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Circle Dock / Stack Folders and v1.50/1.51 (non-urgent issue)
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:17 AM »
If you're including Folder Stacks in your dock, please read the following Folder Stacks Docklet remains in memory after Circle Dock exits.

For the time being, I suggest disabling the "Keep in memory" option.


Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock Multiple instances startup...
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:53 PM »
Regardless of the order in which you start them, the instances will be numbered (identified) in the order in which they are started. If you load the main settings dialog for the instance loaded from "C:\Circle Dock1", the dialog's caption should include the phrase "Instance 4 of 4".

And yes, you will need to include a delay between loading each instance to allow for each instance to load, initialise itself and begin processing (Windows) messages.


As the subject says, we are in the process of formulating our plans for Circle Dock and part of that means we really need to know what platform(s) our users will be using in the future. Hence, we don't want to know your current Operating System but rather the Operating System you'll be using six months from now - of course, you may not be planning to change, so just indicate your current OS.

We do know, from our site statistics reports, that the greatest percentage of our users have Windows XP (52%) and far fewer with Vista or Windows 7.

You can only vote for 1 Operating System and you'll see the current results of the poll after you have voted.


Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock Multiple instances startup...
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:07 AM »
The reason you are having problems and triggered that error is that all your instances are installed in System-protected folders and they are all trying to access the same configuration files.

Try installing each instance into a non-System-protected folder, such as C:\CircleDock 1 ...


Circle Dock / Re: Circle Dock: A truly multi-lingual program
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:52 PM »
Spanish translation is very poor for CD1.5, like a google translation, in 1.0 was fine. I can make a better one, I need to translate "language.txt" or "spanish.lng"?
I am somewhat surprised that you should say that. All the language files are essentially the same as they were for v1.0 but with the addition of around 50 new texts.

The help file has a section about preparing and submitting a new translation which may be of assistance to you. Incidentally, the most recent version of the help system is always available online at the following address:

In addition to what is written there, it occurs to me that there may be only a few words/phrases that need changing in a particular language file, in which case, please follow this procedure:

1. Use "Language.Txt" as the template and save a copy using the same name as the language you wish to update but with the ".txt" extension. If you want to update both Spanish language files, you will have to save "Language.Txt" as "Spanish.txt" and "Spanish (Alternative).txt".

Now, for each file in turn:

2. At the top of the TXT file, you'll see a section "[LanguageFile]", modify the following items:
   (a). LanguageName= the name of the language written in that language
   (b). LanguageID= the two-letter code for the language which you will find further down in the file in the "[Languages]" section. For Spanish this is "es".
   (c). FileAuthor= your real name
   Leave all remaining items in the "[LanguageFile]" section as they are.

3. Delete all lines that you don't wish to translate, but DO NOT delete any of the Section Headers - items enclosed in square brackets, eg "[Cues]".

4. Translate the remaining lines.

5. Resave the file and post as an attachment to a message in this topic.

Once your changes have been checked and incorporated into the language file masters, we will make the amended language files available.


Circle Dock / Re: Questions about circle dock...
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:13 PM »
If you follow the link I provided in my earlier reply, you will see that I fixed that bug for v1.5 and the issue is now closed - as v1.5 has been released.


I have brought forward the release of version 1.5 due to the unfortunate discovery of a serious flaw in version 1.0. That flaw has, of course, been fixed and this version includes some neat new features, some enhancements to existing features as well as some other bugs eliminated.

One of the new features is the integration of StandaloneStack2 and this means that the version of StandaloneStack provided with earlier releases is no longer supported. Also the help system has been enlarged and is now more context-sensitive. Several changes involve the appearance and behaviour of the centre button - be sure to check those out!

I have also included a good selection of backgrounds and centre button images (some of which can also be used as backgrounds).

Please see this topic for the download link.



Update - 1600 GMT Feb 8, 2010
I have just released v1.51 which adds two configuration options to Stack Folders which will make them easier to work with. This update is included in the full version download but if you have already installed v1.50, then you can download and install the much smaller update patcher.

Update - 0845 GMT Feb 10, 2010
As promised, I've released v1.52. This clears several problems reported with earlier v1.5 releases - please see the "History" topic in the help pages for details of these.

Update- 1600 GMT Feb 11, 2010
Earlier 1.5 releases had a bug that manifested itself if Ctrl and/or Alt and/or Shift were used as mouse modifiers, they were otherwise unavailable. An embarrassing bug! That has now been fixed and a new command line parameter has been added.

Circle Dock / Re: circledock DELETED ALL MY FILES! help!
« on: February 04, 2010, 10:16 PM »
Let me address some of the points made above.

The reason the "Portable App creator" is in Circle Dock is because some users were experiencing problems when they wanted to take a pre-configured dock and copy to a USB memory stick; the most common of which was missing configuration files.

When Circle Dock is run for the very first time, it does a check to see if its installation folder is protected by Windows UAC (regardless of the UAC setting). If it is, it places its configuration files in the current user's "AppData\Local\CircleDock" folder. This stops Windows displaying its UAC dialogs each time a change to the dock is recorded. If, however, Circle Dock is installed in a folder not protected by UAC (basically not the System drive), then its configuration files are stored it its System sub-directory.

A somewhat simplified version of the above is documented in the program's help system.

As for the next release, the Sarge is quite right in saying that it is undergoing test and, in fact, a replacement executable was supplied to the testers yesterday with the request that they check the "Portable App creator" thoroughly.

Like all developers, I am human, I am fallible and although I try to produce code that works right 100% of the time, that is often an impossible goal. And I can tell you this, all the developers reading this and its allied thread will be thinking, "there but for the grace of God go I".

"theGipper", the unfortunate user most badly affected by my mistake, questions his decision to use "open source" software. I can understand your thoughts and feelings but I'd ask you to consider this: does paying for software necessarily mean you will get a product that works correctly 100% of the time? The answer is, unfortunately, "no". Does paying for software mean that whenever bugs are discovered, the developers fix them immediately and rush to produce an update? Again, "no" - in fact some companies will charge you for an update that is supposed to fix the bugs in the version you bought! Some of the best quality software is free and developed by people who have a love for their product and pride in their work - something you won't find in the "coding farms" within the big software companies. You've had a bad experience and one that I can only apologize for but please don't let that experience put you off either Circle Dock or free software generally.


The next release has additional ways to use the keyboard, the mouse or both to toggle the dock's visibility.

The keyboard handling has been enhanced by allowing you to nominate a second key to be pressed, so that sequences such as "Ctrl D 1", "Ctrl D 2" etc., are now possible. Of course, single keystrokes (with or without) modifiers are still supported.

For mouse-centric users, the centre, X1 and X2 buttons are available with (new) or without keystroke modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift & Win) and if one or more of those modifiers is selected, the left and right buttons become available also.

As for mousedown-pause-mouseup handling, well that could be highly dependant on how quickly the windows global message queue gets processed. Circle Dock's keyboard and mouse handlers do not simply trap events sent to that program, they trap all keyboard and mouse events system-wide.

I will investigate this to see if there's a clean way of implementing this without disturbing the existing handlers which are somewhat complex.


This issue has been fixed as from v1.5.


Circle Dock / Re: circledock DELETED ALL MY FILES! help!
« on: February 04, 2010, 06:33 AM »
This issue has now been fixed as from v1.5.


I believe this is what you want :)


It's in!


Oh flip me!

Do you want all the SW_SHOW variants as well?!!  :P


I've read this thread with interest as I've been toying with the idea of including something along these lines in Circle Dock. However, I have some questions:

1. Circle Dock makes use of Mutexes. Assuming only one installation of the program, when CD starts, it checks for its Mutex and, if already allocated, it switches to the original instance and the second instance terminates. If there are multiple installations (in different folders), multiple instances can be run and each "knows" about the others' presence. Is DCU mutex-aware (as Inno Setup is) ?

2. How are "non-versioned" files (eg text or help files) handled?


Circle Dock / Re: circledock DELETED ALL MY FILES! help!
« on: February 03, 2010, 10:41 PM »
Or it could been something missed that was left behind by VIP.....
VIP did leave some very serious bugs but I have to take full credit for this one.


Circle Dock / Re: circledock DELETED ALL MY FILES! help!
« on: February 03, 2010, 10:36 PM »
It's midday here in Cebu and due to an internet outtage I've only just read this thread.

Firstly let me apologise most abjectly to "the gipper" for what is an unintended programming side-effect (read "bug"). I had, in fact, discovered this problem very late last night after I wiped the contents of a 1 TiB drive, so I know exactly how you're feeling.

Coincidentally, my internet provider decided to carry-out some maintenance and my connection was out when I discovered the bug and has only just returned, otherwise I would have posted a warning. I see that the Sarge has already done so, thanks!

I will replace the mouse-over tool-tip -- which does warn you that the target will be cleared of files -- with a much clearer dialog thus requiring a further mouse-click in order to proceed, or not - and perhaps display a second confirmatory dialog if the target is a root folder. I quite deliberately do not test if the target drive is removable - for example, a ZIP drive or USB stick - as I felt - and feel - that would be too restrictive. I run portable applications from hard drives as do many, many other users.

Again I am sorry for letting this one out and that it affected you so devastatingly. I hope that you are able to recover at least your essential files.

Good luck!

(Who's sitting in the corner wearing the naughty hat)

Circle Dock / Re: CircleDock Featured on LifeHacker Today
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:40 AM »
There are also several translations of the original LifeHacker article on some Brazilian web sites which may go some way to account for the high traffic we're getting from that country.

With 5 hours to go before the "accounting day" ends (at midnight GMT), so far this month the traffic figures by country are:

1. Brazil - 20.35 GiB
2. USA - 4.53 GiB
3. Japan - 4.46 GiB
4. Mexico - 2.35 GiB
5. China - 1.03 GiB
Rest if the word - 22.2 GiB (about 60 other countries)

The top referring site is DonationCoder with most hits coming from the Software Index page; but whilst most hits (64.3%) come from referring web sites, 35.4% come from email links/direct address and a mere 0.1% from search engines (a worryingly low figure).

And believe it or not, someone visited on their Nokia phone!


Circle Dock / Re: One Circle Dock download for every second so far!
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:54 PM »
Here's some goodies for you from the last 24 hours:
They're for the Wikidot site?


Circle Dock / Re: One Circle Dock download for every second so far!
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:37 AM »

Umm, you don't need "xmousebuttoncontrol" any more to toggle Circle Dock's visibility - both X1 and X2 mouse buttons are fully supported in v1 :).


You're welcome!

Circle Dock / Re: One Circle Dock download for every second so far!
« on: January 29, 2010, 10:05 PM »
Well, all I can say is that I know as much about web site design, HTML and all that stuff as can be printed on the back of a postage stamp! In fact, all that are Dark Arts as far as I'm concerned!

However, at the time I made it, the Wikidot site was hopelessly out of date and the Sarge was not at all confident that we'd be able to take-over that page. As I have a copy of FrontPage, I used one of its templates to put something together. Eighties Retro? More like fifties or sixties!  :D

On a more serious note, one thing is for sure. The word about Circle Dock is spreading like wildfire and pages, similar to the LifeHacker review, are springing-up all over the globe. Pages like this one (you'll need to scroll-down a bit), this Turkish page (Turkish is one of the new languages added for v1),
the Italian sites include this review and there's this American site. That is a small random selection of recently-added review pages about Circle Dock!


In that case you'll need to locate Circle Dock's config.xml file. Assuming you installed Circle Dock to your Programs' folder, then you'll find it in "C:\{YourUserName}\AppData\Local\CircleDock\Config.xml". Delete that file - and only that file - and then restart Circle Dock.


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