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Subject: Does anyone have english PDF handbooks for Lotus Agenda?
Posted by Beck
Feb 17, 2019 at 10:52 PM

I tried this and it works.

From http://www.bobnewell...ewell.php?itemid=186

> An Agenda benefactor has made all six Agenda manuals available.
> These include Quick Start, Setting Up Agenda, Starter Applications,
> User's Guide, Working With Definition Files and Working With Macros.
> You can obtain them as follows.
> Browse to
> Login as 'guest@agendadudester' with password 'guestdude'.
> Download the manuals from the main file folder.
> The Beyond 2.0 manual can now also be found in the same place.
 - Posted at

Post by @Mikeinnc - cross-posted here for reference:
I see someone else has beaten me to it  :), but I firmly believe that Lotus Agenda was a milestone program. I think I've still got a copy on 5.5inch floppies somewhere! A good introduction to its power (and demise!) is here. A similar program that was more graphical was NetManage Ecco Pro. It still runs under Windows 10!


Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: DiviFile from Qnomad - Mini-review
« on: March 26, 2020, 05:10 PM »
BLANK - Post made in error.

I get the same sort of thing on a new laptop, but it only seems to occur when trying to display FARR after FARR startup, when using the hotkey.
If I double-click the FARR Systray icon to bring up FARR, it brings up FARR OK. After that, it works OK with the hotkey.
It looks like the FARR display is somehow being inhibited from coming On Top.

Many thanks for the games link (above).   :Thmbsup:
It's going to be war in our house in lockdown now - 3 kids (me and my 2 kids) all competing for use of the same laptop, so as to play games.

Cross-posted here for us to see how the other half might have to live under our new extreme circumstances - oh, and for entertainment:  :o
With the entire world is quarantined indoors, and it feeling very scary outside, at least we have our virtual homes and families!  :Thmbsup:
Well, I dunno about that. It's pretty scary in MY home. My wife just shouted at me, apropos of nothing in particular: "What the heck are you sitting playing ruddy Fallout 4 for!? You've been playing it for 4 straight hours now! Why don't you get off your fat ugly backside and do something useful instead of wasting your time!" (To a chorus of "Yeah, Dad!" from my two kids. They just want me to get off the laptop so as they can use it. I've been hogging it all morning.)
So I went out for a walk in the deserted streets, crossing the road if I saw a human or a dog or a bat approaching.
It's a lovely day. Early autumn. Deciduous trees starting to come into their glorious reddish-brown shades on the tree-lined avenue where I live, just next door to the local abattoir - which is thankfully silent now.

like backing up your computer
I tried that... couldn't get it into reverse  :-[
-cranioscopical (March 19, 2020, 06:07 AM)
It's your lucky day! I just did a quick search and found a workaround for that on the FFS (FreeFileSync) website. It's a $FREE addon to the app, called "FFSyncRomesh" - named after the developer, apparently (Romesh Rangarathan).
What! No more double the clutching at straws?
As for RR, they do say that every lining has a Silver Cloud.
-cranioscopical (March 19, 2020, 03:00 PM)
Yes, but it would be magical thinking to suppose that any Silver Cloud had a Merlin, as they don't.

The #WuFlu virus is apparently passed on via infected airborne droplets of mucus ("coughs and sneezes spread diseases") and fomites (objects or materials which can and are likely to carry infected mucus).

We can sometimes (apparently) touch our faces with our hands up to about 3,000 times a day. This includes rubbing around our eyes, touching mucus from/in our nose (blowing nose) and from/in our mouth (e.g., wiping our mouth with a finger, or sucking fingers whilst eating with hands).
Therefore keeping our hands and face clean is important, because we can reduce the risk of transfer of infected mucus and of being infected by it, that way:
  • (a) we can transfer the disease via our unwashed hands, to fomites and to the hands of other people;
  • (b) we can pick up the disease on our hands via fomites and by touching infected people's unwashed hands;
We should also therefore avoid kissing, rubbing noses together, hugging with faces together and should keep a safe distance (e.g., 6 feet or so) from other people, and avoid social groups (parties, crowds), enclosed offices, lifts, cafes, etc..

The #WuFlu virus apparently enters the body through the eyes (tear ducts), nose (inhaled) and mouth (inhaled/ingested), travels that way down the back and front of the throat (gets swallowed), travelling down to infect the bronchial tubes, where it can cause a form of pneumonia.

There are some cheap and common disinfecting bactericide/germicide cleaning products that the detergent manufacturers probably don't want people to know about, so I shall mention them here.
These are some antibacterial cleaning alternatives - common stuff that doesn't have proprietary manufacturing rights over it and is therefore relatively cheap and readily available:
  • Hydrogen peroxide: a very good disinfectant and cleaner, cheap to make. Difficult to get in bulk quantities (because used for explosive manufacture in terrorist bombs  :down:). AVOID EYES. Relatively harmless (used in toothpaste and for gargling  :Thmbsup:), but potentially toxic/poisonous when ingested in quantity. I usually keep a stock of this.
  • Sodium hypochlorite: (common bleach) - good disinfectant, powerful bactericide and fungicide, cheap. Needs ventilation (because it gives off chlorine gas) - not safe to inhale. CORROSIVE. PROTECT EYES AND HANDS (DISSOLVES SKIN). Toxic/poisonous when ingested. Damages/bleaches colours in coloured fabrics. I usually keep a stock of this.
  • Isopropyl alcohol: good disinfectant, cheap to make, but can be relatively expensive in this group. Needs ventilation (because volatile). AVOID EYES. Not safe to inhale. De-greases skin and other materials. Toxic/poisonous when ingested. I usually keep a stock of this.
  • Ethyl alcohol: good disinfectant/germicide, cheap to make, very common, but can be very expensive due to customs and excise duties (i.e., tax, because no pleasure should go untaxed). Produced by fermentation with common yeasts in sugar solutions, ethyl alcohol is present in all alcoholic beverages made for human consumption and is typically distilled at 37.5% or greater concentrations in most spirits (whisky, vodka, gin, etc.). Could be used as a handwash (in a pinch - is expensive), and the higher concentrations (spirits) are very effective germicides - e.g., (say) used for disinfecting wounds, or (say) gargling to dispel sore throat infections - and are harmless if inadvertently ingested, (say) whilst gargling.  :Thmbsup:  I usually keep a stock of this.
  • Ammonium-based cleaners: good disinfectant, common and cheap. AVOID EYES. Relatively harmless, but toxic/poisonous when ingested. I usually keep a stock of this.
  • Acetic acid: (vinegar) - good disinfectant, good surfactant for some oils, common and very cheap. AVOID EYES. Harmless - can be used in food preparation, for flavour and as a useful drink (diluted with water) to emulsify fats in the stomach, so as to aid digestion of fatty foods   :Thmbsup:. It should be readily available, as most people don't realise what a useful chemical it is  :Thmbsup:(e.g., as a disinfectant and for removing accumulated grease on surfaces and in washing machines). I usually keep a stock of this - a couple of litres.
  • Sodium bicarbonate: only a mild disinfectant at best, a mild fungicide, good cleaner (use in solution, like a soap) and deodoriser; common and very cheap. AVOID EYES. Harmless (is used in some soaps, in toothpaste, food preparation and in solution as a nasal wash). Widely useful  :Thmbsup:. I usually keep a stock of this.

@Stoic Joker: Corona label is actually quite a decent lager beer. 

With the entire world is quarantined indoors, and it feeling very scary outside, at least we have our virtual homes and families!  :Thmbsup:
Well, I dunno about that. It's pretty scary in MY home. My wife just shouted at me, apropos of nothing in particular: "What the heck are you sitting playing ruddy Fallout 4 for!? You've been playing it for 4 straight hours now! Why don't you get off your fat ugly backside and do something useful instead of wasting your time!" (To a chorus of "Yeah, Dad!" from my two kids. They just want me to get off the laptop so as they can use it. I've been hogging it all morning.)
So I went out for a walk in the deserted streets, crossing the road if I saw a human or a dog or a bat approaching.
It's a lovely day. Early autumn. Deciduous trees starting to come into their glorious reddish-brown shades on the tree-lined avenue where I live, just next door to the local abattoir - which is thankfully silent now.

like backing up your computer
I tried that... couldn't get it into reverse  :-[
-cranioscopical (March 19, 2020, 06:07 AM)
It's your lucky day! I just did a quick search and found a workaround for that on the FFS (FreeFileSync) website. It's a $FREE addon to the app, called "FFSyncRomesh" - named after the developer, apparently (Romesh Rangarathan).

Another *GREAT* activity would be do some things that bring you some sense of security and piece of mind, like backing up your computer.
Yes, but, for even greater peace of mind and security, I'd recommend a few hours of Fallout4, in "Survival Mode", of course.   :Thmbsup:
That'd change anyone's perspective. #WhuFlu could seem like a walk in the park after that.

I've been...trying to focus on coding.
What?! You mean you weren't already focused on coding??
Pull your finger out, man!

No rumors or panic in this thread
Aww, that'd be half the fun!

I haven't needed to use Qiqqa recently, but as I recall, using it on a laptop, it monitored and auto-scanned your directories for .PDF files, copied any new ones it found into it's database, then OCR'd them (if just image files) and indexed them. The data was thus duplicated into Qiqqa's database (library) and the original docs left untouched.
I presume it still could work that way. I've not used it across a network or Cloud drives, so I don't know how that would work out, sorry.
Don't they have help files or a helpdesk to answer your Q's?
I'm probably not much use for support.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Remind me of feature requests please
« on: March 16, 2020, 12:39 PM »
Here's an emoji-chart of where we seem to be at present, with this list:
  • 1.OCR: @mouser will "keep thinking about this".
  • 2.Wiki-linking: ...difficult; a better solution would be to start over and write a proper note taking/idea program rather than try to put features in CHS that feel awkward for it.
  • 3. Inheritance in Groups/Child groups tree: :tellme: Enable/disable normal folders and virtual folders to inherit sub-folders and their clips.
  • 4. Cloning: [@tomos has it about right] exists, but KLUDGY - can already do that for the most part in CHS. Just make a virtual group and tell it to show all clips with a specific ParentId value (which designates its group), or various combinations thereof. Needs to be automated.
  • 5. Text clips can be saved as .TXT files:  :tellme:
  • 6. RTF clips can be saved as .RTF files:   :tellme:
  • 7. Remove or increase the arbitrary text limit in text clips: :up: implemented in the alpha with multi-format copying.
  • 8. Save full path+filename of copied or cut folders/files: :up: implemented in the alpha with multi-format copying.
  • 9. Retain metadata (URLs): (better retention of metadata) :up: implemented in the alpha with multi-format copying.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Remind me of feature requests please
« on: March 14, 2020, 12:52 AM »
I've been working like mad on the new extended clipboard format features for CHS; now would be a good time to remind me of older feature requests I've overlooked.

Features reminder:
  • OCR: Automatic OCR of images with embedded text in the image, placing the OCRed text in the Clip Text tab.
  • Wiki-like Clip-linking: The ability to link clips to each other.
    If there is one feature that excels above all others in information software of the past two decades that deserves its place in the note taking pantheon, its the humble double bracketed internal link.

    We all recognise power to store and retrieve information at will, but when you combine this power with the ability to successfully create new knowledge trees from existing documents, to follow thoughts in a ‘stream of consciousness’ non-linear fashion then individual notes transform from multiple static word-silos into a living information system system.

    Sadly, this is the one major feature that is always neglected, or is piecemeal at best… and one time note taking king Evernote is to blame."
    From: If there is one feature that excels above all others in information software of the past two decades that deserves its place in the note taking pantheon, its the humble double bracketed internal link.

    We all recognise power to store and retrieve information at will, but when you combine this power with the ability to successfully create new knowledge trees from existing documents, to follow thoughts in a ‘stream of consciousness’ non-linear fashion then individual notes transform from multiple static word-silos into a living information system system.

    Sadly, this is the one major feature that is always neglected, or is piecemeal at best… and one time note taking king Evernote is to blame.
    From: It Needs Wiki-Like Superpower
  • Inheritance in Groups/Child groups tree: Enable/disable normal folders and virtual folders to inherit the clips of their children (sub-folders) on an individually selectable basis.
  • Cloning: A single Group or Child (Folder/Virtual Folder or subfolder) can be used many times. Each Group object can be "cloned" or replicated to occur elsewhere in the tree, so there may be "n" identical instances of a group in the tree. A change to a group's settings (e.g., the SQL in a virtual folder) will simultaneously change the same settings in all instances of the group (clones). Similarly, a change to the contents of a clip will simultaneously change all instances of that clip in any groups where it has been cloned.
  • Text clips can be saved as .TXT files: Enable selected .TXT or .RTF clips to have their data saved as .TXT files in the CHS database area (i.e., similar to how image clips are currently saved). These text files would then be indexable and searchable by WDS, GDS and other search engines.
  • RTF clips can be saved as .RTF files: Similarly, enable selected .RTF clips to have their data saved as Rich Text (.RTF) files in the CHS database area.
  • Remove or increase the arbitrary text limit in text clips: We need more text!
  • Save full path+filename of copied or cut folders/files: e.g., R:\Temp\VPN_4396\ ..or... R:\Temp\VPN_4396\VPN_Lock.dat
  • Retain metadata (URLs): - better retention of metadata relating to clipped web page data.

That joke (above) reminds me of the story about two Irishmen who went to a brothel but were concerned about not contracting any STDs and so each went armed with a supply of condoms.
After they left the brothel, one Irishman said to the second:"Oi was careful I had my condom on good an' proper, so as to be sure oi'd not get any STD."
The second said: "Oi was even more careful - oi used two condoms, one on top of the other."
The first said: "What?! Why two condoms?"
The second replied: "To be sure, to be sure."

Post New Requests Here / Re: Windows Launcher by Only One Key
« on: March 07, 2020, 08:19 AM »
Confuzzling and curious:   :tellme:
One wonders whether there is some reason to conclude from this that the purpose of the OP (by @Sorryformyen) might have simply been to advertise MaxLauncher - of which @mbaas says:
Still got no response from Bond Interface (which I really liked, but it stopped running - so I really needed some support), so I went up in the thread and looked at  MaxLauncher. BI has some interesting features like controlling Window-layouts, virtually unlimited shortcuts etc. - but MaxLauncher is a nice & robust tool which does it's job (lauch apps via kbd) very well (and even though it is freeware, support is infinitely better than the commercial BI!). Guess I'll stay with that ;)
I suppose it may have otherwise been coincidental that the discussion seemed to have come full circle in recommending (per a second ID) that which seemed to have apparently been rejected in the OP (by the first ID).

I suppose stranger things have happened at sea.

Amazon Pay, which we allow people to use to buy commercial licenses for our software from our commercial license page, has decided to block us and refuse to process payments to us.
They have said it is related to us looking like a charity, but won't elaborate or tell us what we could do to fix the problem.
I would suggest that the statement that "Amazon Pay has decided to block donationcoder payments" may possibly be an incorrect statement and thus not necessarily true.
Clearly, it would seem that payments to DC have been blocked, but the underlying reasons for this - i.e.; the rule that is apparently being broken and which their actions are intending to fix, are variously unclear, obscure, ambiguous.

I would suggest:
  • There has been a process change by Amazon. They will have made the change deliberately and for a reason.
  • Amazon will have probably carefully considered the likely effects on their "customers" and will therefore presumably have thought the matter through.
  • Amazon will necessarily have a one size fits all (mass production) business process approach. These processes will almost certainly be in statistical control. Amazon would be able to anticipate, but be unable to deal individually with, the (possibly unknown/unquantifiable) number of clients that this process change (blocking) may have unfairly inconvenienced (creating special causes of undesirable errors), and so they will no doubt be collecting and studying the data on the number of blowback reports they receive to establish a strategy to mitigate the adverse effect of genuinely unfair/incorrect blocking (smoothing out the special causes).
  • This could take some time.
  • Meanwhile, don't expect them to fix anything, but keep reporting the adverse incidents/effects on your business, which they can use to get a clearer picture of the problem that they probably knew they would create with the process change. Their own service level performance statistics will also provide important metrics.
  • Squeaky wheels may or may not help.
  • If they don't fix it, then they will have wittingly isolated DC and other clients as being on the margin of their desirable customer base, and they either don't want or can no longer support such fringe clients, but are unable to admit to this as it may be in breach of their blanket service agreement.
  • So it may be prudent to now start looking for another provider of that service, or some way to bypass your dependency on it.
  • Experience of setting costing and pricing structures for large-scale computer service suppliers indicates that one could anticipate that the service being blocked will probably start to cost users more, regardless - i.e., a price increase for minor clients or those riding on the coat-tails of marginal costing for major clients may even be one of the supplier's objectives.

That sounds more french than german, though.
-ConstanceJill (March 05, 2020, 07:00 AM)
Mais oui, c'est vrai!    :D

A tour de force of arrogance and stupidity.
-cranioscopical (March 04, 2020, 02:12 PM)

I didn't know you spoke German! Impressed.  :Thmbsup:

@[email protected]
Where you state your requirements:
...This way easily i can keep record of important things which appeared on my screen

I have exactly the same requirements and I meet those requirements easily, as follows:
...This is why I keep banging on about CHS (ClipboardHelp & Spell) as being an ideal image capture management tool, if users (and its author) only but realised it. The user can forget about worrying about image filenames or what directory the ruddy image is stored in or where it is.

It really does seem rather like a no-brainer, to me: If CHS is running, then every screenshot image that goes to Clipboard also is saved to the CHS image database folder [NB: together with any post-capture SC(ScreenshotCaptor) artefacts added at time of capture, if SC was being used to make the screenshot], from where the user can, at their leisure, view that image saved - just scroll through the images flagged in the CHS Grid display and view the image (with zooming) in the CHS Memo display. The user can at that point also trigger a separate image viewer (e.g., Irfanview) from the view button in the CHS Memo display, which will have previously been associated with images in the CHS settings. ...
Any special metadata about the image - e.g., what it is about - can be recorded in the Clip Text tab of CHS' Memo pane.
As for the usual metadata - e.g., , application screen where image was captured from, directory saved to, file naming and time/date stamps - are all automated metadata in the Clip Text tab of CHS' Memo pane and the Date Modified/Created columns of the CHS Grid pane.

For years now, this is exactly the way I have been easily keeping a record of every important thing which appears on my laptop screen. It's literally as easy as falling off a log, and it's mostly automated as far as possible.
If you prefer to use MS Paint or other image editing tool in place of SC, then just make that other tool the default image editing proggy in the CHS settings. However, from experience, I'd recommend you stick to SC as it's likely to be far more useful than MS Paint ever could be for most users.

Also, don't be afraid to take advantage of using an OCR tool to scan your images for any embedded text data. I do that all the time, using mostly MS OneNote and ABBY ScreenshotReader ($FREE) So, for example, taking the photo of (say) a printed label on a product in a shop instantly becomes data.

...What program for Windows 7 (my OS) can do all of the following things: ...
You will probably find all your requirements - and a lot of new requirements (once you discover what else is possible) - being met by the superb Qiqqa.
Qiqqa has gone open source after 10 years of steady and highly successful development and use in the field.
It had always had a $FREE version anyway, for most users.
My review of Qiqqa (dated 2013) is here: Qiqqa - Reference Management System - Mini-Review - there seemed to be nothing else that could quite match it in the marketplace, and I think that's probably even more so the case today, though Elsevier's Mendeley might be quite good, but that's a different breed of cat now that Elsevier own it and it would be subject to Elsevier's apparently notorious rapacious $charging regime.

Regarding the DocFetcher software that @cranioscopical referred to above:
@Contro: I took a look at the details on the DocFetcher website, and it seems to be purely a document Search/Index proggy - could be an alternative/replacement  to (say) Windows Search/Index. Thus apparently not the same thing as Qiqqa at all.

General Software Discussion / Re: no VLC bookmarks
« on: March 01, 2020, 02:23 PM »
These might help:

You will be able to find these and several other useful links if you do a duckduckgo search on "vlc Help". You will probably find the answers to most of your VLC-related questions at those various links.

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