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General Software Discussion / Re: calcoo, local google calendar
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:18 PM »
I gave it try - I like the Interface very much, but I dont want to give them my Gmail login data and I dont want to spend 90 MB RAM for an calendar in Idle mode...   >:(

The nested folders are the problem :( - How about getting some cheap Webspace, a Domain and running your own Webmail Client? squirrelmail Supports nested folders  (I think most IMAP clients do). No "big" freemailer (msn, yahoo, gmx, gmail)  supports nested folders I fear...

Thanks you very much Renegade. What you write sounds really experienced. I think Im going to roll my own - which shouldnt be to hard... Parsing into a DB and running some SQL should be straight forward :)

this thread is a wonderfull idea :) I love it...

Hello everyone,

Im searching a programm for analyse my Apache-Access Logfiles. On the server Im using but I want something which is not web-based. Any recommendations?

Cool - no more need to buy MSDN Libary CDs on ebay :)

Yes - it uses the IE Controll - IE is prompting me if I want to allow ActiveX when Im trying to capture a page with flash content...

I like this tool - I want one in this fashion but with support for multiple Browser - IE5, 6, 7,  Opera and Firefox... Maybe this would cool as Screenshot Captor fork ;)

Your right - I havent tried Dopus yet - MAYBE I give it a try on the weekend... On the other hand it is quite expensive (even with the discount) for a "tuned" Explorer... Well, I will see...

hehehe - I tried so much replacements - they just do not "feel right" for me - this must sound insane - I know...

I thought of this option, but I dont want to replace my Explorer completly. I cant give reasons why, it is something in my mind which does not allow me to switch ;)

I found a tool which goes in the right way - - but it is "too much" and it is shareware (opensource would be highly appreciated)


Im searching for a Windows Explorer extension, which allows me to "filter" the "details"-view. The best case tool would add a textbox on top (or bottom) of the Explorer-Window. When Im start typing a pattern (like: log*.txt) into it, it will hide all Files which doesen't match this pattern. Do you know something like this?


I preordered the browser today in HongKong - can't hardly wait to get my hands on it :-) Btw. the upcomming Nintendo Wii will be shipped with a Opera from the beginning. More info

Just an Idea: Referer Donations
If a Boardmember introduces someone to DC and this new guy joins the forum or donates to a programm, maybe the referer could get a little donation? The new guy just have to say at registration who is his / her referer...

Just downloaded it - havent got time to try it right now. I will test it on this Weekend (cant hardly wait :)) The Interface Video Demo on channel 9 was great - go and get the Beta2 at:

The Beta Version expires 2/2007

bye bye

DonationCoder Projects / Re: DC Homebrew Mini-CMS Discussion
« on: May 18, 2006, 11:26 AM »
Hello Admins and Mods :)

this sounds really well, but there are some unsolved issues.
1) I keep wondering how the Pages could be integrated in the Navigation, without letting users change the Navi?

2) The Sidebars: Should a User be able to create a Sidebar for her / his own Article? Or would it be better if there are several standard sidebars, which could be inserted "context sensitiv"?

  • Output should be static HTML/php pages for minimal CPU performance hit.
I like the semi-static PHP approach - if we have comments on the pages, it is nearly impossible to be 100% static - but 1 call to the Forums DB should be cheap.
BUT this approach makes it harder to offer full text search on the page, without having something like Apache Lucene running in the background. The Zend Framework offers a interface for Lucene, but Lucene is still needed in the backend, because Zend haven't done the indexer port to PHP now...

  • Ideally it would integrate into the forum software to support searching.
this would solve my point above, but then it is not possible to do it "static"? Or do I miss the point?

  • It must integrate into the forum to the extent that its easy for people to add comments on downloads and articles.
This is one method - anotherone would be to create something like a "summery" Post in the Forum for each "content" page. Then the comments can easily go to the forum (which means no spam, new members and authentication for free). Displaying on the "content" page would very easy - just pulling them out of the database.

  • A generic template system that can build on demand create static HTML website hierarchy of pages from "templates" and a hierarchy of content pages.
Huh??? - Sorry, I don't get it...

  • Such a system of being able to extract info from posts might also enable us to build a kind of "bookmarking" system where users can mark which posts threads they want to assemble on a page like a portal.
This would be a great feature - something like a personal portal

  • A generic rebuilding-table might be kept track of so the system knows which static pages need to be rebuild when certain forum "posts" change or are added.
Such a table could be really painfull - and this is the BIG problem with the static approach *ImScared* - and I don't know how often we had to generate static pages - maybe we should drop the static approach and invest time on some caching strategies?

I had some (very "raw") ideas - I told mouser via PM - on how to do this CMS. In the last few hours I thought about some details. I think my approach can satisfy most of the requirements... Give me a little time (Saturday) to put it into words... :)

Developer's Corner / Re: The Hunt for the Best CMS
« on: May 17, 2006, 11:43 AM »
If you need help with Typo3 just let me know...  :)

Developer's Corner / Re: Mambo CMS Drama
« on: May 16, 2006, 07:56 PM »
Most (all) of the Mambo headdeveloper are now developing on their own "true open source" Mambo fork - Joomla - without Miro in the background... So Mambo is dead - long life Joomla ;)

Developer's Corner / Re: The Hunt for the Best CMS
« on: May 16, 2006, 07:20 PM »
I have worked in the past with a lot of CMSs (Mambo, Typo3, Rainbow Portal (=ASP.NET), Drupal...) - and I have to tell you that none of them would meet all of those requirements...

But then i'm also thinking a static page generation cms using templates would be best for low-cpu usage (having every page access go through a dynamic cms is a big hit on cpu/memory because of database stuff).
This could be done with Typo3 easily - you can cache Pages or even create Static HTML files after changing a page

And I like having the main site content be in flat files that i can easily edit from home.
Hmmm... this is more the wiki thing - or the Flatfile Version of Mambo (It was a Fork from the original Mambo - dont remember the name right now :() - on the other Hand - if you would like to change the layout form home, you could just modify the templates and if you want to create content just use a text editor and pasting it the next time your on the cms

But tight forum integration is a must..
This is not trivial - in fact I think the tight integration is the killer argument for the choosen CMS - on (one of the biggest german it-help-communities), which is very forum "centric" we tried to integrate the forum on Typo3 - we failed - so we built the "content" pages around the forum - I think this is the same way you do with the current version of this page...

  • good clean organization for website admin to edit files by hand with custom html
  • but ability for other authors to write articles/long reviews with an easy onsite editor
  • php would be preferred since most everything else on this site is powered by php
  • good search features.
  • looks clean and supports our sidebar theme.
this can be done with Typo3 out of the box

  • ability for coders to be able to host their software nicely
this is imo more a conceptual thing - when you can define what "nicely" means, than you could do it in most cms (building seperate sections with different layouts and so on...)

tight integration with smf forum so people can leave comments on reviews, etc. through the forum and have it listed on the page
I know no CMS which does this well... :( It's more a Blog thing I think - This feature will be a hack - regardless which cms will be chosen

there is nothing that meets all of these and i expect lots of customization and modification is going to be needed no matter what we choose, but i'm still hoping to start with something instead of starting from scratch..
You are 100% right - there is nothing which offers all of those points and building from scratch is no option - it would grow way to complex. I personly would do this project on a Typo3 (dont hate me Carol ;)) basis with some self coded extensions and I would drop the flatfile requirement... Yes - T3 has a huge learning curve, but it is so incredibly powerfull - it's the C++ in the CMS space ;)

if I had to buid DC from scratch, I would run the following setup:

Software, Specials and discounts, articels: Use a CMS - I would use Typo3 or Drupal - yes I know, we had this before (another topic), but especially Typo is so incredibly powerfull - yes, it has a huge learningcurve, but when your "in" the system you can do anything with it.

Documentation Pages: Some Wiki Software - I prefer "DokuWiki", but Media- or PHPWiki would do the Job also very good. Or Keep them in the CMS

BugTracking: maybe Mantis...

Contests, Reviews: for the Contents and Reviews, I would write a Extension for the CMS to keep them "structured", or keep them as they are

Forum: Hmmmm switching from one Forum to another without losing all posts isnt trivial. I think, I would stay at SMF and tune it a bit - another Theme, some Syntax Coloring Extension and so on

Podcasting: I never used any Podcastsoftware, but I heard loudblog ( should be good

No - I think Microsoft does a pretty good job in organizing huge amount of content on their Site...

Sites with huge content and good Navigation:
- (lot of Documentation, Extension, News...)
- (Tabs)

Negative examples in my opinion:
- (Sitestructur)
- (I bourght my Laptop there - it was really an Advanture)
- (the worst big site)

Maybe it can be done clientside - do you know http://www.dreamproj...m/SyntaxHighlighter/ ? It's one of the best Highlighter I've ever used :-)

the [ code ] Tags just arent engough for a Site with a lot of Code. There should be at least Highlighter for the languages in the Coding School section... what du you think? Is there a "Code Highlighter" out there, which can export its code to BB Code as well?

Just found this: http://www.virtualpl...omments.php?news=113

Donation Coder Highlights
I feel a variety of apps at Donation Coder are worth mentioning here. Several are similar to requests I've seen on the forums, or even other apps. Here are a few worth checking out:

Dkmy: "Hide or show the close box of a window to avoid accidental closure"

HideDesktop: "Hide the desktop icons when the mouse is elsewhere."

StartClock: "Shows the current time in the start button, and date and more in the tray."

FadingTaskbar: "Change the transparency of the taskbar."

Kansas: Switches the shell to explorer and logs off. Designed for those testing out alternative shells. (scroll down on page or d/l here)

LaunchBar Commander: A program launcher. Might be skinnable. I haven't tries it yet, but this may warrant a full new post.

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