  28. {
  29.         iMyCount++
  30.         FormatAndUpdate( iMyCount )
  31. }
  32. Return
  34. CountDown:
  35. {
  36.         Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide
  37.         If Not bAllowNegatives
  38.         {
  39.                 If iMyCount
  40.                         iMyCount--
  41.         }
  42.         Else
  43.                 iMyCount--
  44.         FormatAndUpdate( iMyCount )
  45. }
  46. Return
  48. HourCount:
  49. {
  50.         FormatTime, iMyNow, A_Now, HHmm
  51.         If ( Mod( iMyNow, 100 ) = 0 ) ; We're at the top of an hour.
  52.         {
  53.                 If ( bAllowUpdate = True )
  54.                 {
  55.                         ; Increase counter by one and then don't allow any more increases until this minute is up.
  56.                         Gosub, CountUp
  57.                         bAllowUpdate := False
  58.                 }
  59.         }
  60.         Else
  61.         {
  62.                 bAllowUpdate := True
  63.         }
  64. }
  65. Return
  67. ToggleHourCount:
  68. {
  69.         Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide
  70.         If bDoHourCount
  71.                 SetTimer, HourCount, 1000
  72.         Else
  73.                 SetTimer, HourCount, Off
  74. }
  75. Return
  77. InputValue:
  78. {
  79.         Gui, 1:+Disabled
  80.         Gui, 2:+LabelInputGui +Owner1
  81.         Gui, 2:Margin, 12, 12
  82.         Gui, 2:Add, Edit, xm w80 r1 Number
  83.         Gui, 2:Add, UpDown, Range-32767-32767 viMyInput
  84.         Gui, 2:Add, Button, x+15 w80 Default gNewInput, OK
  85.         Gui, 2:Show, Center, Enter a value
  86. }
  87. Return
  89. InputGuiClose:
  90. InputGuiEscape:
  91. {
  92.         Gui, 1:-Disabled
  93.         Gui, 2:Destroy
  94. }
  95. Return
  97. NewInput:
  98. {
  99.         Gui, 2:Submit, NoHide
  100.         Gui, 2:+OwnDialogs
  101.         If Not iMyInput
  102.         {
  103.                 MsgBox, 36, Please confirm, Do you really want the value to be blank?
  104.                 IfMsgBox No
  105.                         Return
  106.         }
  107.         Gui, 1:-Disabled
  108.         Gui, 2:Destroy
  109.         Gui, 1:Default
  110.         FormatAndUpdate( iMyInput )
  111.         iMyCount := iMyInput
  112.         iMyInput :=
  113. }
  114. Return
  116. ; FormatInteger -- by Winkie
  117. FormatAndUpdate( Int )
  118. {
  119.         vVar := Int
  120.         If vVar < 0
  121.         {
  122.                 vMinus := "-"
  123.                 StringTrimLeft, vVar, vVar, 1
  124.         }
  125.         Loop
  126.         {
  127.                 If vVar > 999
  128.                 {
  129.                         StringLen, vLen, vVar
  130.                         vTrim := vLen - 3
  131.                         StringTrimLeft, vPart, vVar, % vTrim
  132.                         vOut := "." vPart vOut
  133.                         StringTrimRight, vVar, vVar, 3
  134.                 }
  135.                 Else
  136.                         Break
  137.         }
  138.         Gui, 1:Default
  139.         GuiControl, Text, CounterCtrl, % vMinus vVar vOut
  140. }

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for 'self email' sender
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:31 PM »
require further interaction.
I know, but...
hotkey. start typing
will at least need some dialog, IMHO. If a desktop mail client is present, I would prefer to use it.

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for 'self email' sender
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:00 PM »
@justice: Do you use a desktop e-mail client? If so, why not use mailto:? (reference here)

The following AutoHotkey code gives the (in my case Thunderbird) compose window, in which I can edit the message before sending it:
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. #7::
  2.         Run, is the subject line&body=This is the body text.
  3. Return

sendemail commandline exe.


Or use Blat with AutoHotkey with a DllCall.
Or... use AutoHotkey with CDO COM (with or without AHK_L).

Back in the day, there was tag.exe by Ca5e.  However, it seems that his original site is no more.   :(  You can grab the latest version I had in my archives from my site:

The latest version is 2.0.52 (Still, dated: 2007-05-03). Since your latest version development is done by synthetic soul.

Or you can download it from Softpedia.

Skrommel's Software / Re: Source Code for AHK utilities?
« on: September 02, 2011, 06:25 PM »
For the source of a program on Skrommel's One-Hour Software page, click the little green icon with the white H below the program name.

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Windows management script
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:18 PM »
Thanks Winkie :up:
You're welcome.
So, we can call this one done?
Or did you catch the AHK-virus and want some other features?

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Windows management script
« on: August 19, 2011, 01:04 PM »
I see there's a 64bit version - would you recommend that?
Not sure about that. I have no experience with 64-bit.

tried the first example, it works

But if you want to update to AHK_L the hotkey can become this:
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. #q::ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").ShutdownWindows()

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Windows management script
« on: August 18, 2011, 02:52 PM »
It should be possible to show the standard Windows shutdown dailog. At least, ShutdownWindows works on my WinXP system (Can't test it on Win7).
@tomos: what AutoHotkey version do you use?

General Software Discussion / Re: What is Mozilla trying to do?
« on: August 15, 2011, 02:11 PM »
What is Mozilla trying to do? Continues...
Mozilla Plans To Hide Firefox Version

It seems like they somehow want to hide the fact that the version changes each 5 minutes, which suggest that they are aware it’s not exactly the best idea :) So basically, we have a bad idea, we implement it and then hide it from the user. Great plan, shows a responsible attitude!

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Make folder with current date
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:22 PM »
It seems I am too late with XMD
-fenixproductions (August 08, 2011, 02:31 AM)
It's never too late to suggest good software :D. I love software with a lot of (command line) parameters...  :tellme:
So XMD is bookmarked for reference. For now I have enough with XYplorer's New Templates:
XYplorer New Templates.png

addictive tips has a descent review of Drop Zone today :up::

DropZone – Copy And Move Files To Specified Folders via Drag & Drop

And Howtogeek also noticed that (and did a shameless crop of Skwire's screenshot):
Drop Zone Is a Drag and Drop File Mover

But.. and here's the key point.. I don't go near that directory with my own files.  I use my own custom MyDocs folder for any program data that *I* have control over.  So any program where i have a choice, and where I care about the data, I save to the MyDocs folder.

This has the great advantage of letting you easily distinguish the relatively small number documents that you actually work with and care about (which are in MyDocs), and those that are auto managed and you probably don't much care about, in the "My Documents" path.


~ Thanks Winkie for those links :up:
You're welcome. ;D

I think it's really up to windows to allow users to customise the save/save-as/open dialogues.
=> Problem solved.

Like this?:
Common File Dialog Box - Customize Places Bar - Windows 7 Forums

[edit] then I'm back looking for a dialogue extender for save/open. Ah well, just what I'm used to... [/edit]
I just want a choice of favorite directories added to my "save as" dialog.
The suggested software


Boot Snooze is reviewed on ghacks today :up::

Boot Snooze, a freeware app by Donation Coder member Skwire, has been designed to bring the best of both worlds together. It combines a restart of the computer with an automated switch to hibernation or standby.

  • I bought XYplorer Friday on the BDJ special.  It's great!
  • I think I may be able to do what I'm looking for with it. 
  • Or use it in place of what I'm trying with a notetaking program.
  • So this can probably moved to "solved."
  • Congratulations, nice to hear you like it too.
  • If you want to put XYplorer to good use I have a suggestion for you for the sorting:
    I save everything in one folder and then use XYplorer to move everything to the right place. Either by using "Move To", which remembers the last used folders or by using some "Move To" User Defined Commands (UDC) (menu User). I assigned a keyboard shortcut to the "Move To" UDC-menu so when it's pressed that menu pops up at the mouse cursor position for easy access. (see screenshot below for how UDC's look like with Custom Keyboard Shortcuts)
  • You can use the tags/comments feature for that (although I have no experience with them. I did add the tagging buttons to the toolbar (also see screenshot) but haven't had time to put them to use... :( )
  • Great!

Developer's Corner / Re: Cheap Artwork for Web Sites and Software
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:15 AM »
Thanks for the heads up, Renegade.

Now, if I can be forgiven for being so bold, the design at the Super Simple web site is pretty good. The artwork is clean and well presented. Could it be better? Sure. Is it going to win any design contests? No. Is it well presented and attractive? Absolutely. And I did everything there… kind of…
-Renegade/Ryan on

You are right, (the design of) the site is good. :Thmbsup: It's also very funny.
One small suggestion on the design though: make it clearer that the search box is an search box. Now the design is the same as the bar next to it, which is confusing.

How do you think the icons should look like? I can alter the style for you if you want.
Something like this, perhaps?
Let me answer that myself after a PM to Curt, Curt likes the whole set I made: Cursor Indicator On Link Hover.

my Vista reads:
%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1
I would guess it is the same?
They are the same, but when you can always try to subsitute both %Systemroot% for %WinDir%. That surprisingly fixed it on my XP! :tellme:

"Portable File Associations / Portable Openwith Menu"
Search is super fast.
++++1 :-*

"the Catalog"
I use the Catalog a lot and don't use any (Mini) Tree. I especially like that you can swap them easily.
See my post in a previous thread EDIT: @Tomos: you already saw that one... ;D

Tagging & "Commenting" - I'm not sure are they only readable by XY?
Don't use them either (yet).
But you're right:
The tags are stored in a database file named "tag.dat" located in the application data folder. This file is a normal text file (UTF-16LE encoded) which contains all data in an open, simple, and human-friendly format. You can open it in any text editor to check or even manually edit its contents. This makes it future-safe and accessible for other applications.
-XYplorer Tour

Try following the instructions here:

Thanks for the link, Skwire. Now I was able to finally fix this problem on my XP pc:
When you double-click an unknown file type, an unexpected default action may occur.

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:02 PM »
I'm having a strange issue. When I click Help -> Check for Updates, I get the following:
 (see attachment in previous post)
If it's not obvious, the problem is that it doesn't even check for updates for Trout. It only checks for updates for DcUpdater. (Current version is Trout 1.0.5 build 85)

I don't know if this is a problem with Trout or with DcUpdater or DCUHelper or what.

Looks like a problem with Trout to me. It looks like Trout creates the Trout.dcupdate file when you click Help -> Check for updates. And the file it creates is missing all xml-brackets at the beginning of each line...
If you manually add the inequality sign <  to the beginning of each line which does not have one, double clicking dcupdate file works.

However, the icons look outdated and too small; they are not easy to distinct. It should not be very difficult for a pro to make them even more useful.

How do you think the icons should look like? I can alter the style for you if you want.

Or Link Alert

-> Link Alert
Is a nice one, but I'll stick with Cursor indicator, I never needed to know more...

I am constantly clicking on links that i think go to websites and instead...

If you want a warning beforehand: install Stylish and this userstyle: Cursor indicator

Nice find Lanux!

how many of the addons do you use?
With my still-default Firefox 3.6: 53
With my soon-to-be-default Firefox 4.0: 47

So a count of add-ons on the list used with both leads to... 9 :'(, no surprise they are on the list for most of these.

Surprises on the list, IMHO:
#17 Personas Plus, a Mozilla Labs add-on...
#18 Flagfox
#27 Web Developer
#28 Colorzilla
#42 Stylish, is relatively low. But I'll guess that also depends on the amount of styles that has to loaded and whether they are XUL-styles or not...

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